7/15/13 @ 7:17am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
7/15/13 @ 7:20am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
Croist Alberich ... do ya even have the glimmer of a neuron fired idea of wtf granting MAH wishes would do? MUHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAA
. wondering where the brain went .
7/15/13 @ 7:25am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
Characteristics of July 14th :
... such lines.
the 14th? ouuhhhghghahahaaaahahahuhuuuuu (eerie.laugh.franais)
7/15/13 @ 7:29am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
*piles up Foster's shipping boxes* *still staring at ya tits ... now eye level* (hugs) *feet dangling in the air as ya arms crush mah ribs*
7/15/13 @ 7:34am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
Her dark eyes glimmer in the low light of the ally off of the Prospekt; the heat of the Moskow summer night has raised a light gleam of persperation on both the malchika's foreheads and they stand with their black leather hip length booted feet spread in a defensive posturing. The short cropped head of the blonde nods as the raven hair of the brunette slides across her coal colored eyes in half concealment.
"Angie ... hey." The two smile and turn as one and pace the distance to the alley entrance together.
7/15/13 @ 7:39am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
::stands back with fire extinguisher, fingers poised on 911 speed dial button, as dozens of candles are lit with a blowtorch on my homemade 150 proof rum cake::
Yugs, Clone
ARRRGGHHHHHH fok! a Yug from mah Clonie!!!!!!! (BEAMS) *motorboats the cringing duplicative one* *staightens her 'Fucking Evvvvveeerrryyyyyyyythhhhiiiing!' crown*
*holding my Wardrobe's hand and dancin'*
. just a reason .
7/15/13 @ 7:52am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
7/15/13 @ 7:57am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
I was thinking about it, what gift would be great for you.. and I think, the best gift would be a BAN!
LOL dayummmm Wardrobe and YOU *clutches sides in glee that we've all met*
7/15/13 @ 8:01am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
ANOTHER birthday Ms Palmer? Have a good one!
thanks Jeffie (chortles) wish fokin Kert wahr 'ere ta hand ya a frostie ... but since 'e c'aint ...
7/15/13 @ 8:04am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
thanks Nat *eyes the shadow'd large figure b'hind th' curtains* (quick.hug) and *runs*
. we gonna lose our minds tonight .
7/15/13 @ 8:06am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
*tips cloth cap* Thanks Nabil ... hope ya next vacation time's taken on a smaller warmer island ...
7/15/13 @ 8:12am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
ahhhh MY embryo extension ... *pats TIMMAH's helmet-less head* ... (hug) ... 20 days an' i will be *slight panting*
. woo-hoo .
7/15/13 @ 8:16am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
*eyes my (Wardrobe.Lover) thanks Barbery ... i think i have finally met my match ...
7/15/13 @ 12:24pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
Croist Alberich ... do ya even have the glimmer of a neuron fired idea of wtf granting MAH wishes would do? MUHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAA
. wondering where the brain went .
Lol - Ok then shall only wishes be granted which won't nuke me
I know you are deep inside a very loveable cute lady (well inside mostly is like outside - and that is for sure loveable) - so I'm sure you won't nuke me - and if so I will show you the finger.
Btw - never ask where mens brain moved - it can be on a different place from one second to another.
I hope you had a great party and Bart didn't steal all your cOOkies and rOOtbeer Quote
7/15/13 @ 1:49pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
lol your are right on time my long narrow gentle handed Doll ... poor Miguel had it a day earlier than my 32 years ago arrival ... today's the day i was squooze out and plopped to the floor as the first of two semi-matched (womb.dropping); the other of us arrived two years later *gawd at a siamese twin arrivin' with that delay eh?*
7/15/13 @ 2:46pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: near the edge of reality
Posts: 1,281
lol your are right on time my long narrow gentle handed Doll ... poor Miguel had it a day earlier than my 32 years ago arrival ... today's the day i was squooze out and plopped to the floor as the first of two semi-matched (womb.dropping); the other of us arrived two years later *gawd at a siamese twin arrivin' with that delay eh?*
Fok - oh well try again! Same credits as previous.
If you are born on July 15th then astrology or numerology can predicts many information about you as every year on July 15th Sun will be in same position. Every planets has different frequency and take more or less time to revolve around Sun compared to earth , hence all the other planet will be in different location every year on July 15th. Sun is the most powerful among all other powers hence Being Sun on a fixed location on July 15th on your birth date, a lot can be predicted about you from your horoscope or kundali..
Astrology horoscope Characteristics of July 15th :
You are inclined to speculate, so as to make money quickly, but in all gamble you generally lose, where as in business you area as rule most successful. You often make excellent physic, and usually have a yearning for the mysterious. You usually go through a great deal of trouble and you are seldom surrounded by great happiness, no matter how successful you may appear to the world. You are a person of kind hearted, generous and extremely magnetic by heart. You are also impressionable by nature.
You like to achieve your success and reach to your desired goal. Your ambition to make success of your career may be of higher priority. You will have an interest an unusual life. This will attract others towards you and with this quality you will be very popular and attractive towards the opposite gender. You really love the romance because you are a born lover. You will get involve into many love affair but the fact is that not a single one will be with you for a long and even a single love will be through in proper sense. You are very powerful in your will power. You love the mystical things and this will help you to gather some mysterious and unusual things.
You will keep these well under control and not allow any form of ideal, superstition to gain a hold over you, but at the same time you will be a believer in fate and you strongly feel that there is a destiny that shapes your lives. You are a home seek person and you love your family and your family members, specially your parents very much. You also possess a great affection on the maternal side.
You love to help and cooperate your relative in every way and not recent the load they will place on your shoulder. But it is a matter of sorrow that you will not able to lead a happy conjugal life because your life partner will not be like you. There is a least probability top match the vibes between you and your partner. So you are advised to be very conscious and be thoughtful before selecting your better-half. In your case, under the influence of powerful sources you will able to manifest your strong qualities over other.
You will rise over your peers to hold the positions of your responsibilities and trust, but your greatest efforts will be to uplift humanity in general. You will really ready to get involve with the any kind of charitable and philanthropic activities. In many ways you will be more charitable to institutions than you may be to individuals. But you are likely to be equally generous to the members who are belonging to the slum areas.
Happy Birthday - again - Quote
7/15/13 @ 2:55pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
lol your are right on time my long narrow gentle handed Doll ... poor Miguel had it a day earlier than my 32 years ago arrival ... today's the day i was squooze out and plopped to the floor as the first of two semi-matched (womb.dropping); the other of us arrived two years later *gawd at a siamese twin arrivin' with that delay eh?*
After my yesterdays 364 days belated b'day wishes - Happy Birthday to you - happy birthday to you - Happy birthday dear Mandy, happy birthday to you. May almost all your wishes and desires be granted
7/15/13 @ 3:39pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Curacao
Posts: 369