I think this individual may have been banned from the Forums, which frankly would be sweet justice. Whatever the case, I write this open letter to AFB, Amanda Fucking Bitch.
You may think that you won, but you didn't. In the rooms from which you tip banned me with your idiotic Tip-Ban idea, I would never have taken those models private. They were not among my Favorites anyway. I notice you were in a couple of rooms where I was also present visiting my Favorite models. If you had told them to ban me, they would never have done it. And I notice that you did not tip them to attempt to have me banned from those rooms, because you knew they would NOT do it.
I personally know models who will ban you the next time they see you, just for the FUCK OF IT. I will love to see that happen. I will not mention which ones they are, you're gonna have to learn the hard way.
I thought it interesting that you loved to ban everyone over nothing, but yet I was reading in some rooms where you were whining, complaining and bitching that a couple of models had banned you from their rooms recently. So, it's okay for you to ban, but it's not okay for models to ban you? Can we say....double standard?
Also, a member or customer on here is not boring just because you like to use the term and call them boring. Probably the fact that you call them "boring" is an automatic indication that they are just the opposite of boring. You are a liar after all.
I also noticed in the Forums that there were a couple of members who tried to resolve some issues or disagreements with you in a calm, reasonable manner. Your response to them was not calm or reasonable at all. It was just the opposite. It was amazing to me when I read your replies to them. But then it should not have surprised me at all, since I know what kind of person you are. A constant chip on your shoulder that never goes away. Amazing.