WOW, really?? You ALL are a bunch of morons. YOU are the ones repeating the same crap over and over with no facts, NOT ME. Your split personalities are really amazing, Billy. Make up your mind, CYBIL.
I was giving HISTORY in my previous posts, which is FACT in and of itself. NOTHING I said about that history was inaccurate and you all KNOW that. So according to YOUR inaccurate history, the Democrats did NOT control Congresses for as long as I said they did? Whatever world you're living on, it is not THIS one.
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN say Trump won fair and square because he did. The ONLY thing Trump has said was that there were likely illegal aliens voting, which is why Hillary won the popular vote. And he may have people doing an investigation into that, and i hope he does. In case you don't know, ILLEGAL aliens can NOT VOTE. They are not citizens here. It's common sense.
YOU are ridiculous and you're not even HALF WAY there.
Since Trump has been sworn in, he has been doing everything he can to reverse the damage and stupidity of the last eight years. He is doing the right thing. As long as he continues his efforts in this regard, I will always defend him. I did not support him in the primaries, but since he has been sworn in as president, he has taken the correct actions on every issue so far.
These are ALL FACTS ALB. You just refuse to listen to the truth, that's all.
You don't ROCK, Billy. You are DUMB as a rock. The ONLY narcissistic, compulsive LIAR in the White House in recent years was....Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama bin Laden. Trump has shown he is NOT a liar by keeping all of his campaign promises to the American people. You must have missed it, but I was watching on C span when Trump had his tax lawyer and accountant explain to everyone that Trump had signed ALL of his financial interests over to his sons. And he had stacks and stacks of paper and documents next to the podium proving everything he was saying was TRUE, not a lie. If Trump was actually receiving ANY financial benefits from ANY of his now former companies, he would be in prison by now.
No, Kert, the whole LOT of them will NOT topple, his administration is going to be just fine.
Once again, everything I said in my previous posts was the TRUTH, not a lie. So you think that the Democrats have NOT been stonewalling Trump's nominees, that they have NOT slowed down the process? That is exactly what has been happening, you're just too blind to see that. EVERYTHING I have talked about is the truth. You just refuse to believe it.
And the next time Global warming is brought up, I do have proof about the fact that the real agenda of the kooks who believe that is to overthrow capitalism. These are a bunch of socialist, capitalist hating morons who subscribe to the global warming myth.