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Female Performer Chat: TRUMP
Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/6/16 @ 1:18am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

They want nothing to do with the socialism they suffered under for so long.

Well you certainly do have your own view of history. I think I'll be content with just pointing out the what I think is the biggest misconception I see in it.

Communism to many is a purely economic thing. It is different from socialism in that it makes no reliance upon the market. Complete government control via the notorious 5 or 10 year plans. Almost total ownership by government of industry.

Stalinism/Leninism married this economic approach to a totalitarian government.

We fought the Soviets in a cold war and we won. Europe and the US. I was a part of that for sure as were most colleagues on the left. I am glad that both that economic system and government fell apart under western pressure. The market must have a significant role in the economy. Private ownership is an important component. Democracy, an approach to government, is what we all advocate. Individual rights. Freedom of the press. The Constitution.

Socialism is an economic thing. It allows for a free market and private ownership but the government does play some role in regulating the economy as well as protecting individual rights. The US is already a socialist nation. I don't know of any purely capitalist nation anymore. All benefit from some degree of government participation. It is not an evil thing. It is a reality that an unconstrained market leads to abuse. Some think that unregulated trade leads to abuse, Trump for example. Hate to tell you but Trump is a socialist too.

So all the fuss economicswise is about how free to make trade, how and how much to tax, whether to scrap Obamacare - which amounts to how far to turn the socialism dial to the right or left. But these are small twists to the dial compared to the twist between socialism and communism. So while there is a reason for debate and disagreement - there is no need for it to be so shrill on matters of economic policy.

Created by: alberich

11/6/16 @ 2:33am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

.. Germany's PM is what a Republican would be over here. Germany is doing fairly well because of her policies. ...

I have to disappoint you - German politics is more like Obamas politic .. we have a health system which is similar to Obamacare - we pay taxes - the more we earn the higher is the percentage (it's much higher as in the states) - and we have to pay for other mandatory taxes like retirement or unemployment. (the idea of possesing weapons I don't mention).
That created a social net that helps us people in case we need it.
And we opened our borders to europe. You can say that formerly eastern block countries are germanies Mexico - and they are allowed to come to germany - without any exception. It is an united europe - where Germany is a part of it - so germanies politics is far far away from Republican politics.

I don't care about whom you vote, thats your personal thing. Everybody can have his own opinion. Thats what a democracy defines (and that has to be respected in a democracy) - I sneer about those nonsens facts you gave.
And I scare about a world which is governed by populism, where countries try to isolate for own benefit or blame ethnic groups as reason for inner problems.
There is a world wide terror problem - but that can't be solved by USA being worlds pastoralist - it can only be solved together as a comunity.
Created by: sex_spert

11/6/16 @ 4:34am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Sorry to disappoint you, but as you know, I'm NOT a moron as you suggested a few posts ago, and the facts I gave are FACTS. NO, Merkel is NOT an arrogant socialist dictator who does not care about the will of the people. Obama is. Those are very different individuals. And by the way, NO ONE wanted the Unaffordable Care Act passed. That was a power grab by the government. Obama wanted the government's complete take over of the health care system, and he got it. It was also the largest tax increase in our history. It WILL be repealed when Trump is in the White House.
That's what Obama and every socialist always wanted....complete government take over of everything that affects the citizens. Every area. This is totalitarianism, and sounds very close to Communism to me. At least in your comments, Dudley, you don't seem to support the idea of Communism. This is good. Keep in mind Communist nations STILL exist today. Just because the Soviet Union is no more, does not mean we don't have to worry about the Communist nations anymore. China, North Korea, and I don't care how much Obama lies about Cuba, we have NOT normalized relations with Cuba. And we will not until they have renounced Communism. Rubio was correct when he talked about that in the debates, and I really wish the GOP had nominated him.
The fact of the matter is that Obama and a lot of other Democrats advocate the type of socialism that has always destroyed. So you can see why I have NEVER voted for a single Democrat in my life. I never will.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/6/16 @ 12:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

NO, Merkel is NOT an arrogant socialist dictator who does not care about the will of the people. Obama is. Those are very different individuals. And by the way, NO ONE wanted the Unaffordable Care Act passed. That was a power grab by the government. Obama wanted the government's complete take over of the health care system, and he got it. It was also the largest tax increase in our history. It WILL be repealed when Trump is in the White House.
That's what Obama and every socialist always wanted....complete government take over of everything that affects the citizens. Every area. This is totalitarianism, and sounds very close to Communism to me.

Thanks. I understand where you are coming from much better now. Good luck on voting day. It is clear that you care about your country and want to do the right thing by her.

I don't agree with the picture you paint. You are really freaked out about executive orders and health care reform. I hope over time you will come to fear your government less.

Created by: kertzum

11/6/16 @ 4:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

Sorry to disappoint you, but as you know, I'm NOT a moron as you suggested a few posts ago, and the facts I gave are FACTS. NO, Merkel is NOT an arrogant socialist dictator who does not care about the will of the people. Obama is. Those are very different individuals. And by the way, NO ONE wanted the Unaffordable Care Act passed. That was a power grab by the government. Obama wanted the government's complete take over of the health care system, and he got it. It was also the largest tax increase in our history. It WILL be repealed when Trump is in the White House.
That's what Obama and every socialist always wanted....complete government take over of everything that affects the citizens. Every area. This is totalitarianism, and sounds very close to Communism to me. At least in your comments, Dudley, you don't seem to support the idea of Communism. This is good. Keep in mind Communist nations STILL exist today. Just because the Soviet Union is no more, does not mean we don't have to worry about the Communist nations anymore. China, North Korea, and I don't care how much Obama lies about Cuba, we have NOT normalized relations with Cuba. And we will not until they have renounced Communism. Rubio was correct when he talked about that in the debates, and I really wish the GOP had nominated him.
The fact of the matter is that Obama and a lot of other Democrats advocate the type of socialism that has always destroyed. So you can see why I have NEVER voted for a single Democrat in my life. I never will.

a MORON ... no you are not ... rather a ... no doubt "fearful", no doubt "one eyed", no doubt "Christian", no doubt "white", no doubt "homophobe", no doubt "chauvinistic", no doubt "self righteous", no doubt "gullible" and no doubt "all round silly chap" ... forgive me Mr. Sex_Pert, just had to say it, I have never read so much drivel!

Addison Johns
Created by: Addison Johns

11/6/16 @ 9:39pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

. This is totalitarianism, and sounds very close to Communism to me. The fact of the matter is that Obama and a lot of other Democrats advocate the type of socialism that has always destroyed. So you can see why I have NEVER voted for a single Democrat in my life. I never will.

Sex (NOT AN) expert, you cannot read just ONE book and pretend to be informed. What Dick Morris wrote is barely a point of view, filtered reality, twisted facts, which should NOT be taken for granted. You should be more inquisitive about what surrounds you and check the sources when you read something. Obviously the language you used, gives you away. Please, quit playing with terms if you`re not aware of their meaning, ~dictator`, `totalitarism` cannot be attributes for USA political system . Grannie`s advice is good, but in some aspects anachronistic. I understand you `re young and `innocent`, but be aware that your decision might influence other people`s lives, IF YOU LIVE THERE, LET OTHERS LIVE TOO...
Created by: sex_spert

11/7/16 @ 1:00am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Thanks, Dudley, for your comments. I must say that BOTH the health care law and the countless executive orders are unconstitutional. The health care bill was passed in an unconstitutional manner and wasn't even debated on. When we actually had presidents, you will find they did not shell out executive orders. President Reagan never did that, and President Bush didn't do that either. They acted the constitutional way, through Congress.
Really, Kertzum, you never read so much truth and that bothers you. No doubt White? So there's something wrong with being white now? Ummmm....YOU ARE WHITE TOO. Hatred of white folks is just as racist as having hatred for minorities.
I'm certainly not chauvinistic. You actually think my not supporting and not voting for a criminal like Hillary makes me a chauvinist? I can't even describe how stupid that reasoning is. I'm none of the other negative things you mentioned either. So basically you are saying that you support the Communist system and you wish that your own nation of Australia was a Communist nation too. Interesting.
I have not just read ONE BOOK, I have read many sources and they confirm everything Dick says. Also, there are four or five books out (bestsellers) that talk about Hillary's corruption and the fact that all indicators point to a huge GOP victory. I didn't have time to read ALL those books, so I chose to buy Dick's book. I have read many sources, not just one book. I graduated my school with HONORS and believe me, I know what each and every word I have used means. A dictatorship is NOT supposed to be the US system of government. But that is exactly what we have in Obama. He doesn't care about the will of the people, he's gonna have his way no MATTER WHAT, so he goes around the courts and around the Congress if he has to. That is called a dictator. I know the meanings of all the terms I use. Hillary would be four MORE years of this abomination, and the American electorate is going to reject that resoundingly. I am going to LOVE to see the reaction on the faces of those in the media, as well as the reaction to people like you, when the Trump ticket wins in a landslide on Tuesday. They will be in shock. And, I have reason to believe that the GOP will retain the Senate as well. Johnson, Toomey, Rubio, McCain, and the other incumbents will be reelected.
Created by: kertzum

11/7/16 @ 1:35am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

Thanks, Dudley, for your comments. I must say that BOTH the health care law and the countless executive orders are unconstitutional. The health care bill was passed in an unconstitutional manner and wasn't even debated on. When we actually had presidents, you will find they did not shell out executive orders. President Reagan never did that, and President Bush didn't do that either. They acted the constitutional way, through Congress.
Really, Kertzum, you never read so much truth and that bothers you. No doubt White? So there's something wrong with being white now? Ummmm....YOU ARE WHITE TOO. Hatred of white folks is just as racist as having hatred for minorities.
I'm certainly not chauvinistic. You actually think my not supporting and not voting for a criminal like Hillary makes me a chauvinist? I can't even describe how stupid that reasoning is. I'm none of the other negative things you mentioned either. So basically you are saying that you support the Communist system and you wish that your own nation of Australia was a Communist nation too. Interesting.
I have not just read ONE BOOK, I have read many sources and they confirm everything Dick says. Also, there are four or five books out (bestsellers) that talk about Hillary's corruption and the fact that all indicators point to a huge GOP victory. I didn't have time to read ALL those books, so I chose to buy Dick's book. I have read many sources, not just one book. I graduated my school with HONORS and believe me, I know what each and every word I have used means. A dictatorship is NOT supposed to be the US system of government. But that is exactly what we have in Obama. He doesn't care about the will of the people, he's gonna have his way no MATTER WHAT, so he goes around the courts and around the Congress if he has to. That is called a dictator. I know the meanings of all the terms I use. Hillary would be four MORE years of this abomination, and the American electorate is going to reject that resoundingly. I am going to LOVE to see the reaction on the faces of those in the media, as well as the reaction to people like you, when the Trump ticket wins in a landslide on Tuesday. They will be in shock. And, I have reason to believe that the GOP will retain the Senate as well. Johnson, Toomey, Rubio, McCain, and the other incumbents will be reelected.

Lets talk Wednesday... yup white I am, and I hate anyone black, white or otherwise that plays the racist card. Dunno how you got on ur Communist rant, makes no sense at all. Your rhetoric is consumed with paranoia and extremism, probably typical of a lot of Trump followers who have slurped up the bullshit dished out by the Orange lying fear monger. Looking forward to seeing the landslide, another delusional comment... and I bet you are everything I said.
Created by: sex_spert

11/8/16 @ 4:05am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

You would lose the bet. As the saying goes....Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me. ESPECIALLY when those names were never true of me at all. You said that you disagreed with everything I said in my previous post, which is why I said you must support the communist system. Obviously you do. If I had a racist bone in my body, how do you explain the fact that I have taken 25 Hispanic females and a few Asians to private? In fact, why would I even be on this site at all if I hated anyone who was NOT white? Trump was not saying that every Hispanic that comes into this country is an evil criminal or terrorist. Every other country secures their borders and screens those who are trying to immigrate there. But somehow it's wrong for us to do the same thing? That's 180 degrees out of phase.
All the momentum and excitement this election is on the Republican side. There is ZERO excitement and zero momentum for the criminal candidate Hillary. She can't even draw flies to her campaign stops. With Trump, it is Standing Room Only everywhere he speaks. You cannot tell me that is not a sign of a huge Trump/Pence landslide win. He WILL win, and I'm sure you will be in a constant depression when he does. You know, Trump will not be president of your country anyway, so what the hell are you worried about?
Created by: alberich

11/8/16 @ 9:46am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

... how do you explain the fact that I have taken 25 Hispanic females and a few Asians to private? ...

:jerkoff :jerkoff - I hope that explains it
Addison Johns
Created by: Addison Johns

11/8/16 @ 1:20pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

. He WILL win, and I'm sure you will be in a constant depression when he does. You know, Trump will not be president of your country anyway, so what the hell are you worried about?


I wish i could see your face when they announce Trump lost...I`m preparing some fireworks :)

Created by: kertzum

11/8/16 @ 3:40pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

You would lose the bet. As the saying goes....Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me. ESPECIALLY when those names were never true of me at all. You said that you disagreed with everything I said in my previous post, which is why I said you must support the communist system. Obviously you do. If I had a racist bone in my body, how do you explain the fact that I have taken 25 Hispanic females and a few Asians to private? In fact, why would I even be on this site at all if I hated anyone who was NOT white? Trump was not saying that every Hispanic that comes into this country is an evil criminal or terrorist. Every other country secures their borders and screens those who are trying to immigrate there. But somehow it's wrong for us to do the same thing? That's 180 degrees out of phase.
All the momentum and excitement this election is on the Republican side. There is ZERO excitement and zero momentum for the criminal candidate Hillary. She can't even draw flies to her campaign stops. With Trump, it is Standing Room Only everywhere he speaks. You cannot tell me that is not a sign of a huge Trump/Pence landslide win. He WILL win, and I'm sure you will be in a constant depression when he does. You know, Trump will not be president of your country anyway, so what the hell are you worried about?

Seriously, the number of Hispanics and Asians you've taken private ... lol, tell me you joke ... how did you treat them? with dignity and respect? I employ an ethnic minority to mop my kitchen floor, does that qualify me?, Man your logic is so twisted its strange.

Secure your borders, of course you should ... build a wall, ban immigration of all muslims ?, PLEASE, those are like solutions thought up by a spoilt 5 year old! Oh but thats not what he mean't I hear you say, thats not what he said I hear you say (again) .. wanna see the videos? The man is a pathologic liar!

The reason Trump has huge crowds, perhaps its coz his followers have nothing better to do ... just saying.

What the hell am I worried about, r u totally clueless, do you watch the stock market? even the thought of the moron becoming president has had a negative effect on the world economy, thank god he cannot be president of my country (we don't have a president btw, we have a prime minister), our idiots have an effect on the Asia Pacific (we are also unable to deploy a single nuke ... hope we never are), yours believe it or not have an effect on the entire planet ... do I have reason for concern, SHIT YEAH! And what makes it even scarier is that there are people like you that have a say in that future (not that you shouldn't have a say) ... but do I have reason for concern, SHIT YEAH!

Alex Watford
Created by: Alex Watford

11/9/16 @ 2:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

All you guys are funny. Here's the deal..

Trump is not the ideal choice for Presidency but he's about to win

About Merkel ?? .. She's 0 .. she done nothing good by letting hundreds of thousands refugees into Germany facilitating terrorists cells to travel freely into Europe ..
Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/9/16 @ 2:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh

Wow! He got it. And both House and Senate.

Congratulations Trump fans.

Not at all what I thought the day would go like.

Hang on tight. It's gonna be a wild time!

Created by: suggs

11/9/16 @ 3:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

The future's shite,
The future's Orange!
Created by: uumm

11/9/16 @ 4:05am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

The future's shite,
The future's Orange!

Agree, watta mess!! Now we live with the consequences of a change made for changes sake.

Created by: grisu9

11/9/16 @ 5:25am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1

My warmest condolences to all Americans, your Future is destroyed now!
But I think not only your Future ...this Man will demolish the whole wonderful World, in which God allows us to live now ...Amen!!!
Created by: derek99

11/9/16 @ 12:12pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,464

Right now, I don't know, and not sure how it will affect the States, and the other countries, and cities around the world.
Created by: rtyu12

11/9/16 @ 1:50pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Who would have thought?! wow
Where in Asia I live the papers said Hillary had 90% chance for victory, and 10 hours later many eat their words. She showed great composure in her acceptance speech though.
Created by: sex_spert

11/9/16 @ 3:42pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Ready to set off those fireworks, Addison? Let's celebrate! I wish I could see YOUR face right now.
I predicted Trump/Pence would win by over 300 and I was right. The Supreme Court will be saved, we will have the tax cuts we need very badly, and all of Obama's destructive policies will now be reversed. We needed a change from the "Change" and we finally got it.
How did I treat the minorities I have taken private? With dignity and respect OF COURSE. You can ask them yourself and they will confirm it. What the hell did you think I treated them like???
The Stock Market, at least for the time being, is full of idiots. Hillary would have destroyed the economy even more than Obama has and everyone knows it. Trump is not a socialist, he knows how things are supposed to work, and I am sure the Stock Market will rally in Jan and Feb. Also, Obama is the one who is devaluing the American Dollar and making our money worthless. Trump will not do that.
Everyone is sick and tired of Obama's BS, everything he has done has caused destruction, and that's why the election went the way it did.
You are right, I must say, Merkel should NOT have let those refuges into Germany like she did. That is one very bad thing she has done.
Condolences? LMAO. You should have wished us condolences if Hillary had won. As far as "temperament" goes, Obama does not and never DID have the temperament for the Oval Office. He violates the Constitution every day and does not care.

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