I kept mentioning Obama because Trump is trying to reverse all of the damage that the previous administration has caused. Obama is the WORST oval office occupant this nation has ever had. Even worse than Clinton and Carter. Obama did everything backwards. Trump's policies are the opposite of Obama's, and that is exactly what this nation needs right now. Obama was a dictator, Trump is acting in the proper role of the executive or president, and it's about time we had a president. Trump has had to sign executive orders because that is the ONLY way to reverse the orders Obama issued, and therefore reverse the damage.
It's obvious to me Umm, that your mind can't comprehend the facts. But I expect that from you. Were the chances of a terrorist attack only ONE in over THREE million on 9-11? Of course not. The chances of that happening on that day were one hundred percent, and since you're not intelligent enough to remember what happened, THREE THOUSAND innocent Americans died that day.
Trump is doing everything he can to prevent another attack like that because he cares. Apparently Clinton and Obama didn't care. By the way, the judge that stopped the deportation orders will be overruled by the Supreme Court. Trump is right on this, and the judge (appointed by GUESS WHO....Obama) is WRONG. The judgment will be reversed.
If a terrorist is able to somehow target and attack our power grids, that would be a devastating attack and we would be in darkness for a very long time. I wonder what you would say THEN, if that happens. You would wish you had listened to me and you would realize, too late, that i was RIGHT.
The Keystone is just one of MANY examples I could give. As usual you are MISSING THE POINT. The POINT IS, we can now drill wherever we want to now (in the Gulf of Mexico, probably in ANWAR soon too), and Obama isn't there to stand in the way of it. We can get our OWN oil without being hindered. So you see, it IS relevant to bring up Obama again, since he prevented us from doing what we needed to do.
Everything I said about the majority wanting these things done is true. It's not a lie. The majority want Trump to do what he is doing.
And the Global Warming myth? you have to be a moron to believe that. MANKIND is NOT causing the earth's temperature to rise every single minute. Let me give you a history lesson.....Did you know that all through the 1970s the scare was that the earth was going to FREEZE OVER? It was Global Freezing that everyone feared, and it wasn't happening at all. Then in the 1980s the liars changed their scare tactic to Global Warming instead, and it's been the warming myth ever since. These lunatics have no basis in facts and never did. The earth is NOT going to just BURN UP one day and destroy everyone. It has always been a fact that over time, the earth's temperature ebbs and flows, increases over time, then decreases. That has always happened.
And if we were going to try to do something about this so called Global Warming, we would have to put out the SUN. It's not even possible to put out the sun.
Over time, you will see that Trump did a lot of great things for this country, and you will have to admit he did. As I said before, I did not at first support the idea of President Trump, but what he has done for us and continues to do has changed my mind about him, and I support him and what he's doing now. Someday you will begrudgingly come around also. He hasn't done anything wrong.