Yes Obama violated the Constitution every day. His action and conduct proved it. In normal circumstances, Trump would not have to sign so many executive orders. The ONLY reason he is doing that is because that is the ONLY way to cancel out every single executive order that Obama issued. Once every last Obama executive order is countered, Trump will stop doing HIS executive orders. Remember, after a trip to China, Obama was lamenting the fact that this country's government could not be like China's government. China's president can issue decrees and laws that are automatic and that can't be undone. If you don't like them, TOO BAD. You HAVE to live with them (remember it IS a repressive Communist nation). Obama was lamenting the fact that he couldn't do what China's leader could do. So YES, he was a dictator.
All Trump was saying in his call was that the US is NOT going to accept ANY refugees from anywhere, and the travel ban will remain in place. I'm sure he likes Australia's leader and he was not threatening the leader in any way.
I have already described to you the reasons why there was a flood judgment. And remember the rainbow, which was given as a promise that there would never be that kind of judgment ever again, as the story goes. In cultures that go far, far back, there are stories passed down from generation to generation that are very similar to the flood story. There is evidence that may have happened, fossils have been found in Australia and other remote places that could only have been caused by heavy rain and a major flood. There are different versions of the story, but whichever story you find more believable, there is evidence that a flood did occur. Anyway, if you want to compare the Koran to the bible, they are very different in many ways. The Ten Commandments, just to give one example, is the very opposite of the passages in the Koran, and the Ten Commandments don't order everyone to go out and k1ll their enemies. The Koran does.
To say that Trump is just like Mussolini is just unbelievably laughable. I could say that Obama was like Hitler, and in many cases I would be correct. Only instead of a fascist, he was closer to a socialist. But it's all totalitarianism whatever you call it.
"we become respectful...." Yes, Dudley, let's become respectful instead of saying things that never were true of me....sexist, racist, bigot, fearmonger, etc. Especially when there's no proof of that.
hey Spurt, I have to give it to you, you have fought the good fight and I have done my very best to bring the worst out of you (and to be quite honest there is not that much bad), and while I totally think you are wrong and will never agree with you, and quite frankly think you are one of those people that is naive enough to follow a bunch of lying SOB's over the edge, I applaud your stoicism and unwavering faith. I am sure in the long term you will learn the world is full of people that take advantage of the 'Gumps' (I am in the business of protecting Gumps) of this world, and those that have a 'need', be it financial or spiritual, and to me that in itself is criminal.
No matter what your IQ, you need to apply a degree of skepticism to the way you think about things, otherwise your life will be full of disappointments, as I am certain you will find out by your devotion to this morally bankrupt bunch of high flyers that have used you and those like you to their own end.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
2/4/17 @ 3:30pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
So who is this Bannon fellow and why does Trump think he is important enough that he belongs on the NSC?
Talking about massive voter fraud IS valid. There was plenty of evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2008 elections, but no one ever investigated or looked into it. No one can really say beyond a shadow of any doubt that illegal aliens did NOT vote in the most recent elections. I would be willing to bet a large amount of money that they DID vote. Perhaps there will be an investigation into that this time, we will see.
You can tell a lot about a person by the friends and company they keep. Let's look at Obama's close friends and confidants: Many of them support the idea of cheating and voter fraud in elections. At least two of them have no problem with terrorism and terrorist acts. They are basically criminals and thugs. So needless to say, I never voted for him.
Remember what was said about the way things were back before the flood occurred. It wasn't just a minor misstep here and there. People were committing major crimes every single day. Every day, someone was k1lled, every day, some committed the R word. The attitude was, I can do whatever the HELL I want even if it's corrupt and wrong, and I dont' care. They didn't turn from their ways, so they had to be wiped out. That's how society was described back in those days.
Yes thousands of years ago, Israel was fighting wars, but she was defending herself against hostile enemies. There's a difference between defending yourself and your land, and dividing and conquering for wealth and power.
Certainly if you are a Jew yourself Umm, you shouldn't be so against the stories of the Jewish people and what ancient Israel had to do to protect herself. This is your ancient history and you should appreciate it.
So far Trump has been doing everything he promised to do during the campaign. If he starts to get out of line or break his promises, I would be the first to be critical of him.
2/4/17 @ 8:56pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
A reference from Wikipedia. The reason for bringing this up is not that is was so unusual for ancient people to act this way but because it was the commands of a god that is still worshipped by the literal readers of scripture today.
The Tanakh (Jewish Bible) contains commandments that require the Israelites to exterminate seven Canaanite nations, and describes several wars of extermination that annihilated entire cities or groups of peoples. The targets of the "extermination commandments" were the seven Canaanite nations explicitly identified by God in Deut 7:1-2 and Deut 20:16-18.[23] These seven tribes are Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Most of these descended from the biblical figure Canaan, as described in Gen 10:15-18. In addition, two others tribes were subject to wars of extermination: Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:1-20)[24] and Midianites (Numbers 31:1-18). The extermination of the Canaanite nations is described primarily in the Book of Joshua (especially Joshua 10:28-42) which includes the Battle of Jericho described in Joshua 6:15-21.[fn 1]
2/4/17 @ 11:26pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
What? There were no ch1ldren among them? At what age do they become hopelessly evil? I guess even while still in the womb based upon the outcome there.
It is so easy to say that god is all powerful and therefore must be just. Even though logically is does not follow. It is so easy to say that maybe he would take care of it in the after life. Make up for the injustice somehow. That of course is why we who don't believe there is an afterlife are a little bit nervous about this approach. Not to mention the unquestioning assumption that might makes right. At least on the deity level.
I think my favorite Star Trek movie is the one shamelessly all about religion. It may have lacked some of the classic battles. It may have been a little slow in places. But it was all worth it when they had penetrated the barrier to the Entity that was claiming to be god and it was doing its bragging about all its power, laying out all its demands... and then you hear that deliberately annoying voice of Kirk saying "Excuse me... Excuse me... Hold on... What does god need with a space ship"
To admit that there could be some kind of creator is one thing... but to believe that one specific entity, that itself or others claim to know is that creator, just because it is more powerful than your average biped is not a good plan. You really really don't want to assume that it is just and good merely because it seems well able to obliterate you in a wink of an eye.
ahhh this is great news! so we will probably see Thump and his evil bunch wiped out pretty soon! Praise the 'L' word!
On this particular matter, apparently there were giants in the land (remember Goliath. He had brothers too). It is said that they were a hybrid of fallen angels who had impregnated human females. They were not fully human, so it would make more sense to have to have them exterminated. There are still skeletal remains of those giants that archeologists have uncovered. In a number of those battles in the OT, the Hebrew people were merely trying to take back the land that had been taken from them previously. And now today, many of Israel's enemies STILL want the Hebrew people to be wiped off the map. They have been dealing with this for a long time.
The Canaanites came from Cain, who was banished and cursed.
That character in the Star Trek movie was obviously not God, he was just claiming to be. But then it's a sci fi movie. Other Star Trek movies were better than that one.
It figures some would compare Trump to the criminals who were destroyed in the flood. Believe me, he's nothing like that. He's trying to do the right thing for this country and he's trying to reverse the damage that has been caused in so many ways.
oh please, seriously ... NO MORE! Fake news, alternative facts, if you believe that you gonna believe anything!
Your statement of "People are going to believe the way they are going to believe. It's their right." is very true, and it is also the reason why it is wrong to discriminate against people of other religions just because you don't understand or believe in them. There is 0 proof that Muslim people are more likely to be terrorists. What Trump is doing, is NOT what is best for the country. He is doing what is best for him and his business.
oh please, seriously ... NO MORE! Fake news, alternative facts, if you believe that you gonna believe anything!
Kertzum I seen em on Youtube, them giant skeletons, there was more than one too, so Goliath did have brothers (although i think there was one lady skeleton too, maybe he had a sister too?) ! and my mothers, sisters, mother was impregnated by a rabid angel as well. Get with it bud are you living in a cave man? (get it cave man, caveman?)
2/5/17 @ 8:41pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
I really wish that were true. But unfortunately the Bible, for those who take it literally, makes it quite clear that you have to believe in that god and make him number 1 in the pantheon. It is the first commandment. Get that wrong and nothing else matters.
Now you might say that technically the enforcement of that is up to god. That certainly would be a step in the right direction. That at least the judging has been left to someone supposedly qualified to do it. But if you really think about it there are still some problems:
1) Before you run off to enjoy this life and prepare for the next you gotta be sure that the entity you left in charge is all he claims to be.
2) The whole setup is unethical. You can't demand that someone believes that some testimony and scripture is true and burn them forever in sulfur if they just don't simply believe it. Not if you want to be fair.
3) You can't let someone else take your sin. It may make sense to the ancient herdsman but it just doesn't work today. No parent who has lost a daughter to a pyscho is going to be satisfied if some other dude steps in and is executed in place of the pyscho himself for example. Guilt can't be transferred. God can forgive if he desires and he is god so it is up to him. But the notion that there is some kind of bl00d offering due that can be paid by his son ( uh another weird idea) is just nutso.
4) Amplifying on number 2, a rational way to go is to field competing hypotheses and ask yourself honestly, which is the more likely. You were able to bend history to your liking to fit the scripture. Fair enough. I believe you will always be able to do that. Other games you can play in that line are to give lots of power to the devil in real life and say that the Bible is actually corrupted by him. But again, hold onto what is a fair proposition and what is the higher likelihood hypothesis and I think the notion that all gods are an invention fits the facts, including all the bending, the best. Because the very act of bending history or science for miracles and oddities, and additional supernatural influences lowers the likelihood of a hypothesis relative to one that is able to explain all there is, admitting some simple gaps in knowledge, without supernatural elements or postulating anything that isn't likely given man's basic nature. That he wants to rule over his fellow man. That he will use all methods including invention of religions to hold power.
Amplifying on number 2, a rational way to go is to field competing hypotheses and ask yourself honestly, which is the more likely. You were able to bend history to your liking to fit the scripture. Fair enough. I believe you will always be able to do that. Other games you can play in that line are to give lots of power to the devil in real life and say that the Bible is actually corrupted by him. But again, hold onto what is a fair proposition and what is the higher likelihood hypothesis and I think the notion that all gods are an invention fits the facts, including all the bending, the best. Because the very act of bending history or science for miracles and oddities, and additional supernatural influences lowers the likelihood of a hypothesis relative to one that is able to explain all there is, admitting some simple gaps in knowledge, without supernatural elements or postulating anything that isn't likely given man's basic nature. That he wants to rule over his fellow man. That he will use all methods including invention of religions to hold power.
2/5/17 @ 9:03pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Billay!!! How ya doing you wild man?
You watching this football game?
Billay!!! How ya doing you wild man?
You watching this football game?
ball is movin' too fast, feel like that girl in the exorcist, might start spewin' green stuff any minute . you and sex_spert must have super IQ's prolly double mine, which means you are at least a 73!
2/5/17 @ 9:10pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
ball is movin' too fast, feel like that girl in the exorcist, might start spewin' green stuff any minute . you and sex_spert must have super IQ's prolly double mine, which means you are at least a 73!
lol that ain't a bad thing either. Kinda gives a feelin' of renewal.
lol that ain't a bad thing either. Kinda gives a feelin' of renewal.
born again
For the other two posters:
WRONG, miniwheat. It's true I don't know Trump personally, but I don't have to know him to know he's trying to do great things for this country. Every action he has taken so far has been the correct action to try to turn things around. I look at his specific actions and executive orders and that to me is a solid indication that he has very good intentions. Interesting you should mention intentions. I remember talking to one of my friends who was saying, "Obama took the wrong action here and here, but you know he has good intentions at least." Libs ONLY look at intentions, as though that is the only thing that matters. It isn't. You look at the guy's actions and what he does, and that FAR outweighs any intentions he may have. Look at the consequences of what he does, and intentions have a factor of zero. I look at Trump's actions at least so far, attempting to reverse what has been done the last eight years, and that proves his intentions are noble.
There is plenty of proof that certain Muslims believe in the violent verses I quoted some time ago. I didn't say ALL Muslims believe that way. But some of them do. Even if only five percent of the Muslims believe those verses in the Koran and follow them....That's a LOT of Muslims (at least hundreds of thousands) who believe the same way the terrorists do. Those are the terrorists we are fighting in the War on Terror.
I have not bent history at all. I believe certain stories in the OT may have happened the way they are described, but I'm not trying to convert you to any religious sect. Now we have discussed BOTH forbidden subjects for dating and for privates: Politics AND religion. I have talked about both subjects with certain models in private. But I have done it with the right individuals, making sure I don't offend or cross the line.
For the other two posters:
WRONG, miniwheat. It's true I don't know Trump personally, but I don't have to know him to know he's trying to do great things for this country. Every action he has taken so far has been the correct action to try to turn things around. I look at his specific actions and executive orders and that to me is a solid indication that he has very good intentions. Interesting you should mention intentions. I remember talking to one of my friends who was saying, "Obama took the wrong action here and here, but you know he has good intentions at least." Libs ONLY look at intentions, as though that is the only thing that matters. It isn't. You look at the guy's actions and what he does, and that FAR outweighs any intentions he may have. Look at the consequences of what he does, and intentions have a factor of zero. I look at Trump's actions at least so far, attempting to reverse what has been done the last eight years, and that proves his intentions are noble.
There is plenty of proof that certain Muslims believe in the violent verses I quoted some time ago. I didn't say ALL Muslims believe that way. But some of them do. Even if only five percent of the Muslims believe those verses in the Koran and follow them....That's a LOT of Muslims (at least hundreds of thousands) who believe the same way the terrorists do. Those are the terrorists we are fighting in the War on Terror.
I have not bent history at all. I believe certain stories in the OT may have happened the way they are described, but I'm not trying to convert you to any religious sect. Now we have discussed BOTH forbidden subjects for dating and for privates: Politics AND religion. I have talked about both subjects with certain models in private. But I have done it with the right individuals, making sure I don't offend or cross the line.
gaaaaaahhhhleeee sex_pert i am mitey happy u know a fellow good guy when u see one! AMEN brother! These other posters are cuttin' themselves a short cut to hell! Imagine talkin' bout our president like that?!!! Burn 'em as steak I say!