7/27/14 @ 11:38am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
7/29/14 @ 8:35pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
I've got the wrong hair, wrong color but I'll dye it tomorrow. I've got the wrong shaped face, and fuck but I wish I were as tall as you, and lanky; I'd keep my boobs because you do like them (wish you didn't but hell it would be a fair trade). I don't have the ankles for those wedge boots but hell, I'll settle for short dark and soooo much thinner to win your heart and soul.
That girl, that girl in the video though, we move the same to music, it just looks so much more seductive, so much better on her. I realize she's probably faking, probably just as goofy and awkward as me. I know about makeup, lighting, angles and Goddess yes I know about cuts and edits and multiple takes until photographers and producers and managers (the.flakes) HATE me.
I want you to want me though, so much that I grind my teeth, I clench my jaw, I get enough ass isometrics and klegels just thinking about you that I've gotten strong. I run the stairways in the nearby campus buildings scaring the hell out of people with my wheezing; "Jesus girl are you okay? Do you need a hand? Put that cigarette out it's NO SMOKING ALLOWED! Umm, are you registered here?"
The title of the tune is appropriate isn't it? I'm petite in the most magnificent way, I mean we all lie on our driving permits RIGHT? Five one isn't pushing it all that far above. Damn right we do unless and until we're rich famous kept, taken care of, laid regularly and massively; dressed, with 'I could care less' abandon, to ki11; have the WILL to not buy that special cake we all love "Sure just give me the one that says Happy Birthday Frank okay? Only a day old RIGHT? Nah I won't need a string around the box I'm just going to attack it here while you watch." No more of that my dove.
Yeah so, that's me in that video if you'll just squint your eyes a bit; listen to me sing to you with everything that I am behind it. I'll play hard to get and don't give a shit, all my cool and more than enough hip(s)hhh. Now give in girl, I'm a wonder of nature and you'll lust me better after watching how I move to tease, to mystify and draw you to me. I'll cut the long platinum and replace it with that beautiful perfectly cut and styled black that girl is wearing, I swear it. I'll take up bulimia and stair-walk my way to heaven, I'll be gluten free everything just to get your eyes to touch me when you see me in some club I'll carefully plan to be at when a random mutual friend mentions "Oh I heard she's going to that papillon joint and then to karaoke next Wednesday." I'll be there waiting, dressed to ki11 and dancing thin and hard, you'll watch from the corner of your eye trying to stay cool.
Amanda 2012-2014
8/1/14 @ 9:59am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
8/2/14 @ 8:44pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
8/5/14 @ 1:48pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
for a long list of the pathetic ... some girls CAN dance ... take me baby.
8/14/14 @ 5:59am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: deeply embedded in shadowed glimpse
*blue ermin loop "masturbation is the sure cure for boredom ... i've done it often enough i don't even care if i'm faking it" http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
8/16/14 @ 8:06pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in a collection jar
8/17/14 @ 9:00pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
*blue ermin loop in shaded splits where one floats alone destroying homes http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
8/19/14 @ 5:31am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in superior upon you
8/21/14 @ 1:40am
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Location: Longview, Washington
Posts: 50
8/21/14 @ 1:28pm
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Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
8/21/14 @ 1:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
8/22/14 @ 4:48pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
*blue ermin loop where country isn't just beer and bitches http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
8/27/14 @ 11:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in a collection jar
*blue ermin loop "Hit Me With Your Love" the fragrance of nights not spent alone http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
9/1/14 @ 8:10am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: deeply embedded in shadowed glimpse
9/1/14 @ 8:06pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
*blue ermin loop cobbled stones, hobbled stories, you and i, and our worries http://www.flirt4free.com/forums * Quote
9/5/14 @ 3:59pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law.
Posts: 237