2/13/17 @ 12:15am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
The majority of America supports Trump and what he is doing. Whether you want to believe it or not is irrelevant. You cannot tell me, after he drew HUGE crowds everywhere he spoke, that everyone HATES him now and he hasn't even been in office for a MONTH YET. You can't tell me, after all the states that elected him and his strong showing in the election, that everyone suddenly despises him and hates everything he is doing now. He is FULFILLING HIS ELECTION PROMISES. That's what he was elected to do. The majority supports him, and as long as he continues doing everything he was ELECTED to do, his support will only increase.
I believe I know exactly what is going on here. Apparently it's time for a history lesson to prove my point. Liberals hate the fact they have lost control of everything, and they are damn near suicidal. They are used to being IN CONTROL. Libs had control of the White House AND Congress from 1964 to 1969, 1977 to 1981, 1993 to 1995, 2009 to 2011. Even the years they did not have the White House, they had firm control of Congress. Reagan had to work with a very liberal Congress but by some miracle, he still was able to get done what needed to get done. President Bush did have a GOP Congress for some years, but the problem with Bush was that he caved into the liberal agenda on domestic issues CONSTANTLY. Not on foreign policy, but on domestic policies he caved all the time. He may as well have been a Democrat. This is the first time since 2004 that the American people elected BOTH a GOP Congress AND a Republican President. Before that, you have to go to the early 1900s and 1920s to find elections where the GOP had total control of the government. Now that the people have elected both a conservative GOP Congress AND a GOP President for the first time in a LONG time, the liberals are going fucking ballistic. They can't handle it. So they are slowing down the process and dragging their feet on Trump's very qualified nominations to his cabinet. They are acting like they ARE the ones who are in control even though they are not. They lost the elections but they are acting like they WON even though they lost. They can't STAND the fact that the American people would be so "stupid" to elect their enemies. In the lib's mind, it is their BIRTHRIGHT to be in control of the government. You fucking Democrats have been in control for so much for so long, and you can't handle being out of control for even a few years??? Spoiled, angry ch1ldren. The majority of America does NOT AGREE WITH YOU, that's why they elected the opposite of you. GET OVER IT.
The elections next year will go very badly for you also. The GOP will pick up a few seats in the House and TEN seats in the Senate.
blah blah blah - and still no proof.
thanks HWT, but really not hard to find the place is full of this maniac doing his idiotic thing. Amazing how the man creates hard evidence in Tweets and Video as to what he is ... who ever is advising him about using social media should be shot.
BTW, it's not rubbish, it's ALL fact in my post, Billy.
You know Trump was being interviewed by the very liberal press who was asking him questions about any future investigation. This was even before he was sworn in. He's not gonna come out right off the bat and say, "YES, we are definitely prosecuting Hillary for everything she did. I've made up my mind already." Also, he did not say that his administration would NEVER do anything about that situation. He didn't say he NEVER would. I am willing to bet he will do something about this matter down the road in the very near future. So far, Trump has kept his word on all of these domestic issues he talked about on the campaign trail.
And what is Trump going to do, declare all out WAR on China??? Of course not. They have a HUGE fucking army. He has to walk a tightrope and tread carefully. Thanks to Obama, we have a very diminished weak army now. I'll bet you if he had said we are attacking China, well, you would criticize him for THAT too. You would criticize him no matter WHAT he said.
Anyway, everything I wrote in my last post was true.
The things you have said in your previous post prove nothing, they are not fact. You are just repeating the same crap over and over saying that because there is A there must be B, but that isn't fact or proof that is assumptions and opinion. Good for you and your opinions but don't try and pass that off as fact here, its BS. You cant give us shit and say its chocolate and hope that since you call us names and jab at us while doing so that we wont notice the difference. It doesn't work here.
2/13/17 @ 11:54am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
BTW, it's not rubbish, it's ALL fact in my post, Billy.
You know Trump was being interviewed by the very liberal press who was asking him questions about any future investigation. This was even before he was sworn in. He's not gonna come out right off the bat and say, "YES, we are definitely prosecuting Hillary for everything she did. I've made up my mind already." Also, he did not say that his administration would NEVER do anything about that situation. He didn't say he NEVER would. I am willing to bet he will do something about this matter down the road in the very near future. So far, Trump has kept his word on all of these domestic issues he talked about on the campaign trail.
And what is Trump going to do, declare all out WAR on China??? Of course not. They have a HUGE fucking army. He has to walk a tightrope and tread carefully. Thanks to Obama, we have a very diminished weak army now. I'll bet you if he had said we are attacking China, well, you would criticize him for THAT too. You would criticize him no matter WHAT he said.
Anyway, everything I wrote in my last post was true.
blah blah blah - still no facts - just blah blah by you. I want to see sources , numbers, statistics - not stories written by you
And what is Trump going to do, declare all out WAR on China??? Of course not. They have a HUGE fucking army. He has to walk a tightrope and tread carefully. Thanks to Obama, we have a very diminished weak army now. I'll bet you if he had said we are attacking China, well, you would criticize him for THAT too.
Declare war on China? where did you find that one? ... Walk the tightrope ... tread carefully, you make me laugh, seriously Spurt you should moonlight as a comedian, your rhetoric is so bl00dy stupid!
Why don't you defend some of the facts put to you instead of coming up with fairytales, for instance all the lies shown in the video or the fact that he still owns share holdings in his companies. You see when you eventually have to recognise you are dealing with a narcissistic, compulsive liar you will have to admit, not to us but to yourself that u made a bad choice and that your lot is not about to improve, actually its going to head south, its only a matter of time. But because u so desperately want to believe, you will hang on until Trump shoots you between the eyes along with all the other believers, and you know what ... not one of u will lift a finger to do anything, u will all be smiling corpses! Grim huh?
Declare war on China? where did you find that one? ... Walk the tightrope ... tread carefully, you make me laugh, seriously Spurt you should moonlight as a comedian, your rhetoric is so bl00dy stupid!
Why don't you defend some of the facts put to you instead of coming up with fairytales, for instance all the lies shown in the video or the fact that he still owns share holdings in his companies. You see when you eventually have to recognise you are dealing with a narcissistic, compulsive liar you will have to admit, not to us but to yourself that u made a bad choice and that your lot is not about to improve, actually its going to head south, its only a matter of time. But because u so desperately want to believe, you will hang on until Trump shoots you between the eyes along with all the other believers, and you know what ... not one of u will lift a finger to do anything, u will all be smiling corpses! Grim huh?
wow Billy has seen the light! (Sorry Spurt I think Billy may have been a traitor to your cause)
Geeze you could be right, maybe Billy is pulling the wool ... could I be that naive? Billy u bastard!!
2/13/17 @ 11:20pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
Damn I lose! Flynn is the first to go.
tum ta ta tum da da tum tum tuuuuuuuuuuum *whoosh*
Leggo the goddamned thang!*
* From old Bill Cosby routine. Burial at Sea
Damn I lose! Flynn is the first to go.
tum ta ta tum da da tum tum tuuuuuuuuuuum *whoosh*
Leggo the goddamned thang!*
* From old Bill Cosby routine. Burial at Sea
never mind eventually the whole lot will topple ... wasn't long ago certain people were singing the praises of Flynn turns out he is just another dispatcher of alternative facts.
I was giving HISTORY in my previous posts, which is FACT in and of itself. NOTHING I said about that history was inaccurate and you all KNOW that. So according to YOUR inaccurate history, the Democrats did NOT control Congresses for as long as I said they did? Whatever world you're living on, it is not THIS one.
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN say Trump won fair and square because he did. The ONLY thing Trump has said was that there were likely illegal aliens voting, which is why Hillary won the popular vote. And he may have people doing an investigation into that, and i hope he does. In case you don't know, ILLEGAL aliens can NOT VOTE. They are not citizens here. It's common sense.
YOU are ridiculous and you're not even HALF WAY there.
Since Trump has been sworn in, he has been doing everything he can to reverse the damage and stupidity of the last eight years. He is doing the right thing. As long as he continues his efforts in this regard, I will always defend him. I did not support him in the primaries, but since he has been sworn in as president, he has taken the correct actions on every issue so far.
These are ALL FACTS ALB. You just refuse to listen to the truth, that's all.
You don't ROCK, Billy. You are DUMB as a rock. The ONLY narcissistic, compulsive LIAR in the White House in recent years was....Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama bin Laden. Trump has shown he is NOT a liar by keeping all of his campaign promises to the American people. You must have missed it, but I was watching on C span when Trump had his tax lawyer and accountant explain to everyone that Trump had signed ALL of his financial interests over to his sons. And he had stacks and stacks of paper and documents next to the podium proving everything he was saying was TRUE, not a lie. If Trump was actually receiving ANY financial benefits from ANY of his now former companies, he would be in prison by now.
No, Kert, the whole LOT of them will NOT topple, his administration is going to be just fine.
Once again, everything I said in my previous posts was the TRUTH, not a lie. So you think that the Democrats have NOT been stonewalling Trump's nominees, that they have NOT slowed down the process? That is exactly what has been happening, you're just too blind to see that. EVERYTHING I have talked about is the truth. You just refuse to believe it.
And the next time Global warming is brought up, I do have proof about the fact that the real agenda of the kooks who believe that is to overthrow capitalism. These are a bunch of socialist, capitalist hating morons who subscribe to the global warming myth.
I was giving HISTORY in my previous posts, which is FACT in and of itself. NOTHING I said about that history was inaccurate and you all KNOW that. So according to YOUR inaccurate history, the Democrats did NOT control Congresses for as long as I said they did? Whatever world you're living on, it is not THIS one.
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN say Trump won fair and square because he did. The ONLY thing Trump has said was that there were likely illegal aliens voting, which is why Hillary won the popular vote. And he may have people doing an investigation into that, and i hope he does. In case you don't know, ILLEGAL aliens can NOT VOTE. They are not citizens here. It's common sense.
YOU are ridiculous and you're not even HALF WAY there.
Since Trump has been sworn in, he has been doing everything he can to reverse the damage and stupidity of the last eight years. He is doing the right thing. As long as he continues his efforts in this regard, I will always defend him. I did not support him in the primaries, but since he has been sworn in as president, he has taken the correct actions on every issue so far.
These are ALL FACTS ALB. You just refuse to listen to the truth, that's all.
You don't ROCK, Billy. You are DUMB as a rock. The ONLY narcissistic, compulsive LIAR in the White House in recent years was....Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama bin Laden. Trump has shown he is NOT a liar by keeping all of his campaign promises to the American people. You must have missed it, but I was watching on C span when Trump had his tax lawyer and accountant explain to everyone that Trump had signed ALL of his financial interests over to his sons. And he had stacks and stacks of paper and documents next to the podium proving everything he was saying was TRUE, not a lie. If Trump was actually receiving ANY financial benefits from ANY of his now former companies, he would be in prison by now.
No, Kert, the whole LOT of them will NOT topple, his administration is going to be just fine.
Once again, everything I said in my previous posts was the TRUTH, not a lie. So you think that the Democrats have NOT been stonewalling Trump's nominees, that they have NOT slowed down the process? That is exactly what has been happening, you're just too blind to see that. EVERYTHING I have talked about is the truth. You just refuse to believe it.
And the next time Global warming is brought up, I do have proof about the fact that the real agenda of the kooks who believe that is to overthrow capitalism. These are a bunch of socialist, capitalist hating morons who subscribe to the global warming myth.
LOL we are bunch of Morons? You are the common denominator u TWIT! Billy the FAKE rocks , just like Donny the FAKE rocks u moron, u'd eat shit off a spoon if it was fed to you, and Billy as bigger moron as he was proved that! We are not trying to compare Obama with Trump u idiot, don't you get that?!!! Thats history ... this term is this term, lets talk relevance, this man Trump is a prolific liar... I challenge you to prove otherwise, PUT UP OR SHUTUP! I'll prove he is a liar over and over, and the words will be right out his own mouth. Yours will be but but but ...Obama ... but ...but ... HE IS A LIAR , A LOW DOWN LIAR! What u are involved in is MASS HYSTERIA, what u are part of is a movement full of people so desperate to believe their lot will get better they will vote for the devil to get it. It ain't gonna get BETTER buddy, Donald doesn't know who u are nor does he give a SHIT !
Oh please bring the Global warming proof ... PLEASE!!
2/15/17 @ 10:42am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
Here's to 'Beth Warren
And to Bernie Sanders
To Al Franken
Keep it up! Was wonderful to see a gag order from the Senate. Is wonderful to see sustained resistance. Is inspiring to see a spotlight cast that is never extinguished.
2/15/17 @ 11:06am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
I was giving HISTORY in my previous posts, which is FACT in and of itself. NOTHING I said about that history was inaccurate and you all KNOW that. So according to YOUR inaccurate history, the Democrats did NOT control Congresses for as long as I said they did? Whatever world you're living on, it is not THIS one.
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN say Trump won fair and square because he did. The ONLY thing Trump has said was that there were likely illegal aliens voting, which is why Hillary won the popular vote. And he may have people doing an investigation into that, and i hope he does. In case you don't know, ILLEGAL aliens can NOT VOTE. They are not citizens here. It's common sense.
YOU are ridiculous and you're not even HALF WAY there.
Since Trump has been sworn in, he has been doing everything he can to reverse the damage and stupidity of the last eight years. He is doing the right thing. As long as he continues his efforts in this regard, I will always defend him. I did not support him in the primaries, but since he has been sworn in as president, he has taken the correct actions on every issue so far.
These are ALL FACTS ALB. You just refuse to listen to the truth, that's all.
You don't ROCK, Billy. You are DUMB as a rock. The ONLY narcissistic, compulsive LIAR in the White House in recent years was....Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama bin Laden. Trump has shown he is NOT a liar by keeping all of his campaign promises to the American people. You must have missed it, but I was watching on C span when Trump had his tax lawyer and accountant explain to everyone that Trump had signed ALL of his financial interests over to his sons. And he had stacks and stacks of paper and documents next to the podium proving everything he was saying was TRUE, not a lie. If Trump was actually receiving ANY financial benefits from ANY of his now former companies, he would be in prison by now.
No, Kert, the whole LOT of them will NOT topple, his administration is going to be just fine.
Once again, everything I said in my previous posts was the TRUTH, not a lie. So you think that the Democrats have NOT been stonewalling Trump's nominees, that they have NOT slowed down the process? That is exactly what has been happening, you're just too blind to see that. EVERYTHING I have talked about is the truth. You just refuse to believe it.
And the next time Global warming is brought up, I do have proof about the fact that the real agenda of the kooks who believe that is to overthrow capitalism. These are a bunch of socialist, capitalist hating morons who subscribe to the global warming myth.
Ok .. as you are meanwhile the only genius left I try to explain you difference between fact and what you give.
It is a FACT that Trump said that there are 93 million of unemployed people searching a job in the USA - you can find this statement in many newspapers, on youtube and even in one of your funny posts.
Whereas the 93 million of unemployed people searching a job is a Trumps ASSERTION - an ASSERTION far away from truth even. Even if you count in all retired people and all people above 16 who still visit school you won't have that many. Official data say an unemploymentrate of 4.9% at the moment ( to make it a FACT and not only an ASSERTION: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment_in_the_United_States )
It's a FACT that Trump legally won the elections - he won the electoral votes 304:227 (to make it FACT: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/12/20/trump-secures-victory-in-electoral-college-as-bid-to-flip -electors-flops.html ).
It is another fact that CIA accused Russia helping Trump for White House ( https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during -presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.47eb4c63 16b0 ) but it would be wrong ASSERTION if I would say that without help of Russia Trump would have lost.
It is a FACT that Clinton won popular votes (I make it FACT again: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/donald-trump-lost-popular-vote-hillary -clinton-us-election-president-history-a7470116.html ) but it's an ASSERTION (unproven again) that it is only because of illegal votes. That that ASSERTION came out of Trumps mouth doesn't make it automatically true.
It is a FACT that unemploymentrate is half of the rate it was before Obama ( again to make it a FACT and not only an ASSERTION: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment_in_the_United_States )
Now there is your ASSERTION that Obama acted against Constitution and was a criminal - whereas Trump already did everything right (even court thought different) and is an angel in all he does
Now .. that you hopefully know what we Morons consider a proof (as you were first again in insulting us - I owe you an idiot again Mr Forrest Spurt) you can deliver us some FACTS and stop with all that bla bla bla and fictitious ASSERTIONS you gave us so far.
Kert, Billy .. welcome in our legion of Dumbs - welcome in the Leaque of People who are unable to hold a candle to genius Purts. We can't run .. we can't swim ... we are rocks
2/15/17 @ 11:52am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Which is higher spurts iq or the temperature at the south pole.