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Female Performer Chat: TRUMP
Liv Palmer
Created by: Liv Palmer

2/8/17 @ 6:25pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I'd spanked Trump !!!!! :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil
Created by: kertzum

2/8/17 @ 6:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

I'd spanked Trump !!!!! :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil

don't forget to wash ur hands then!
Created by: half_way_there

2/8/17 @ 9:15pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 52

hey you, only HALF WAY THERE mentally....why don't you tell that false stat of less than one percent of being attacked by a Muslim to the relatives of those who died on 9-11? Why don't you say that to the parents of those who were k1lled in CA and FL? They would slap the shit out of you.

Apparently you're IQ doesn't include proper reading skills, that statistic says "less than 0.0002% of Americans kiIIed SINCE 9/11 were kiIIed by Muslims." (in case you missed it again.. Key word here is SINCE 9/11).

The chances of that are much larger, especially if we continue to let into our country those who wish to do us harm.
Just to give one more example of many: Remember the MUSLIM (not Catholic or atheist) who k1lled the army recruiters in cold bl00d? He TWEETED several verses of the Koran just before he did his crime. The fact of the matter (which you ignore) is that Muslims have been attacking and k1lling Americans for a very long time now. It's NOT Islamaphobia, it's called the TRUTH.

Buuuut it is. You see, there are many people who we should not let into our country because they wish to do us harm yes, but not all of them are Muslim, this is where you head down into Islamophobia island. Just because someone is not Muslim doesn't mean they aren't a terrorists and vice versa.

OBAMA caused this mess. Obama has provoked our enemies and alienated our allies. Where has your head been the last eight years? Up ur ASS? Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

See all you are doing here is taking the exact same thing someone else said and literally just replacing Trumps name with Obama. Hence the reason I said you just take what we say and make it Obama's fault even though it is clearly untrue. This is and your lack of sources and facts is why you have ZERO credibility in this conversation.

Also, I read at least three articles before the election about the fact that Hillary was not physically fit to be in the White House for even one year, much less four. She has a lot of health issues and the media just ignored that, because gee....guess who they supported?

They didn't ignore it, it was all over the news at the time! If you were paying attention you would have seen it was also later proven to be just a rumor.

So Billy, you and I are the only ones making sense in this thread.

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh
Created by: miniwheat212

2/8/17 @ 9:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Again sex-spert you show you know nothing, you said. "No, global warming, at least the way the liberals talk about it, does not exist. They have not proven it.

First of all it is not the liberals who talk about it but the scientist. This boils down to Two basic facts.

1. Carbon Dioxide is a green house gas (this has been proven scientifically in the lab and at a planetary scale, look at Venus the average temperature is somewhere near the melting point of lead due to green house gasses.) A green house gas is a gas that will absorb more infrared radiation from the sun then nitrogen and oxygen.
2. The amount of Carbon Dioxide in Earths atmosphere in increasing. Mans consumption of fossil fuels is releasing carbon that has been trapped in the hydrocarbons and that carbon is being released as carbon Dioxide (and other forms). That along with other sources of green house gasses have contributed to the increase.

Without green house gases in our atmosphere the average temperature of the Earth would be much lower. Historically there have been times with large temperature decreases (Wurm Glaciations for example) and times of global warming (the receding of the glaciers). The glaciation and retreat correlate with the change of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, decreased carbon dioxide 200 ppmv the glaciers would grow moving towards the equator, as carbon dioxide level increased reaching 250 - 300 ppmv would raise global temperatures enough to end the glaciation. It is that now we are entering levels of Carbon Dioxide that have never been measured before (400 ppmv).

So to say global warming has not been proven is just ignoring history, it has happened, it is called the end of the ice age (and it has happens many times Wurm alone had 3 glacial periods). What is unknown is what will happen next as we enter Carbon Dioxide levels never seen before.

Exactly!! Thank you. :thumbsup
Created by: derek99

2/8/17 @ 10:25pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,620

yyyyeeeehaaaaaaa another genius IQ! that makes you, me and sex_pert, this place is like Harvid on steroids. Derek sum times i think ur so smart only u know what ur talking about. Please don't post shit on Cyber Bulling and name calling its our new way ... its the smart way, its Donald's Way, YAY!

Billy, I'm not a stupid person. I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm smart. Personally, you don't know me, just like I don't know you. When I say something, I know what I'm talking about, and understand because my English is easy to read, especially not using any slang, and making spelling mistakes. I wouldn't be surprised if I've been around longer, than you. I've posted something about cyber bullying already. There are a lot of other ways to think, say, and post something without having to do that. If you do care about this, how would you feel about maybe getting your posting privileges removed along with a couple, or few other people? Spert, you say Billy rocks? If you are going by him saying some positive things about Donald, then perhaps you should try to get to know the real him before anything else.
Created by: billybarb

2/8/17 @ 10:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 67

Dunno if u clowns have thought about this but Spurt and I could have ur lives destroyed with one call to our mitey commader and chief. In fact Kert I already did the dirty on u, bet u noticed that big black truck sittin' outside ur house, the one with the sharp lookin' dudes with black neck ties and wires hangin' out their ears ... FBI man ... ur history u sausage guzzler, any more lip from u Aussie mar soup eals and I'll ask the president to turn ur country into a red dust bowl! Lets deal tough Spurt! ... (hug)
Created by: billybarb

2/8/17 @ 10:40pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 67

how would you feel about maybe getting your posting privileges removed along with a couple, or few other people?

Derek tell me u r not threatin' me?!! Do I have to ... naaaaahhh not Derek! Oh yeah and I know u r smart!
Created by: sex_spert

2/8/17 @ 11:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Lots to respond to here.
Billy, what do u say we k1ll a couple cows and have some steak? We would prevent the Ozone from being destroyed by stopping the cow farts, AND have a delicious dinner to boot!!!
I shouldn't fail to mention we are talking about the PRESIDENT of the United States here, and he's not even been in office for three weeks yet. He needs to be given the respect and honor he deserves. He is the PRESIDENT.
And he's already proven to be a hell of a lot better than Obama could ever hope to be.
As far as posting privileges getting removed, only the Admin folks can do that.
My point, Kert, was that one HUNDRED percent of the guys we are fighting against in the War on Terror are......MUSLIMS. I know crimes have been committed in the name of other religions as well. But as in Waco Texas and other incidents, they were actually members of a CULT that they themselves established or made up. And just because someone CLAIMS to be Catholic or Protestant or whatever else, does not mean that they actually are members of that faith. They are liars who commit crimes.
You don't know who Trump cares about or doesn't care about, since you don't even know him personally. You're jumping to conclusions. And, before he was sworn in, he signed ALL of his businesses and dealings over to his k1ds. So he's not violating anything in a financial standpoint, either. He doesn't even want to get paid for being the president. He's doing what he's doing now because he cares for this country.
Trump wants to keep the bad guys OUT, whether they are technically registered Muslims or not. His travel ban order is to keep the bad guys out.
You're not even HALFWAY there dude. You have no credibility. The reason I changed the name in sentences of what others wrote is because I was changing it to the truth. You say that TRUMP has done all these things? Wrong. All of those things were true of Obama or Clinton instead. I was just correcting what needed to be corrected.
And the reports of Hillary's health problems were NOT a rumor either. She has had fainting spells. Sometimes has trouble walking. She gets lightheaded. She is not in tip top shape. So it's a good thing a much healthier individual was elected.
Back to the Global Warming. I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT going to live my life terrified and worried that anytime today or tomorrow the world is going to burn up all of a sudden. That is ridiculous. I'm not going to worry about how I am destroying the planet by starting an engine or going about my daily business. I not worried about any of it because I know it's not true. Why worry constantly about something that is not going to happen? That is no way to live.
Created by: kertzum

2/9/17 @ 12:38am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

Lots to respond to here.
Billy, what do u say we k1ll a couple cows and have some steak? We would prevent the Ozone from being destroyed by stopping the cow farts, AND have a delicious dinner to boot!!!
I shouldn't fail to mention we are talking about the PRESIDENT of the United States here, and he's not even been in office for three weeks yet. He needs to be given the respect and honor he deserves. He is the PRESIDENT.
And he's already proven to be a hell of a lot better than Obama could ever hope to be.
As far as posting privileges getting removed, only the Admin folks can do that.
My point, Kert, was that one HUNDRED percent of the guys we are fighting against in the War on Terror are......MUSLIMS. I know crimes have been committed in the name of other religions as well. But as in Waco Texas and other incidents, they were actually members of a CULT that they themselves established or made up. And just because someone CLAIMS to be Catholic or Protestant or whatever else, does not mean that they actually are members of that faith. They are liars who commit crimes.
You don't know who Trump cares about or doesn't care about, since you don't even know him personally. You're jumping to conclusions. And, before he was sworn in, he signed ALL of his businesses and dealings over to his k1ds. So he's not violating anything in a financial standpoint, either. He doesn't even want to get paid for being the president. He's doing what he's doing now because he cares for this country.
Trump wants to keep the bad guys OUT, whether they are technically registered Muslims or not. His travel ban order is to keep the bad guys out.
You're not even HALFWAY there dude. You have no credibility. The reason I changed the name in sentences of what others wrote is because I was changing it to the truth. You say that TRUMP has done all these things? Wrong. All of those things were true of Obama or Clinton instead. I was just correcting what needed to be corrected.
And the reports of Hillary's health problems were NOT a rumor either. She has had fainting spells. Sometimes has trouble walking. She gets lightheaded. She is not in tip top shape. So it's a good thing a much healthier individual was elected.
Back to the Global Warming. I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT going to live my life terrified and worried that anytime today or tomorrow the world is going to burn up all of a sudden. That is ridiculous. I'm not going to worry about how I am destroying the planet by starting an engine or going about my daily business. I not worried about any of it because I know it's not true. Why worry constantly about something that is not going to happen? That is no way to live.

Seriously you have one rule for them and one rule for you. So if a crazy Muslim commits a crime he is a Muslim BUT if a Christian commits a crime he belongs to a 'CULT' or he is a liar ... funny I think a Muslim would have the same viewpoint of a person committing a crime in the name of his/her religion, how does that work? Seems a little biased don't you think. I think if you were to examine the FACTS you are far more likely to snuffed out by a 'Christian' in your country than a Muslim, but thats a FACT that just not suit your story. The problem with the way you are thinking is where does it end, will you start to blame the worlds problems on people of colour, people who have a different sexual orientation to you, people of a different faith to you, people with different belief systems to you ... its because the way you think is small and exclusive, not holistic and inclusive, which I believe should be the way a real Christian thinks (not that I am one).

You cannot comprehend the fact that perhaps your strongest ally in the fight against terrorism is in fact the Muslim Community itself, but that is just waaaay to big for the likes of a Trump or yourself to grasp, you are so tied up in paranoia and hate that the real answers are beyond you. You see the war that you think you are fighting is not conventional, the battlefield is not conventional and if you fight like a battle fought in the conventional way you will fail, the battle is for for the minds of the 'supposed' enemy, if you loose that you will loose everything, a clever administration would engage the enemy on a totally different front. When you disenfranchise the Muslim Community (as they are being) they will understandably close in, when you embrace them (and I mean the majority of good and law abiding) they will in turn embrace you, and only they have a finger on a pulse you, and all the intelligence agencies in the world cannot even begin to feel. Believe you me you and Thump have no real answers, they are all small, simple and ill conceived solutions that will not even get you past GO, you will stew in your own juice! Try to think BIGGER! BIGGER THAN YOUR EGO!
Created by: kertzum

2/9/17 @ 12:51am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

and, before he was sworn in, he signed ALL of his businesses and dealings over to his k1ds. So he's not violating anything in a financial standpoint, either.

oh and here is how gullible you are Trump may have handed over his business dealings to his k1ds but he has not divested himself of his shareholding in those interests, so his 'HANDING OVER" is actually worth a zero! He still profits from those companies (which I believe is unconstitutional in most countries) .. thats a FACT! you stupid stupid man!

Created by: billybarb

2/9/17 @ 1:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 67

Lots to respond to here.
Billy, what do u say we k1ll a couple cows and have some steak? We would prevent the Ozone from being destroyed by stopping the cow farts, AND have a delicious dinner to boot!!!
I shouldn't fail to mention we are talking about the PRESIDENT of the United States here, and he's not even been in office for three weeks yet. He needs to be given the respect and honor he deserves. He is the PRESIDENT.
And he's already proven to be a hell of a lot better than Obama could ever hope to be.
As far as posting privileges getting removed, only the Admin folks can do that.
My point, Kert, was that one HUNDRED percent of the guys we are fighting against in the War on Terror are......MUSLIMS. I know crimes have been committed in the name of other religions as well. But as in Waco Texas and other incidents, they were actually members of a CULT that they themselves established or made up. And just because someone CLAIMS to be Catholic or Protestant or whatever else, does not mean that they actually are members of that faith. They are liars who commit crimes.
You don't know who Trump cares about or doesn't care about, since you don't even know him personally. You're jumping to conclusions. And, before he was sworn in, he signed ALL of his businesses and dealings over to his k1ds. So he's not violating anything in a financial standpoint, either. He doesn't even want to get paid for being the president. He's doing what he's doing now because he cares for this country.
Trump wants to keep the bad guys OUT, whether they are technically registered Muslims or not. His travel ban order is to keep the bad guys out.
You're not even HALFWAY there dude. You have no credibility. The reason I changed the name in sentences of what others wrote is because I was changing it to the truth. You say that TRUMP has done all these things? Wrong. All of those things were true of Obama or Clinton instead. I was just correcting what needed to be corrected.
And the reports of Hillary's health problems were NOT a rumor either. She has had fainting spells. Sometimes has trouble walking. She gets lightheaded. She is not in tip top shape. So it's a good thing a much healthier individual was elected.
Back to the Global Warming. I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT going to live my life terrified and worried that anytime today or tomorrow the world is going to burn up all of a sudden. That is ridiculous. I'm not going to worry about how I am destroying the planet by starting an engine or going about my daily business. I not worried about any of it because I know it's not true. Why worry constantly about something that is not going to happen? That is no way to live.

oh sexy man i love the way u r thinking!! u, me and a burning dead cow ...HEAVEN! :thumbsup :drinkup :jerkoff
Created by: kertzum

2/9/17 @ 2:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

Lots to respond to here.
Billy, what do u say we k1ll a couple cows and have some steak? We would prevent the Ozone from being destroyed by stopping the cow farts, AND have a delicious dinner to boot!!!
I shouldn't fail to mention we are talking about the PRESIDENT of the United States here, and he's not even been in office for three weeks yet. He needs to be given the respect and honor he deserves. He is the PRESIDENT.
And he's already proven to be a hell of a lot better than Obama could ever hope to be.
As far as posting privileges getting removed, only the Admin folks can do that.
My point, Kert, was that one HUNDRED percent of the guys we are fighting against in the War on Terror are......MUSLIMS. I know crimes have been committed in the name of other religions as well. But as in Waco Texas and other incidents, they were actually members of a CULT that they themselves established or made up. And just because someone CLAIMS to be Catholic or Protestant or whatever else, does not mean that they actually are members of that faith. They are liars who commit crimes.
You don't know who Trump cares about or doesn't care about, since you don't even know him personally. You're jumping to conclusions. And, before he was sworn in, he signed ALL of his businesses and dealings over to his k1ds. So he's not violating anything in a financial standpoint, either. He doesn't even want to get paid for being the president. He's doing what he's doing now because he cares for this country.
Trump wants to keep the bad guys OUT, whether they are technically registered Muslims or not. His travel ban order is to keep the bad guys out.
You're not even HALFWAY there dude. You have no credibility. The reason I changed the name in sentences of what others wrote is because I was changing it to the truth. You say that TRUMP has done all these things? Wrong. All of those things were true of Obama or Clinton instead. I was just correcting what needed to be corrected.
And the reports of Hillary's health problems were NOT a rumor either. She has had fainting spells. Sometimes has trouble walking. She gets lightheaded. She is not in tip top shape. So it's a good thing a much healthier individual was elected.
Back to the Global Warming. I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT going to live my life terrified and worried that anytime today or tomorrow the world is going to burn up all of a sudden. That is ridiculous. I'm not going to worry about how I am destroying the planet by starting an engine or going about my daily business. I not worried about any of it because I know it's not true. Why worry constantly about something that is not going to happen? That is no way to live.

Seriously you have one rule for them and one rule for you. So if a crazy Muslim commits a crime he is a Muslim BUT if a Christian commits a crime he belongs to a 'CULT' or he is a liar ... funny I think a Muslim would have the same viewpoint of a person committing a crime in the name of his/her religion, how does that work? Seems a little biased don't you think. I think if you were to examine the FACTS you are far more likely to snuffed out by a 'Christian' in your country than a Muslim, but thats a FACT that just not suit your story. The problem with the way you are thinking is where does it end, will you start to blame the worlds problems on people of colour, people who have a different sexual orientation to you, people of a different faith to you, people with different belief systems to you ... its because the way you think is small and exclusive, not holistic and inclusive, which I believe should be the way a real Christian thinks (not that I am one).

You cannot comprehend the fact that perhaps your strongest ally in the fight against terrorism is in fact the Muslim Community itself, but that is just waaaay too big for the likes of a Trump or yourself to grasp, you are so tied up in paranoia and hate that the real answers are beyond you. You see, the war that you think you are fighting is not conventional, the battlefield is not conventional, and if you fight like a battle fought in the conventional way you will fail, you will win on one and loose on another (and the one that wins all), the battle you see is for for the minds of the 'supposed' enemy, if you loose that you will loose everything. A clever administration would engage the enemy on a totally different front. When you disenfranchise the Muslim Community (as they are being) they will understandably close in, when you embrace them (and I mean the majority of good and law abiding, which the majority are) they will in turn, embrace you, and only they have a finger on a pulse that you and all the intelligence agencies in the world cannot even begin to feel. Believe you me you and Thump have no real answers, they are all small, simple and ill conceived solutions that will not even get you past GO, you will stew in your own juice! Try to think BIGGER! BIGGER THAN YOUR EGO!
Created by: half_way_there

2/9/17 @ 10:33am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 52

oh and here is how gullible you are Trump may have handed over his business dealings to his k1ds but he has not divested himself of his shareholding in those interests, so his 'HANDING OVER" is actually worth a zero! He still profits from those companies (which I believe is unconstitutional in most countries) .. thats a FACT! you stupid stupid man!

Hahahaha no wonder he "dosen't even want to be paid for being presedent", he is using his position to make his businesses profitable. He really is a piece of work.

Spurt you can have all the fun you want with my screen name, because that's the kind of trivial pathetic jabs you seem to enjoy using to avoid reality. RE Global warming, if you even remotely understood the science behind it you would know its not about living in fear or whatever delusional extreme you are thinking of, its about changing the way that people do things (get energy power our cars and factories etc) so that we aren't harming the planet while living. Trump is so sure that we need that oil and those pipelines when in reality we should be moving away from using that, there are lots of other options out there that he seems to ignore because there is not as much money in it as there is oil.

You don't know who Trump cares about or doesn't care about, since you don't even know him personally. You're jumping to conclusions.

You don't know him either! Yet you seem to have NO problem with doing the same thing to Obama, you don't personally know Obama, yet you made HUGE assumptions about him and Hillary not caring about stuff earlier. You are a huge Hippocrate and STILL while the rest of us have been siting factual sources you have yet to site anything but out of context Koran verses.

Simply being in the white house with a name tag saying PRESIDENT does not mean we should or need to give him our respect. Respect is earned and so far he has the LOWEST approval rating of ANY president EVER. No one in their right mind has legit respect for him. (note the key words of right mind there) :winkwink
Created by: kertzum

2/9/17 @ 3:44pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

poor lil Ivanka has her stuff pulled from stores because it doesn't sell and what does big daddy (the POTUS) do, he tweets his anger in an attempt to damage the company doing so (sad thing for him is the share price dipped momentarily then gained 3%, LOL if that doesn't say something) ! What would he do when when one of his own businesses (and they are his, he is a major shareholder STILL) is hit by a decline on the bottom line because people boycott it because its the only way they can show their disgust at his behaviour. Don't blame Nordstrom, BLAME Daddy!

And then stupid Conway uses her position to promote Ivanka Trump's products, (source: just shows where things are heading, these people have no ethics, they worship the $.
Created by: alberich

2/9/17 @ 4:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

.. stupid Conway ...

Stupid Conway ? Kellyanne promotes Thump - she must be genius. That are just alternative facts
Created by: billybarb

2/9/17 @ 7:03pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 67

Seriously you have one rule for them and one rule for you. So if a crazy Muslim commits a crime he is a Muslim BUT if a Christian commits a crime he belongs to a 'CULT' or he is a liar ... funny I think a Muslim would have the same viewpoint of a person committing a crime in the name of his/her religion, how does that work? Seems a little biased don't you think. I think if you were to examine the FACTS you are far more likely to snuffed out by a 'Christian' in your country than a Muslim, but thats a FACT that just not suit your story. The problem with the way you are thinking is where does it end, will you start to blame the worlds problems on people of colour, people who have a different sexual orientation to you, people of a different faith to you, people with different belief systems to you ... its because the way you think is small and exclusive, not holistic and inclusive, which I believe should be the way a real Christian thinks (not that I am one).

You cannot comprehend the fact that perhaps your strongest ally in the fight against terrorism is in fact the Muslim Community itself, but that is just waaaay too big for the likes of a Trump or yourself to grasp, you are so tied up in paranoia and hate that the real answers are beyond you. You see, the war that you think you are fighting is not conventional, the battlefield is not conventional, and if you fight like a battle fought in the conventional way you will fail, you will win on one and loose on another (and the one that wins all), the battle you see is for for the minds of the 'supposed' enemy, if you loose that you will loose everything. A clever administration would engage the enemy on a totally different front. When you disenfranchise the Muslim Community (as they are being) they will understandably close in, when you embrace them (and I mean the majority of good and law abiding, which the majority are) they will in turn, embrace you, and only they have a finger on a pulse that you and all the intelligence agencies in the world cannot even begin to feel. Believe you me you and Thump have no real answers, they are all small, simple and ill conceived solutions that will not even get you past GO, you will stew in your own juice! Try to think BIGGER! BIGGER THAN YOUR EGO!

oh man sexy man is gonna whip ur sorry ass on this one Shirty Kerty!! Cum on Sexy man!!!
Created by: sex_spert

2/9/17 @ 9:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Yes I will, Billy. Watch me kick some ass right now:
Kertz, who admitted I am a worthy adversary. It is a FACT that every single person we shoot at and are fighting in the War on Terror is a Muslim. I'm not making that up. You refuse to believe it. All the victims that were shot in CA and in FL were shot by Muslims. I'm not making that up. Yes, it is possible for someone to claim that they are a member of a religion when in reality they are not. I do NOT take out of context the verses of the Koran. I quoted them WORD FOR WORD. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is true. The scriptures do not command people to go out and k1ll people just because they don't agree with them. They don't command torture or anything of the sort. In fact, they command followers to love their enemies and treat them with decency. The Koran commands just the opposite. There are of course peace-loving Muslims who do not believe in those violent verses.
You know I don't blame the world's problems on race, color, or whether they are straight or not. I never did, and it's amazing you would even suggest that.
Yes this is a different war than the wars we have fought previously. This is a war against the ideological KOOKS who really DO believe in the violent verses in the Koran. We HAVE TO FIGHT THIS WAR. This is a war that was brought to US. WE didn't start it, THEY DID. Now, we will finish it. They have to learn that you can't just attack the United States with impunity and get away with it.
I'm not avoiding reality at all. We WILL drill for more oil (the last administration didn't allow us to), we WILL get more oil from the Dakotas pipeline. And it's NOT going to destroy the environment. There's nothing hypocritical about me, I'm just stating the facts, which you disagree with. You must have been totally blind during the Benghazi incident. I call it like it is. Yes you DO owe Trump respect and honor, he ran a good campaign, earned his way to the White House, and earned his current title. Everything he's been doing has been beneficial for the American people. He's been doing more for us than Obama could ever do in his eight years. His approval rating is NOT low, and by the way there is fake polls out there just like there is fake news. You can't rely on a poll when they interview 75 percent Democrats and only 15 percent Republicans. I can assure you, most Americans approve of what Trump is doing.
I know there are DIE HARD Democrats like you who will never support Trump no matter what he says or does. But the fact is, Trump is going to be in office for eight years, you can't stop him from doing what needs to be done, he WILL fulfill all of his campaign promises and continue doing the right thing. You can't stop any of it. So be glad.
Created by: miniwheat212

2/9/17 @ 9:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Yes I will, Billy. Watch me kick some ass right now:
Kertz, who admitted I am a worthy adversary. It is a FACT that every single person we shoot at and are fighting in the War on Terror is a Muslim. I'm not making that up. You refuse to believe it. All the victims that were shot in CA and in FL were shot by Muslims. I'm not making that up. Yes, it is possible for someone to claim that they are a member of a religion when in reality they are not. I do NOT take out of context the verses of the Koran. I quoted them WORD FOR WORD. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is true. The scriptures do not command people to go out and k1ll people just because they don't agree with them. They don't command torture or anything of the sort. In fact, they command followers to love their enemies and treat them with decency. The Koran commands just the opposite. There are of course peace-loving Muslims who do not believe in those violent verses.
You know I don't blame the world's problems on race, color, or whether they are straight or not. I never did, and it's amazing you would even suggest that.
Yes this is a different war than the wars we have fought previously. This is a war against the ideological KOOKS who really DO believe in the violent verses in the Koran. We HAVE TO FIGHT THIS WAR. This is a war that was brought to US. WE didn't start it, THEY DID. Now, we will finish it. They have to learn that you can't just attack the United States with impunity and get away with it.
I'm not avoiding reality at all. We WILL drill for more oil (the last administration didn't allow us to), we WILL get more oil from the Dakotas pipeline. And it's NOT going to destroy the environment. There's nothing hypocritical about me, I'm just stating the facts, which you disagree with. You must have been totally blind during the Benghazi incident. I call it like it is. Yes you DO owe Trump respect and honor, he ran a good campaign, earned his way to the White House, and earned his current title. Everything he's been doing has been beneficial for the American people. He's been doing more for us than Obama could ever do in his eight years. His approval rating is NOT low, and by the way there is fake polls out there just like there is fake news. You can't rely on a poll when they interview 75 percent Democrats and only 15 percent Republicans. I can assure you, most Americans approve of what Trump is doing.
I know there are DIE HARD Democrats like you who will never support Trump no matter what he says or does. But the fact is, Trump is going to be in office for eight years, you can't stop him from doing what needs to be done, he WILL fulfill all of his campaign promises and continue doing the right thing. You can't stop any of it. So be glad.

Please name your source, if it is a FACT then it can be PROVEN. Please do so or STFU. You also don't seem to know what "out of context" means, perhaps you should look that one up.

So where are the REAL polls showing that most Americans both democrat and republican approve of Trump still now at this point in time. SITE YOUR SOURCE or you have NO CREDIBILITY.

It actually seems like the 9th circuit court disagrees with you, they can and will stop him when his plans and actions are unconstitutional as they have been. As many of us have said before, we are waiting for him to start doing something for the good of the actual people, so far he has not.
Created by: kertzum

2/9/17 @ 9:36pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

Yes I will, Billy. Watch me kick some ass right now:
Kertz, who admitted I am a worthy adversary. It is a FACT that every single person we shoot at and are fighting in the War on Terror is a Muslim. I'm not making that up. You refuse to believe it. All the victims that were shot in CA and in FL were shot by Muslims. I'm not making that up. Yes, it is possible for someone to claim that they are a member of a religion when in reality they are not. I do NOT take out of context the verses of the Koran. I quoted them WORD FOR WORD. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is true. The scriptures do not command people to go out and k1ll people just because they don't agree with them. They don't command torture or anything of the sort. In fact, they command followers to love their enemies and treat them with decency. The Koran commands just the opposite. There are of course peace-loving Muslims who do not believe in those violent verses.
You know I don't blame the world's problems on race, color, or whether they are straight or not. I never did, and it's amazing you would even suggest that.
Yes this is a different war than the wars we have fought previously. This is a war against the ideological KOOKS who really DO believe in the violent verses in the Koran. We HAVE TO FIGHT THIS WAR. This is a war that was brought to US. WE didn't start it, THEY DID. Now, we will finish it. They have to learn that you can't just attack the United States with impunity and get away with it.
I'm not avoiding reality at all. We WILL drill for more oil (the last administration didn't allow us to), we WILL get more oil from the Dakotas pipeline. And it's NOT going to destroy the environment. There's nothing hypocritical about me, I'm just stating the facts, which you disagree with. You must have been totally blind during the Benghazi incident. I call it like it is. Yes you DO owe Trump respect and honor, he ran a good campaign, earned his way to the White House, and earned his current title. Everything he's been doing has been beneficial for the American people. He's been doing more for us than Obama could ever do in his eight years. His approval rating is NOT low, and by the way there is fake polls out there just like there is fake news. You can't rely on a poll when they interview 75 percent Democrats and only 15 percent Republicans. I can assure you, most Americans approve of what Trump is doing.
I know there are DIE HARD Democrats like you who will never support Trump no matter what he says or does. But the fact is, Trump is going to be in office for eight years, you can't stop him from doing what needs to be done, he WILL fulfill all of his campaign promises and continue doing the right thing. You can't stop any of it. So be glad.

that is the limpest ass kick I have ever seen! P1ss weak. It's so weak I think that you were totally unable make a point, I can honestly say that there is nothing in this statement worth the effort of replying to, it is pathetic. The only reason you are a worthy adversary is your ability to absorb constant criticism and return for more, although I am now wondering wether it is probably not more about your total lack of intelligence. The fact is that you are a bender of truths, and your viewpoint is so shallow you skim reality. You are living in a vacuum, and you are one of those self righteous religious zealots that will never see anything outside your small little hypocritical world. More FAKE News he is here for 4 years. If you going to make any impact in this thread try make statements with FACT and EVIDENCE otherwise you just another Kellyanne Conway .. full of shit and a bag of hot air!
Created by: billybarb

2/9/17 @ 9:39pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 67

that is the limpest ass kick I have ever seen! P1ss weak. It's so weak I think that you were totally unable make a point, I can honestly say that there is nothing in this statement worth the effort of replying to, it is pathetic. The only reason you are a worthy adversary is your ability to absorb constant criticism and return for more, although I am now wondering wether it is probably not more about your total lack of intelligence. The fact is that you are a bender of truths, and your viewpoint is so shallow you skim reality. You are living in a vacuum, and you are one of those self righteous religious zealots that will never see anything outside your small little hypocritical world. More FAKE News he is here for 4 years. If you going to make any impact in this thread try make statements with FACT and EVIDENCE otherwise you just another Kellyanne Conway .. full of shit and a bag of hot air!

hit him again sexy man, hit him again! :bowdown :bowdown i felt him flinch!

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