Oh the games played by tyrants are as old as time itself. Even today they think we do not see their simple minded lies.
1) We take this territory because it is ours. Yet you lost it somehow?
And now you risk precious life to take what you could not hold once again with no guarantee of being able to hold it in the future? Nonsense!
2) We take this territory because it is the last bit needed for our stability. Our natural size. Or we need a port because we are so fucking port impoverished.
Empire after empire has grown and then VOLUNTARILY split up because a father wished to avoid conflict among his sons, or west was easier to govern separately than east, etc etc So what was the great need to put all that land under one crown? For the large empire's passing glory, a glory existing in their own foolish minds. They snuffed out life for its sake, that glory, and their actions would today be seen by many as criminal.
Oh a nation may need to reach a certain size for its own security. To be a local power. There are realities to be sure in the political sphere that must be satisfied. But haven't the majority of the powers realized these boundaries already? Is there really any nation choking so much from lack of land in this age that it must war to achieve its aims?
The tyrant, the villain, will be known throughout history as such. His glory in his own eyes only. His nation and neighbors will suffer for his folly. This is the lesson of History and not the pronouncement of any jury. He has shown that he is unworthy to lead, has learned nothing from the past, and will only lead his people away from their dreams.
Whom might "he" be?
3/4/14 @ 11:55am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
Whom might "he" be?
lol The list of tyrants is too long for me to type here. I could have written these words at any time in the past and found a number of candidates for the dubious honor. The change is in the difficulty they have in pitching their bullshit to the masses. And yes today we might both agree upon a budding new candidate for Histories list of loser rulers.
But that is not the important point... He will surely make his dark mark upon History. He will surely have at least some of the excesses that will make it more and more clear what sort of man he is. Time will convict as they say. As we learn more about him the less we will like him.
The important point is that he is no great unique thing. He is a rather dull thing that is of an outmoded part of mankind's great advance. He is a relic. In this sense a nonentity and not worth the study he will get as necessary to check an evil from growing as a blight across the land. Man grows weary of these toddlers as he strives to be a great species.
Enough? lol and hi sweetie.
lol The list of tyrants is too long for me to type here. I could have written these words at any time in the past and found a number of candidates for the dubious honor. The change is in the difficulty they have in pitching their bullshit to the masses. And yes today we might both agree upon a budding new candidate for Histories list of loser rulers.
But that is not the important point... He will surely make his dark mark upon History. He will surely have at least some of the excesses that will make it more and more clear what sort of man he is. Time will convict as they say. As we learn more about him the less we will like him.
The important point is that he is no great unique thing. He is a rather dull thing that is of an outmoded part of mankind's great advance. He is a relic. In this sense a nonentity and not worth the study he will get as necessary to check an evil from growing as a blight across the land. Man grows weary of these toddlers as he strives to be a great species.
Enough? lol and hi sweetie.
Not quite. Ty, and hello again to you stranger. Perhaps I have again let my complex mind get in the way of something that should be blatently obvious.
3/4/14 @ 3:32pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
Not quite. Ty, and hello again to you stranger. Perhaps I have again let my complex mind get in the way of something that should be blatently obvious.
ahhh newly returned pretty one ... welcome to Dudley's Mountie Mind ... so often the general nature posits a particular ... and only once did he confront and smack appropriately *shrug*
. unstated is the name of the game .
*blue ermin loop from one winter to end in another http://www.flirt4free.com/forums *
woven a love ago - http://fav.me/d55q0d3
3/9/14 @ 3:04am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
"I have dined and received no nourishment" he said as he slid the last vial into the last slot in the centrifuge. He locked down the lid, backed away, and hit power. His concoction would be ready for the rocket in five hours.
"I have seen and understood." He sat down and after all his great effort that day, and the many previous, he relaxed. He sipped some celebratory rum. Enough to dull a little the lab fatigue. But not enough to slow his crowing, preening mind.
"I take full responsibility for the risk. Blame if it fails. Knowing that if it succeeds every life that follows will thank me and if it fails... that no more will we exist for the pleasure of demons. I have presumed, just as Newton presumed, as Alexander did. My great presumption is a character of my noble ancestors who though marked by the demon's mark, when so helplessly young as a species, can now erase it and paint their own genetic tattoos on their, truly their bodies."
"And as I fuck my mate, I will know that I am fully compatible with her. Venus and Mars set, and greet the first Earth couple..."
3/9/14 @ 12:26pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
The wind mixed the droplets fine into the air and they carried into the buildings. Into subways. High on mountains, low in valleys.
Another burst in the sky and another. He could only afford three on his budget. He did not have the approval of any government,. He had not asked the permission of any body.
But the nature of the droplets, the tiny, tiny amount needed was enough to ensure that most of the North American continent would be covered. For the first time in many thousands of years, mankind had a new competitor. A species without the demon's blight it is true, but he had also removed another few irritating design features of homo sapiens. It would be very obvious which species was which, even though they could breed.
But he knew that they would not breed. Because their morphospaces were not aligned. So they would compete as separate species for the same niche. Despite their initially smaller numbers he believed that they would soon grow to become the most successful of the species. The biggest branch on the ol' family tree.
He smiled. He stretched. His back felt so much better with its better designed spinal column, better materials, nerves far away from stress points. His legs more powerful with their innovative backwards knee design. His hair was thick and healthy, no sign of dandruff or oiliness. His teeth were extra white, coated with a replacement for the old enamel that was stronger, sexier. His eyes were bright and clear as usual, the only difference is that a third winked in the back of his head.
When he accidently cut himself, or fell, his body would no longer flood his brain mindlessly with pain signals. Now it gave a brief but thorough damage report with some practical advice mixed in. He no longer had to remember whether to starve a cold or a fever. His body would literally tell him. These were great frills to try out while he looked for his mate that he now knew he could trust.
He plugged a jack with some rock music directly into his brain. Bypassing ears that though healthy he wanted to save for other things and relaxed, lifting up feet that had only four toes.
Neighbors knocked on his door congratulating him on his genius and asking for some estra droplets for cousin Myrtle who had been in Spain at the time.
Yep, it was good to be a monkey boy these days...
3/9/14 @ 8:36pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
(Programming into his super-cluster interface) "Eyes compound, 100 to 1. 6 major facial groupings. Antennae, 8 feet long. Wings, bat. Cock color: Puce (see a certain busty Polish model now working for power company) Number of cocks: 8 equal spacing around mid-thorax. Thorax size: Four fimes abdominal. Body segments: 12. Tail: primate type, hairy.
False branching point: between spider and insect node 5329e3
Ohhhhh man this is gonna be so cool."
And little brother was gone. All that remained was an empty vial of gene "medicine" and his Pittsburgh Steelers shirt. All you out there now, check on your younger sibs. They are so easy to lose and so much work for your parents to replace.
3/13/14 @ 10:19am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
The Primate Army struck first and most cruelly with a Raid attack. The Boy General of the Insect Horde ignored the screams of his suffering army and let loose a neutron bomb attack. Yes both fiendish generals broke all the rules of warfare... the one relying upon chemicals and the other upon radioactivity. The Earth groaned as they fought.
The primates were being beaten badly by the stronger giant insects when an unexpected freeze set in over the battlefield. This was enough to wipe out the vulnerable giant insects. The primates limped into the victory circle and did a wild dance that their most primitive ancestors would have fully related to.
Primate rule was now complete... For without even being aware of it... Joe was deposed.
3/13/14 @ 10:54am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,268
************************** ANNOUNCEMENT *****************************************
DoRide Industries, in an enormous upwelling of philanthropic fervor, would like
to place this work in the public domain. We do this so that the struggling
motion picture film industry can break through the current famine of quality scripts,
deal effectively with the paucity of original ideas, overcome the outrageous demands
of its leading men and ladies.
We do so with the caveat that you must spend an appropriate amount on the insect army design. We don't want to see any of that poor quality work in the insect arena that you have become so infamous for. No use of actual insects and scale games! No men dressed in foam rubber insect suits!
For the lab scenes you should not show brand spanking new equipment nor old analog oscilloscopes but rather you should show dusty, though fairly modern equipment, that captures our lax spending in the area of genetics research. The scientist should drive mid - sized foreign makes to show both their practicality and modest salaries. Please no gag devices like talking computers or robotic dogs. These are serious people in a tragic drama.
We recommend that you cast promising unknowns in the leading roles. The story has sufficient power of its own. It doesn't need the dubious help of some preening prima donna to draw the hordes that are destined to arrive to show their adoration of a tale done right.
You should also travel to the Amazonian jungle for the primate vs insect battle. Shooting it on your Burbank lot would greatly reduce the believability of the scene.
No drugs! We've given you plenty of exotic sex and violence. There is no need for hard substance abuse! We also want a clean set! This is about the future of mankind it should have the idealistic sheen about it!
Now get cracking! Nobody likes a dawdler!