6/22/14 @ 6:16pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
From the Book of Ride:
Now what ones amongst you do seek in their lives to follow the sloth instead of the ant? For I say unto you, a sloth's life doth look attractively slow and unharried, whilst the ant's doth appear overly lively and constrained... however the surface sometimes doth hide what lies beneath.
Verily, verily I say unto you... no sloth is an island and here lies his difficulty. For though he never will know the pain of the stress induced ulcer he also will never know the joy of the company of many friends. And the ant rushes from one interesting pursuit to another, mindlessly wired into the hill mind guide, without a worry wrinkle upon his smooth, morphologically ideal, form. This steady pace keeps him fit, facile, his many functions keeps his little brain perpetually active, his antenna wafting, happily in the air. Oh the joy of being a little, happy, ant for his brief existence. The joy of duty! Serving the good old queen. What does a sloth know of duty, of sacrifice, of taking one for the team! Or thowing his weight around in a good old fashioned war! Just sex, eating, and sleeping. pfwaaah! And has to take care of his own k1ds! Whaaaazaaat red ant attack in sector 8! I'm on it! See. Gonna get my mandibles in some red ant baby! Long live the queen! Long live the queen!
6/24/14 @ 12:27am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Tension... let me tell you about good tension... my little chickadees... amici miei i's...
Hill Where the Lord Hides... It builds man... Lay down the string riff... Set the first theme... Pass it back and forth... Strings, winds, flutie tooties... drums... some low key low register brass... And then bam quick hint at the solii to cum WHEEEEEAA AAAHHHHH in the gods of band section , the trumpets, pass it over to saxes who build build and screech and whine and stir it all up man.. but like you know it is still coming .... bones and then BOOOM THERE IT IS... WOOOO EEE AAAA DE DOOOODELE DAH DEEE DAH DEEE DAH DOOO DEEEE AHHHHH DEEEE DOOODELE DEEE DOOODLEEE DE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the trumpet grand solii man, sweet and high and no seam in it... followed by the post-orgasm diddling but you know bigger orgasm coming maaaaaaan, build, after some cuddling, stroke stroke, some sheet juggling and then some play but then tension tension fucking TENSION rythm build this time, theme 1, whroooorrm deliberate bad note, theme 2 just and then flutie totties make u think fade is coming.. but no, accented synchopated off rythmic, reminding you of some movie about the Congo and then build BLAST FROM ALL THE BRASS man (simpler than solli but from the gut).. Ooooh ahhh Ooooo oooo ah... Chuck man, knows music.
6/24/14 @ 10:02am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Sith Nazgul Lord: * SCREEEEEEEEEE * K1ll all the guardian youngling harp seals...
Awwwwww ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. So monkey scum.... Your pathetic plans were too slow to develop. And now I.... I... am your master! KNEEL BEFORE A KIND OF POWER WHOSE SIZE YOU CANNOT GRASP IN YOUR FEEBLE, PEA MINDS!!!!
Oh... and...
6/25/14 @ 10:08am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
*sneak sneak sneak* shhhhhhhhh lotsa sleeping visitors here... I'll tell that evil guy to hold it down a little...
6/27/14 @ 5:39pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
*canter canter canter* NO NO NO!!! IS NOT THE SLOWLY GALLOPING THREAD!!!!
*cantor cantor cantor* NO NO NO!!! THERE IS NOTHING TRANSFINITE HERE!!!
*contour contour contour* FILL IN YOUR LINES MAN!!! WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO YOUR JOB!!!!
Sheesh... A lot of people wanna take advantage of us SD types...
6/28/14 @ 11:41am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Inspector from BI stopped by and demanded to see our cardinality report. He did not like the type of paper the report was written upon and showed this by scattering it all over the place. This sort of rudeness has become esconced somehow in our culture, when we are talking of one set reporting to another, so we have no complaint in this regard though perhaps we should.
He had no interest in our ordinals. Which we of course take great pride in. Just, in nauseating detail, our cardinals. He asserted many things. He imposed the axiom of choice on us. We followed his various definitions around and saw that he had a very organized house but we still do not recommend purchasing this house for any price. The are ways to order sets that are not well ordered. Despite high seeming, component cardinalities, to use a crass phrase. Well I prefer to be crass when talking about such things than to get trapped in a self protecting definition and be hemmed in by some seedy axiom, let me tell you.
Mankind did not rise out of the ocean, organize itself into a multitude of well ordered sets, to be bamboozled by this sort of high ranking tyrant! I have always called my numbers simply. I have given them personalities all their own. I have not predjudiced with transfinite labels. I have not singled out particular solutions to particular equations. Man in all things is master not the constructs that he makes. They are built not just to order a nest but to realize truths.
So I stuffed the report in his mouth and booted him out the door. I may not be director of the SDT much longer. But I assure you it shall remain pure in its doctrine until I am fired!
6/28/14 @ 3:13pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
In my system the nominals are not numbers at all but ID strings. They serve as a way to identify objects in what is hopefully a convenient way, easier to work with than their original names. There are no operations shared by all of these different types of IDs, except string equality. Any symbol, or collection of symbols may serve to identify one object. Ordering in notation has no significance. The mapping of symbols to objects chosen to suit the particular problem addressed. For some problems integers are convenient and meaningful operations can be defined that work upon them in a very similar way to our natural numbers. But only some problems.
I have had no need to think of them in any other way.
6/28/14 @ 4:26pm
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Location: at play with the others
Posts: 672
. inevitable objectionable musical .
*blue ermin loop where the esoteric is vividly encounterable http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
6/29/14 @ 12:59pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Now let us see what we have wrought in making this set. Are there any operations that make any sense? That take one member and convert to another, valid for each member? The elements of the set don't even represent objects of the same type. They do not function as useful IDs because it is not obvious, in most contexts, how we are to interpret the member unless we refer to the set name continually. The only reason for gathering these together would perhaps be to aid someone studying for an exam with a teacher intersted in only a few aspects of these movies, or to prepare for entry into some weird database of movie, sequal, date, and execution attempts. Clearly not a very common format for storing movie info in.
There are numbers. There are sets. There are good ideas. There are misguided ideas. I enjoyed the lumping of objects into this set. But would not go further than this. It served my purpose and I don't need to open a new wing of mathematics to agonize over its possibilities and properties.
Math is my bitch and the day she dictates that I must do this or that thing is the day I spank her.
6/29/14 @ 2:44pm
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Location: Among the Stars
Posts: 1
6/29/14 @ 4:46pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Impressive! Yes sir quite impressive. The beauty of your argument almost forgotten by the power of your graphic demo.
I am horrified to learn that the birds are all right wing now. I am imagining scenes straight out of Hitchcock for liberal voters at our voting booths across the world. I wonder how the birds will know which voters to attack... Ah wait a minute.. to ask the question is to know the answer.
6/29/14 @ 4:54pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Porthos (3): * hah hiii heee hyaooo * There are too many of them!
Aramis (4) * parry thrust spin twirl * Forgive us Father for all we must k1ll.
Athos (1974) * tink tink sliiiiiiiiide tink * She was a vicious woman...
D'artagnan (2): * fwaaaaang ptooooink gwaaaaang yoink * To me! They cannot defeat us if we cluster up into a lattice.
One for all!
the Sum : and all for one!
7/2/14 @ 11:30pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
I mean it's all good to blow off steam and splash your troubles with some manipulation in the mind. To flex in a relaxed way your mental muscle. But how are your relationships with the opposite sex going? Are you happy with your level of understanding of your dual?
To reach my current hyper-enlightened state, I remember quite vividly that I began to make progress when I used my mental faculties to place interesting women in carefully controlled scenarios. By observing the reaction of the test subject to the external stimulii I learned nearly all I know in this field. Let me give you a brief axample of this fruitful method of analysis.
Snow White: Who the fuck left the lights off? *bump bump crash* I'm gonna beat the crap out of some little men if I don't...
Dwarves: *turning on lights* Surprise! It's your intervention!
Snow White: Intervention!? Do you mean to tell me that you dumb fucks turned off the lights and hid like it was some fucking surprise party and it's my intervention, MY INTERVENTION!!!!
Doc: Now Snow... keep your lid on... We are your friends and we care about...
Snow White: HIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! ( a small bearded figure flies through the window with a crash of glass)
Sneezy: Damn now there's pollen all over here! aaaaaaachooooo.. AAAAAAACHOOOOO AAAAAACHOOOO!
Snow White: Every tried freebasin' El Schnozo? * sets Sneezy's beard on fire *
Dopey: ...
Snow White: OMG I AM SO SICK OF YOUR LIP!!!! * slaps Dopey and kicks him out of doors *
Shivering Remainder: errrr...... we'd like to go now.
Snow White: Me Rome... You... Carthage!!! * wipes out the whole legion of dwarves *
Snow: * a bottle of vodka in one hand and a torch in the other * The flames of Hell consume their little dwelling and all the forest with those twittering fools of birds.
See how much fun this is? Now you try. Remember, if it doesn't seem natural you've got the test subject all wrong...
7/5/14 @ 3:02am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Chuck: *bump crash tinkle * Oh man I've got to fix that light...
Dwarves: *some* Surprise! *some* Intervention!
Chuck: *giggling a little, sitting down* Oh man... Thanks bros. I've always wanted one.
Happy: Is so good to see you Chuck... But we are worried about you.
Sneezy: *sniff* Yeahb Chuck... All that drinking and all those women.
Chuck: I see... Hey wanna hear a new song I've written... * Bwaaaaaa beeee bawwwwwwwww * It could really use some accompaniment.
Dwarves: Yay! * all pull out their instruments and start jammimng *
I mean those dwarves know how to lay down a good beat and Chuck you know gave them a good line. Happy with his organ pipes, Dopey with percussion, Sneezy with his jugs 0' many pitches, Doc with is xylophone, Grumpy with his brand new bass... Sleepy with his trombonamophone, and Spasticky with his accordian man....
By the time they had finished the first tune and toasted a job well done amply, the chicks arrived and the party really got started... Best damned intervention any has had for years!
7/5/14 @ 2:36pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Lady Gaga: * bump crash tinkle * Fuck! I thought I fixed that.
Dwarves: *some* Surprise! *some* Intervention!
Lady Gaga: * starts dancing * A b-b-boyfriend is just like a dad...
Sneezy: No dear. Don't do it! We are here because...
Lady Gaga: * music gets louder * Don't call my n-n-name, don't call my name...
Happy: You have to deal with it! You are getting way out of control.
* a bunch of male dancers run in and start joining Gaga's damce *
The dwarves can't help themselves... they start stripping and putting tape on their bodies. They start to dance like the other dancers... Erotically....
A surprising amount of leathery sex gear with spikes comes out of dwarf closets...
Outside... a twisted, old figure carrying an apple grimaces and steals away into the night muttering "I'll bet I'll have to sell my place... Fucking neighborhood's just gotten too weird."
7/6/14 @ 12:58pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
When in the slowly developing mode... you should feel somewhat like the warrior who uses shield and spear. A few off balance thrusts of the mind to chase some speeding mental opportunity followed by return to center and balance behind the shield of wisdom.
Now lower your heads while I chastise you maggots for a bit. You mongrels are always ruining languages by your chopping off of letters... chopping off letters because your sloth mouths are unable to speak rapidly enough.
Balance! If you muuuust lose letters left and right then deliberately add letters too. I know you will fuck this up somehow. But at least the words will not change length on average. And a future linguist will go 'oh here is where some lazy oaf decided the "ey" isn't necessary, and then tried to cover his theft with a "ii"'
If you are really good you'll make the future linguist think that English is a Romance language.
7/6/14 @ 1:00pm
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Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,966