model - does your brain exist?
Is it weird if I jerk off before you with my 14in cock?
haha you are a big loser
(this one left me clueless)
what are you see in your mobile phone Quote
I am a very bad pain before your breast profile
Do not show me, right breast yourself?
Please show me the example of the nation's most beautiful breasts seconds Quote
Will you shut the fuck up and let me speak sometimes? Quote
9/13/15 @ 11:20am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Farthest Reaches of you Imagination
Posts: 4
"Douchalator69: You have resting bitch face
Model: Get out!
Douchalator69: now you're just being a bitch"
vietnamsex2: Now we can start chatting sex is not? Karlyn not know Vietnamese chat?
This one is famous ghostdog i am sure many of models had the luck to have him in your room
dickloverPizza:first im genius second im sociopath this is my site bitches...i will punch a grandma in the face...DONT FUCK WITH GHOSTDOG!
caesarIII: could u USA your telecontrol Luke a dildo
Blackboy491824: Hi swety...i lik to get you private.but i want to see your hole size of your ass....hurry up
lack506: Move like you receive a hard and warm dick in your pussy
wickedpleasure: Are you a sex slave? Is someone forcing you to do this??
I'm trying to imagine this out but it only makes matters worse..
10/23/15 @ 10:42am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
As I had no idea what DBAB could mean I thought I g==gle for it .. confused me even more:
DBAB: Domino Benelux Antwerp Belgium
DBAB: Doing Business Across Borders
DBAB: Deutsche Banc Alex Brown
DBAB: Dimethyl-Benzyl-Ammonium-Bromide
I have no idea what even one of those things could mean - so don't be a bitch and enlighten me
12/25/15 @ 9:28am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: My own personal happy place.
Posts: 26
please someone handle me a gun!
please someone handle me a gun!
Wtf? Can you report this somehow? Quote