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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Silence is golden and no white noise
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Female Performer Chat: Silence is golden and no white noise
Created by: yowzer

3/28/09 @ 3:45am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: casa yowza
Posts: 506

I have noticed as I have flipped through a few rooms, that a lot of performers are exasperated at people not chatting. There are seemingly whites and golds in their room and no one is chatting. Why is this? Any some time lurkers here want to say why? This seems to have boomed in frequency recently.

Sherlock Yowzer investigated by lurking under a mysterious nickname, and here is the result of his investigations...

The best performers however don't let this bother them, and the room soon starts buzzing. And this applies to both newbies and more established performers. What do they do to get the room buzzing again, and the inevitable private shows starting?
1. Talk to greys. The best performers will talk to everyone. No white or golds chatting, then talk to the greys. A talkative friendly performer soon gets people joining in when she is fun and chatty.
2. Say hi to whites or golds as soon as they come into your room. Don't let them lurk there! When I get, 'Hi Sherlock Y', I feel obliged to say 'hi' back. Lurking is finished.
3. They don't mention the fact that there are lurkers. I have seen a few performers complaining about this. It didn't make me think, oh I must do something as a member to alter this situation. I felt even more comfortable to stay silent! So don't mention those lurkers if they are persistant. Unless you just need to vent and we all need to do that from time to time.

Also, I have another 2 ideas.
1. A few performers had no white or gold members in their room. Then they appeared to start responding to whisperers. As soon as they were saying some things of a more sultry nature, then blammo, out of the wood work... here come the chatters! Maybe a model could have an imaginery chat with an imaginery whisperer. It may encourage people to talk. Just a theory.

2. Kick people who are silent and not chatting. Is it possible to throw someone to another room if they don't talk. Or maybe send a 1 minute warning saying they are inactive in chat and then kick them out of that room if they don't start talking. Perhaps give them a 30 minute temporary ban from the room they were lurking in?

That's my :twocents I truly believe that lively rooms in open, make them more fun, not just for the chatter, but for the performer too. And that a model who i lively in open will get more private shows.

I hope you don't mind me lurking in the name of science! Let's all chat people.
Created by: Loona

3/28/09 @ 4:08am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Mmmm maybe your post will make some guys think about that situation.
Its often when I have crowd in a room and no brave guys to chat with. I have used various ways to encourage them - showing myself, dancing, stripping, saying hi to all of them - saying to to one guy.. oh... long list. And sometimes thats like hitting hard wall - I can be almost naked, smile encouraging (oh, I always smile anyway :winkwink), saying hi, almost standing on a head... and SILENCE. Then I am often so confuse that I log off, wait 15 mins, take a short cig or tea and come back. It often helps :winkwink

And saying hi as soon as they enter the room doesnt help - more often it make guy escapes asap rather :winkwink then I quitted that about month ago.

I had thought that there is smth wrong with myself - but why they would sit in my room for 1 hour or sometimes 3 hours even then?

Guys - give a clue what to do to make you talk. Chat is free :party I often feel guys think that chatting with me have to mean they ill take me pvt. Definitely not true. I wont drag anyone to anywhere. :orglaugh
Created by: mrsilly

3/28/09 @ 4:45am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

There also has to be some give and take.Meaning, if i'm in a room and speak some then I might be silent for awhile just so someone else has a chance to carry a conversation with the model.Especially when a talkative registered member enters the room.If the model is uncomfortable in the way the conversation is going (abusive chatter )or not going anywhere,I'll step in. :twocents
Created by: _

3/28/09 @ 4:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherland

I wont drag anyone to anywhere. :orglaugh

Being dragged by you is no punishment :winkwink so please drag me anywhere.

but please guys say at least hay to the performers, they are no robots, and they don't bite (to hard) :orglaugh

or at least whisper (/performer reason) why you don't want to talk so we can get to the bottom of this :bulb
Autumn Nights
Created by: Autumn Nights

3/28/09 @ 8:55am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I think that some are enjoying watching how you work...its their way of getting to know you from afar to see if youre approachable. Others are too excited(u know what i mean) and only have one hand available, which makes it hard to type. :) Ive had guys spend time in room daily for a week before they accually talk to me. Some are probobly just shy also. I try to send one message out to the repeat "shy's" to let them know I recognize their name and I like that they like to watch me. Sometimes that gets them to come out of hiding! They really shouldnt get kicked out of the room though. Lots of time they will eventually come out of hiding and if youve kicked them out, all the sudden you become a lot less appealing for the big spend...
Created by: mr.lickins

3/28/09 @ 9:13am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

When i was a model i came to find that in most cases they name that didnt talk was the name that took me private :twocents
Created by: Saphira

3/28/09 @ 9:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

One must tread gently around these lurkers, for they are easily startled. Like deer peering through the foliage of a cool leafy forest, a gentle 'Hi' often causes them to bolt, their white tails bobbing into the distance. They are the unseen, the eyes you can feel watching you, you wait in vain for them to acknowledge their presence but alas, often this will never happen. Other times it takes days, weeks, even months of allowing yourself to be observed whilst pretending they're not even there.

To these delicate creatures of the darkness, I say this: do not be afraid, for we are here to please and satisfy, not to harm. Fear not, for the ban function has been removed; we are now more vulnerable than those who stalk us.

Please, dear and reclusive ones, do enlighten us. Why so shy?

Their response?

Created by: suggs

3/28/09 @ 12:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

One must tread gently around these lurkers, for they are easily startled. Like deer peering through the foliage of a cool leafy forest, a gentle 'Hi' often causes them to bolt, their white tails bobbing into the distance. They are the unseen, the eyes you can feel watching you, you wait in vain for them to acknowledge their presence but alas, often this will never happen. Other times it takes days, weeks, even months of allowing yourself to be observed whilst pretending they're not even there.
To these delicate creatures of the darkness, I say this: do not be afraid, for we are here to please and satisfy, not to harm. Fear not, for the ban function has been removed; we are now more vulnerable than those who stalk us.
Please, dear and reclusive ones, do enlighten us. Why so shy?
Their response?

:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown LMAO

I tend to just post a little x to say hi in a subtle way.
Created by: jimmyzzz

3/28/09 @ 1:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fed-ex package at your door :P
Posts: 217

Sherlock Yowzer,
Do you need a Dr. Jimmyzzz as a sidekick? You have taught me so much about traktors I want to learn the ways of lurking from a pro. As for me I just think it is rude not to at least say hi and talk if you are talked to. As to what was also said above the better part of valor is to stay quite if you see a model is having a serious conversation with would not want to interrupted if it was you, right? As the master detective says this is only my :twocents , or is 1cent for me since I am just a wanna be dick? :smoking
Created by: yowzer

3/28/09 @ 1:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: casa yowza
Posts: 506

Guten Tag Herr Doktor ZZZ! I was just putting some more junk out into cyber space. I'd seen a few models mentioning all the lurkers lurking, and they didn't seem a little peeved about it. And after reading the above posts, it appears to be a more complicated situation than I ever imagined.

And don't put yourself down... you are easily as much of a dick as me :drinkup

Also, I try not to interrupt a model when they are in the midst of an in depth conversation or priming for her time in a show. Unless it is with you of course Jimbob, then it's open season with my stupidity

Created by: jimmyzzz

3/28/09 @ 2:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fed-ex package at your door :P
Posts: 217

Privet Sir Yowzer,
I am open season, at least I am good for something, :orglaugh So let me get this straight, to properly lurk you need to be naked, say hi to the model, then put a big target on your chest and wait? Oh my fault that is to be a good tazer target :orglaugh Come on guys at least let the model know can talk, how would you feel if some came to your home and just sat there and watched you?
Created by: yowzer

3/28/09 @ 2:22pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: casa yowza
Posts: 506

If it was you sat there Monsieur le Zhimmy? I wouldn't mind at all!
Created by: jimmyzzz

3/28/09 @ 2:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fed-ex package at your door :P
Posts: 217

I am blushing now. do I still have to wear my tazer target? :drinkup :evil
Created by: yowzer

3/28/09 @ 2:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: casa yowza
Posts: 506

How else am I going to score my taser shots? With the 2012 Olympics being in London, I need to get my practice in if I want the Taser gold medal. :jerkoff (that emoticon is a taser being shot, if it is what I think it might be, then that is a whole different target shooting I don't want to be part of)
Kitty Fox
Created by: Kitty Fox

3/28/09 @ 2:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I tend to just post a little x to say hi in a subtle way.

...and this is how I know it's you...every time...even when you change your name ;) hehehe
Created by: suggs

3/28/09 @ 3:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

...and this is how I know it's you...every time...even when you change your name ;) hehehe

damm - ohh its onnn now Angelcakes
Created by: val-here

3/28/09 @ 3:58pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: possibly under a bed.. breathing hard lmao
Posts: 25

who hides.. lol .. i guess i have to be the biggest lurker on firrt.. i sit in rooms for hours laughing most of the time.. but if a model says hello or hi to me i always respond.. well all most always lol
sometimes i am not at the computer and since it is hard to go scroll up i ofter miss when someone says hello..
i find it easy to chat after i know someone.. just a little .. and sometimes it only takes a second lol
i think most of the guys who dont chat are somewhat shy.. i know i am .. always have been ;)
i always enjoy a fun room.. and usually chat with all and have fun..
but keeping the models smiling on a bad day or when no one else is chatting is when i usually do most of my talking.. i never interfer with a model/ client .. unless i know that client is only going to just ask to see something and leave :mad
wow i am so talkative .. hahaha
see everyone in the chat..
but you may not see me ;) :drinkup :drinkup :drinkup :thumbsup
Created by: jimmyzzz

3/28/09 @ 7:02pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fed-ex package at your door :P
Posts: 217

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone, Let us see if Val is someplace about...listen for his breathing. And in the meantime :smoking
Roxy Rayne
Created by: Roxy Rayne

3/28/09 @ 7:23pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I am guilty of being one to Say I have a Lurking or Staring Issue....

In premiere no greys are allowed in so I cannot talk to them when Bored, and when I do some Dance moves or go Topless I get more people in my room but that just makes the "Staring" worse.

And now, for some ODD reason when I get taken I have noticed I have less talking... so I get the liberty of having my way with myself... which is good because I get off but sometimes I start doing something that crosses a line; not everyone likes to hear Fuck me harder in my tight Pussy!

So, anyways I was glad to see this post and the advice on it...
But let's all try to Remember, we're all here to Talk about Sex Baby!

So let's get Talkin!!!

~Roxy J. Rayne~
Created by: fozzzy

3/29/09 @ 12:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: In a state of confusion
Posts: 151

I freely admit to being a lurker. Having admitted it, I give the following reasons, excuses or whatever term you may want to insert:

1. How many times do the models answer the normal questions? How old are you? Where are you from?, are you single? Where do you live? Do you have a boyfriend? Is one more member asking the same questions really going to matter?

2. Being jumped as soon as I enter the room: I'm usually gone as soon as I see my name as usually it is followed up by: wanna have some fun?, Take me pvt, I'm so hooorny can you help me, etc....

3. I've been coming to the site for a loooong time, I've had some awesome privates, some mediocre pvts, and some experiences that still make me cringe when I see the particular models name. Getting an idea of what the model will and won't do, if she understands the language well enough to do the things I ask in pvt, and how she will react has cut down on those unpleasent experiences.

4. As stated above I have visted this site for many years, taken literally hundreds of the models private, (up until a year or so ago I had a written record of who, how many times and unfairly a rating system of the models, so I'm not making a false claim to the numbers) so I'm not some broke, pleading, whiny begger., However at one point soon after joining the site and demonstrating a willingness to take models private they came to expect it almost as soon as I logged into their room. Unfortunately my circumstances changed, as did my income level and as the number of privates dropped, I had the occassion to be called a begger, asked what they had done, why I was being so mean, etc. As a result, I very seldom appear in a room with this nickname, even though a high turnover of the models has occurred, there are still some here that remember the "good times". Using a different nickname I can visit the models rooms without the expection of private, and seem to have become good enough in changing my personality that the model has no idea who I am unless I do take her private and show up in private with my posting nickname. Sometimes I chat the model up, sometimes I just want to admire her in silence.

Maybe other VIP's have similar experiences or use some of the same reasons, excuses, or insert your own term here. It does not mean that we have no respect for the model, sometimes silence is golden.

Excuse my spelling, my lack of eloquence, my lack of social skill, my lack of proper format, use of verbage, etc. But for the time being, I am who I am, if you don't like the lurkers ask them to leave your room if they are making you uncomfortable.

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