1/28/17 @ 10:59pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Congrats to the people protesting at our airports. Gotta feel good. Glad you aren't waiting "to see what kind of president this one is"
Ok so Mr. IQ, how is he going to stop people from tunneling under this wall that will be built in "all the places he can"? How is he going to keep them from going around or over it for that matter? Will this wall go under ground too?
It's so interesting that your common sense doesn't say anything about past civilizations who built a wall to keep people out, seems to me it didn't end so well.. hmm I suppose this time it will be different because it's Trumps wall. You literally do defend everything he does even when its ridiculous. I don't ignore the good just so I can have someone to dislike, when he does something for the good of ALL of the people I will acknowledge it. So far, it is not looking so good.
I agree that with every election there are always going to be some unhappy people, but this is not merely one of those times. When millions of people take to the streets around the WORLD to say they don't agree with some of the vital things he is planning to change completely, it kinda says something.
Though, it's clear you are smitten with this presidential kitten and you just don't care that it is clawing up your house. So when your kitten p1sses in all your house plants kiIIing everything because it doesn't acknowledge global warming, don't say you didn't see it coming.
1/29/17 @ 12:43pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
One life I think about is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Somali born. She is one who emigrated and at the time wasn't so enlightened. She took advantage of opportunities in the West to become a powerful advocate against the forces that are causing so much havoc in the muslim world.
Her country of birth is one of those targeted. If we had kept her out, she would have been unable to escape the arranged marriage she fled and we would have lost a world class leader.
If I had my way, I would have considered the Dream Team GOP ticket to be President Marco Rubio/Vice President Santorum. Rick Santorum is from Pennsylvania, a crucial state, and would bring in surrounding Midwestern states. Rubio is hispanic and from the important state of Florida. But the GOP nominated Trump anyway, and Trump/Pence was still able to win Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states. Even though I did not prefer Trump, he is doing pretty much what a President Rubio would have done, so I'm inclined to support him now. The main thing is that Obama's harmful policies and directives are reversed.
If it had been President Rubio or President Cruz or ANY other nominee, some people would be against the GOP nominee no matter what. Just by virtue of them being Republicans. In some people's minds, they can do NOTHING right. Even when they do right, they are STILL wrong. Well, I'm supporting Trump because he is doing right and what needs to be done on all the issues.
This is typical of your responses ..."WRONG. The examples I gave were examples where he did NOT employ illegals, and he finished under budget. " what examples? facts are names of buildings and evidence that no illegals were used, you have neither in your 'examples'. Very much like your 'fearless' leader, FAKE NEWS! From now on try and and back your statements with evidence, they are worth nothing if they are not.
No one is disputing that Trump will keep his promises. The problem is for the main part those promises have been based on one simple rationale, they are what a certain demographic wanted to hear in order to win an election, they have not been devised through careful consideration and had all the ramifications of their undertaking considered. As you are about to see the honouring these mostly ill conceived promises is going to trigger chains of events that are going to cause immeasurable damage. Let us not purely blame Trump he is just an opportunistic power grabbing moron, it's you and those like you we will blame, its your mandate he is fulfilling!
You think you are informed Spurt and well you may be, but you are blindfolded to the facts by your faith in an idiot.
Trump is a monkey playing chess with a baseball bat, it only a matter of time before he tips the board .. watch!
As far as these lunatic, fringe protestors, you should remember this little tidbit: They are being paid off to do this by none other than GEORGE SOROS, a socialist moron who is giving these groups billions of dollars of his OWN money to march or protest. Soros didn't give this much before to his supporters in 2000 or in 2004, but he is doing it now. This is new for him. By giving all this money to the idiots, he is trying to make it look like the majority do not support what Trump is doing, when just the opposite is true in reality. The majority DO support Trump and what he's doing. If they didn't, he would not have received half of the electoral votes he received. The majority want what Obama has done to be reversed, so he's doing it.
Also, a lot of new agents will be added to the border for more security. which will create more jobs as well. If someone tried to dig a tunnel, these new agents would notice. They are not blind.
And Trump is NOT a power grabbing moron. Those words describe.....OBAMA. That is one hundred percent Obama.
Yes you DO ignore the good just because you despise Trump. He has only done great things so far, and you're already condemning him for it. There isn't a single action he's taken so far that is bad for the nation, and he's doing everything he said he would do. That is what the majority elected him to do. The point of the wall is to keep out the BAD GUYS, the criminals and those who break the law. There is nothing wrong with that.
Here are some FACTS: Chances of being k1lled by:
Cancer - 1 in 540
Gun Violence - 1 -22,000
Traffic Accident - 1 in 23,000
Terrorsim - 1 in 3,500,000
So where is the real problem do you think? But the likes of you have been fed, and have been gullible enough to swallow the propaganda designed to create fear and division.
Do me a favour Spurt when you dispute this, as you will, quote FACTS ... numbers places people, that is if you can.
As far as these lunatic, fringe protestors, you should remember this little tidbit: They are being paid off to do this by none other than GEORGE SOROS, a socialist moron who is giving these groups billions of dollars of his OWN money to march or protest. Soros didn't give this much before to his supporters in 2000 or in 2004, but he is doing it now. This is new for him. By giving all this money to the idiots, he is trying to make it look like the majority do not support what Trump is doing, when just the opposite is true in reality. The majority DO support Trump and what he's doing. If they didn't, he would not have received half of the electoral votes he received. The majority want what Obama has done to be reversed, so he's doing it.
Also, a lot of new agents will be added to the border for more security. which will create more jobs as well. If someone tried to dig a tunnel, these new agents would notice. They are not blind.
And Trump is NOT a power grabbing moron. Those words describe.....OBAMA. That is one hundred percent Obama.
Yes you DO ignore the good just because you despise Trump. He has only done great things so far, and you're already condemning him for it. There isn't a single action he's taken so far that is bad for the nation, and he's doing everything he said he would do. That is what the majority elected him to do. The point of the wall is to keep out the BAD GUYS, the criminals and those who break the law. There is nothing wrong with that.
In a Court of Law you'd be dead in the water, you have nothing in argument but to revert to comparing to Obama, historic and worthless.
What amazes me is how you geniuses are unable to see past the obvious:
Bully manufactures into manufacturing local ... so will Americans accept Mexican pay rates .. NO. So what does that mean? Higher labour rates? Right? Yes? which equals more expensive goods? Yes? Yes! Who buys those goods? AMERICANS? Yes? YES! is the average American better off in the long run NO!
Could go on and on, but its wasted on your ability to comprehend. If the majority walked off a cliff you'd be the first to follow.
In a Court of Law you'd be dead in the water, you have nothing in argument but to revert to comparing to Obama, historic and worthless.
What amazes me is how you geniuses are unable to see past the obvious:
Bully manufactures into manufacturing local ... so will Americans accept Mexican pay rates .. NO. So what does that mean? Higher labour rates? Right? Yes? which equals more expensive goods? Yes? Yes! Who buys those goods? AMERICANS? Yes? YES! is the average American better off in the long run NO!
I despise everything Trump stands for, don't give a shit about the man, he is just a shallow rich single faceted human.
Could go on and on, but its wasted on your ability to comprehend. If the majority walked off a cliff you'd be the first to follow.
on and on and on ... sorry got carried away.
he said "The MAJORITY want us to drill for oil and want the Keystone so that we are NOT dependent upon foreign oil for the rest of our existence."
The Keystone pipeline is designed to bring Canadian tar sand oil INTO the United States. Canada is a foreign country so how the fuck will increasing american foreign oil imports with infrastructure that only has only the one purpose of moving oil from Canada to the US decrease our dependency on foreign oil. Get a fucking clue you have no idea what you are talking about.
he said "The MAJORITY want us to drill for oil and want the Keystone so that we are NOT dependent upon foreign oil for the rest of our existence."
The Keystone pipeline is designed to bring Canadian tar sand oil INTO the United States. Canada is a foreign country so how the fuck will increasing american foreign oil imports with infrastructure that only has only the one purpose of moving oil from Canada to the US decrease our dependency on foreign oil. Get a fucking clue you have no idea what you are talking about.
Another strangely conceived idea .. maybe Trump has plans to annex Canada?
Well it would improve the US's chance of winning a gold metal for ice skating in the Olympics, oh and curling also.
Well it would improve the US's chance of winning a gold metal for ice skating in the Olympics, oh and curling also.
lol, yup now that would make it totally worth doing, r u Rex Tillerson in disguise?
1/29/17 @ 6:16pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Here are some FACTS: Chances of being k1lled by:
Cancer - 1 in 540
Gun Violence - 1 -22,000
Traffic Accident - 1 in 23,000
Terrorsim - 1 in 3,500,000
So where is the real problem do you think? But the likes of you have been fed, and have been gullible enough to swallow the propaganda designed to create fear and division.
Do me a favour Spurt when you dispute this, as you will, quote FACTS ... numbers places people, that is if you can.
This point is something I'd wish would be dwelt upon more by us. The fears being stoked are ridiculous. These terror groups do not have navies. They are in a constant struggle to stay alive. Europe is far more exposed than the US. The terrorists can take a life here and there but as pointed out, our automobile accidents take more each year.
So we should assess, calmly, deliberately, how much we want to pay for a little more security. We should also become intimately familiar with the details of proposed plans so we can see what is substantively different and what is mere political hokum.
We get great value from our immigrants. They are worth the price of a few lives. But more than that we as humans should identify with and want to take part in their struggles. Viewing causalities as causalities of war. Taking pride that we are willing to put something on the line. Being a little bit heroic instead of cowards.
As far as these lunatic, fringe protestors, you should remember this little tidbit: They are being paid off to do this by none other than GEORGE SOROS, a socialist moron who is giving these groups billions of dollars of his OWN money to march or protest. Soros didn't give this much before to his supporters in 2000 or in 2004, but he is doing it now. This is new for him. By giving all this money to the idiots, he is trying to make it look like the majority do not support what Trump is doing, when just the opposite is true in reality. The majority DO support Trump and what he's doing. If they didn't, he would not have received half of the electoral votes he received. The majority want what Obama has done to be reversed, so he's doing it.
Also, a lot of new agents will be added to the border for more security. which will create more jobs as well. If someone tried to dig a tunnel, these new agents would notice. They are not blind.
And Trump is NOT a power grabbing moron. Those words describe.....OBAMA. That is one hundred percent Obama.
Yes you DO ignore the good just because you despise Trump. He has only done great things so far, and you're already condemning him for it. There isn't a single action he's taken so far that is bad for the nation, and he's doing everything he said he would do. That is what the majority elected him to do. The point of the wall is to keep out the BAD GUYS, the criminals and those who break the law. There is nothing wrong with that.
Ok lets just make one thing clear here, not everyone who voted for Trump agrees with ALL of the things he said in his campaign. Lots of people voted for him ONLY because they didn't want to vote for Hillary, others basically just thought he had a few good ideas like limiting lobbyists and congress terms or whatever. Oh yes and then there are those who literally voted for him as a JOKE, because they never thought he would actually be voted in! So lets stop acting like the MAJORITY of America actually agreed with ALL of his policies, because its simply not true.
Also I have to say its quite clear that people who are so swept up in being infatuated with Trump such as yourself spert, will end up following him right off the edge of a cliff without even noticing. I hate to be the one to make the comparison here but this is very similar to that group of people a while back .. remember? They were just following orders.. Felt entranced by their leader.. remember all of this.. separating a group of people out because of their religion.. Yeahh.. Except your rationale here is that they are going to kiII Americans.. which as the FACTS have shown is again, simply not true.
Next, no one else is talking about Obama still, so can you stop blaming all your issues on him, he is not POTUS anymore yet you still seem to need an escape goat for all your outrage.
Oh and the MAJORITY wants us to drill for oil you say? So that we aren't dependent on foreign oil for the rest of our existence, hmm? Well with Trump we wont need to worry about that, our existence wont be very long it seems. Other countries are already lining up to nuc the US if needed because of Trumps erratic policies and because the MAJORITY of the nation are standing up against him causing a nation that doesn't agree with or trust its government. Oh and if that isn't bad enough Trump also doesn't believe in global warming and is silencing the scientists trying to inform the public of the issue. So he doesn't listen to the people he claims to represent and is censoring the government agencies and scientists trying to actually educate the public because what they are saying is not in HIS best interests. I never thought I would see the day where I would be so disappointed in this country and its leadership.
Of all the countries banned Trump chose to ignore Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, these are the countries the perpetrators of 9/11 hailed from. So what makes them immune? Could it be that Trump has investments and business dealings with all of these? I am afraid so. If you have evidence of other sound/sane reasons for this to be so Spurt I'd love to hear them, with the evidence of course.
It's obvious to me Umm, that your mind can't comprehend the facts. But I expect that from you. Were the chances of a terrorist attack only ONE in over THREE million on 9-11? Of course not. The chances of that happening on that day were one hundred percent, and since you're not intelligent enough to remember what happened, THREE THOUSAND innocent Americans died that day.
Trump is doing everything he can to prevent another attack like that because he cares. Apparently Clinton and Obama didn't care. By the way, the judge that stopped the deportation orders will be overruled by the Supreme Court. Trump is right on this, and the judge (appointed by GUESS WHO....Obama) is WRONG. The judgment will be reversed.
If a terrorist is able to somehow target and attack our power grids, that would be a devastating attack and we would be in darkness for a very long time. I wonder what you would say THEN, if that happens. You would wish you had listened to me and you would realize, too late, that i was RIGHT.
The Keystone is just one of MANY examples I could give. As usual you are MISSING THE POINT. The POINT IS, we can now drill wherever we want to now (in the Gulf of Mexico, probably in ANWAR soon too), and Obama isn't there to stand in the way of it. We can get our OWN oil without being hindered. So you see, it IS relevant to bring up Obama again, since he prevented us from doing what we needed to do.
Everything I said about the majority wanting these things done is true. It's not a lie. The majority want Trump to do what he is doing.
And the Global Warming myth? you have to be a moron to believe that. MANKIND is NOT causing the earth's temperature to rise every single minute. Let me give you a history lesson.....Did you know that all through the 1970s the scare was that the earth was going to FREEZE OVER? It was Global Freezing that everyone feared, and it wasn't happening at all. Then in the 1980s the liars changed their scare tactic to Global Warming instead, and it's been the warming myth ever since. These lunatics have no basis in facts and never did. The earth is NOT going to just BURN UP one day and destroy everyone. It has always been a fact that over time, the earth's temperature ebbs and flows, increases over time, then decreases. That has always happened.
And if we were going to try to do something about this so called Global Warming, we would have to put out the SUN. It's not even possible to put out the sun.
Over time, you will see that Trump did a lot of great things for this country, and you will have to admit he did. As I said before, I did not at first support the idea of President Trump, but what he has done for us and continues to do has changed my mind about him, and I support him and what he's doing now. Someday you will begrudgingly come around also. He hasn't done anything wrong.
1/30/17 @ 2:01am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Have you ever seen such a pace on executive orders?
Now his party members are kind of coughing, clearing their throats, and suggesting that he allow more people to weigh in on his policies... like maybe congress
He has the plan. He has the dream. But the execution. Just the execution son is lacking. People stranded in airports. Staff statements trumped by twitters. He has reshuffled and redefined the NSC because... he is an innovator, he is doing it his way baaaaaybeeeee.