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Female Performer Chat: TRUMP
Created by: kertzum

11/9/16 @ 3:42pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

well what can ya say? Speechless. The anger in America has obviously been totally under estimated, to make this choice people must b hurting something awful. I hope that what you have chosen eases your burden, but I very much doubt it will, unfortunately I believe, as do many, you have been sold up the creek by a manipulative con man ... I seriously hope that I am proved wrong and that a man with no qualifications or record in public life can make good, if it works it will be the blueprint for the future of politics.

I know, while shocked and disappointed most Aussies would wish their American cousins nothing but the best ... GOOD LUCK AMERICA and good luck THE REST OF US!!
Created by: kertzum

11/9/16 @ 3:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

well what can ya say? Speechless. The anger in America has obviously been totally under estimated, to make this choice people must b hurting something awful. I hope that what you have chosen eases your burden, but I very much doubt it will, unfortunately I believe, as do many, you have been sold up the creek by a manipulative con man ... I seriously hope that I am proved wrong and that a man with no qualifications or record in public life can make good, if it works it will be the blueprint for the future of politics.

I know, while shocked and disappointed most Aussies would wish their American cousins (and even u Mr Sex_Pert) nothing but the best ... GOOD LUCK AMERICA and good luck THE REST OF US!!
Created by: kertzum

11/9/16 @ 3:48pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

well what can ya say? Speechless. The anger in America has obviously been totally under estimated, to make this choice people must b hurting something awful. I hope that what you have chosen eases your burden, but I very much doubt it will, unfortunately I believe, as do many, you have been sold up the creek by a manipulative con man ... I seriously hope that I am proved wrong and that a man with no qualifications or record in public life can make good, if it works it will be the blueprint for the future of politics.

I know, while shocked and disappointed most Aussies would wish their American cousins (and even u Mr Sex_Pert) nothing but the best ... GOOD LUCK AMERICA and good luck THE REST OF US!!
Created by: kertzum

11/9/16 @ 3:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

posted 3 times so ya can't miss it :helpme
Addison Johns
Created by: Addison Johns

11/9/16 @ 4:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Ready to set off those fireworks, Addison? Let's celebrate! I wish I could see YOUR face right now.
I predicted Trump/Pence would win by over 300 and I was right. The Supreme Court will be saved, we will have the tax cuts we need very badly, and all of Obama's destructive policies will now be reversed. We needed a change from the "Change" and we finally got it.
How did I treat the minorities I have taken private? With dignity and respect OF COURSE. You can ask them yourself and they will confirm it. What the hell did you think I treated them like???
The Stock Market, at least for the time being, is full of idiots. Hillary would have destroyed the economy even more than Obama has and everyone knows it. Trump is not a socialist, he knows how things are supposed to work, and I am sure the Stock Market will rally in Jan and Feb. Also, Obama is the one who is devaluing the American Dollar and making our money worthless. Trump will not do that.
Everyone is sick and tired of Obama's BS, everything he has done has caused destruction, and that's why the election went the way it did.
You are right, I must say, Merkel should NOT have let those refuges into Germany like she did. That is one very bad thing she has done.
Condolences? LMAO. You should have wished us condolences if Hillary had won. As far as "temperament" goes, Obama does not and never DID have the temperament for the Oval Office. He violates the Constitution every day and does not care.

Screw you and your predictions! Want to see my face, visit my room! you`ll get a good banning! I`m sure you have not watched the news! Dollar down and stock markets too!

Created by: sex_spert

11/9/16 @ 7:59pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

You're just angry and bitter that your preferred candidate lost. My predictions aren't screwed, they were accurate and you can't believe it. And last I saw on the news just recently, markets are soaring back UP. The DOW up OVER 250 points. So evidentially they realize this isn't such a bad thing after all to have a businessman in the White House. Really why would I want to visit the room of a person who speaks to me like you do, who is always angry and bitter and unhappy? Yeah, that's inspiring.
Hope you meant what you wrote Kertzum. Yes we ARE hurting something awful, we are angry for good reason, and this new administration will change a lot of things. But you know if Trump didn't have very many qualifications, then Obama didn't have ANY from day one. When you hire someone for a job, usually you try to look for and hire the MOST qualified individual for that job. In 2008, we hired the candidate with zero qualifications. This administration has been nothing but on the job training from day one. Hillary was a part of that administration and her record as Secretary of State is a huge failure.
Created by: kertzum

11/9/16 @ 8:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

You're just angry and bitter that your preferred candidate lost. My predictions aren't screwed, they were accurate and you can't believe it. And last I saw on the news just recently, markets are soaring back UP. The DOW up OVER 250 points. So evidentially they realize this isn't such a bad thing after all to have a businessman in the White House. Really why would I want to visit the room of a person who speaks to me like you do, who is always angry and bitter and unhappy? Yeah, that's inspiring.
Hope you meant what you wrote Kertzum. Yes we ARE hurting something awful, we are angry for good reason, and this new administration will change a lot of things. But you know if Trump didn't have very many qualifications, then Obama didn't have ANY from day one. When you hire someone for a job, usually you try to look for and hire the MOST qualified individual for that job. In 2008, we hired the candidate with zero qualifications. This administration has been nothing but on the job training from day one. Hillary was a part of that administration and her record as Secretary of State is a huge failure.

yup, I only write what i mean ... the proof is in the eating, lets see what the man can deliver in the way of positive change ... we will be watching with much interest.
Created by: ayebeehii

12/2/16 @ 1:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: scotland
Posts: 28

every male on here can set themselves a target of being less of a male chauvanist misogynistic pig than trump.

should there even be such poor examples of manhood here your next target level is not too high
Created by: sex_spert

12/3/16 @ 11:23pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

I am very relieved and pleasantly surprised about the nominees Trump has chosen for his administration. They are just the opposite of Obama and his philosophy and that is exactly what we need now. We need the opposite of what we have had these last eight years. These nominees are strong and they don't back down. By the way, this "misogynistic" Trump has appointed at least TWO strong women to two different cabinet posts. He is thinking of appointing a third also. He is choosing the very best, most qualified individuals for each position. This is very encouraging.
I was afraid that Trump might shoot himself in the foot by saying some things in a certain way, with his loud, abrasive speaking style. It turned out that in SPITE OF his speaking style, and in spite of the fact that the GOP ticket had two white males on it, he won with a 306 landslide electoral vote and he also received a lot more women and minority votes than Romney received in 2012. Now as i predicted, Pence is already the one in charge, as he is calling the shots for the transition team and helping Trump to pick the right people for his administration.
It was mentioned to me in this tread that Trump IS MY candidate. I'd like to correct that again and say that the one I wanted most of all for the nomination was Rubio, not Trump. I know who I intended to vote for. I was afraid Trump would really disappoint me, but so far in this transition process he has really impressed me. When it comes to the Supreme Court as well, he may appoint a minority and a woman.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/4/16 @ 1:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Sessions... Bannon... Palin... Carson...

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh

And don't forget the "pray away the gay" VP who is so presidential by comparison.

It is clear America doesn't buy the whole Platonian philosopher king thing.

Created by: kertzum

12/4/16 @ 3:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

I am very relieved and pleasantly surprised about the nominees Trump has chosen for his administration. They are just the opposite of Obama and his philosophy and that is exactly what we need now. We need the opposite of what we have had these last eight years. These nominees are strong and they don't back down. By the way, this "misogynistic" Trump has appointed at least TWO strong women to two different cabinet posts. He is thinking of appointing a third also. He is choosing the very best, most qualified individuals for each position. This is very encouraging.
I was afraid that Trump might shoot himself in the foot by saying some things in a certain way, with his loud, abrasive speaking style. It turned out that in SPITE OF his speaking style, and in spite of the fact that the GOP ticket had two white males on it, he won with a 306 landslide electoral vote and he also received a lot more women and minority votes than Romney received in 2012. Now as i predicted, Pence is already the one in charge, as he is calling the shots for the transition team and helping Trump to pick the right people for his administration.
It was mentioned to me in this tread that Trump IS MY candidate. I'd like to correct that again and say that the one I wanted most of all for the nomination was Rubio, not Trump. I know who I intended to vote for. I was afraid Trump would really disappoint me, but so far in this transition process he has really impressed me. When it comes to the Supreme Court as well, he may appoint a minority and a woman.

... from where we are sitting it looks like a mess ... i'd say u r easily impressed ... I think the disappointment may b on the near horizon, but heres to hoping. (r we 'spossed to tweet this shit)
Created by: sex_spert

12/4/16 @ 4:26pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Palin would have been a HELL of a lot better than Biden, who must be the stupidest VP we have ever had, and has made a fool of himself many, many times. It is possible Carson might not even be appointed to any position, and he's already been fired once by Trump. Sessions would be an excellent AG, he would enforce the law which is not what the current AG does. She just has a political agenda all her own. The Supreme Court has said that homosexual marriage is fine, so we have to abide by that. Watch from a distance, Kertz and you will probably be impressed over time. Our military will be strengthened and rebuilt and given what it needs to win on the battlefield, the ACA will be repealed, and every executive order will be reversed. We desperately need all of those things to happen.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/4/16 @ 4:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

This guy has been around long enough that you can find him saying such eyebrow raising things, and his voting record, well...
He's been relegated to the sidelines for it, as part of the general downward spiral of his... clan, but now he's "mainstream" again. Part of today's Republican party. hooo haaa

Created by: sex_spert

12/4/16 @ 7:24pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Ah yes, the Clinton News Network. Of course. You know the Democrats are pulling the same BS they pulled with Miguel Estrada. Lying about him, calling him a racist even though there's zero evidence of it. Estrada was a minority himself, why would he be against minorities? Sessions is a good guy. If he's against anything, he is against voter fraud, which happened on a massive scale in 2008. Dead people, cartoon characters and felons were allowed to vote. The ACLU is NOT right about everything, and there are times they take the wrong side in legal cases. You can tell a lot about a person if you look at who their enemies are. If bad guys and criminals hate you, that's a compliment. Sessions will be confirmed by the GOP Senate.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/4/16 @ 10:29pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Oh well unfortunately people have memories. A sense of history. Names like Senator Willis Smith, Senator Jesse Helms, and Senator Strom Thurmond aren't forgotten. Trent Lott, now a lobbyist.

Nice seedy little history of segregationist politics. We know what they stand for. And who stands with them.
Created by: sex_spert

12/5/16 @ 12:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

I think the real issue is you're against these people because they are politically conservative. Helms was a great guy, not a racist, and we need more people like him in the Senate. Trent Lott wasn't so great, as he caved into the other side easily and didn't even put up a fight. The National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People has proven they only allow liberal minorities into their camp. If you're conservative, you are banned for life. Do you know who was a member of the KKK for a long time and yet was elected? His name was ROBERT BYRD, a Democrat.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/5/16 @ 2:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

The democrats used to be the party for the white nationalists to find cover in. But then came the Civil Rights Act. The democrats lost the south. A bunch of segregationists changed parties. They had a hard time to be sure but could still get senate seats in the less enlightened states. But now, hey, they can get a cabinet post.

I've never supported any such reptile. Certainly never called him a great guy. But then principle is more important than pocketbook for me. I started political life as a Republican but there simply came a time when it was clear that they no longer were the party with the right values, the right economic policy, or even the right foreign policy.

Created by: sex_spert

12/5/16 @ 3:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

In my case, I was a registered Republican ever since I reached voting age. But then the GOP Congress did some things that really disappointed me in the 90s, and then when President Bush signed the education bill, the Democrat's Incumbent Protection Act (so called campaign finance), and other things he should have vetoed, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I switched to Independent and voted for Ralph Nader in 2004. I remained Independent until earlier this year, since I could only be a registered Republican to vote in the primary. By the time it came around to my state, I could not vote for Rubio and Trump had already been chosen. I will keep my registration as Republican if Trump does everything he said he would do, and he stands his ground. We'll see, but so far it's looking good. This current administration has certainly proved they have the wrong policies both on domestic issues and foreign policies. We need those policies reversed ASAP.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/6/16 @ 10:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Well, maybe someday we'll get a third party that will beat up on the other 2 in some key election. Keep them honest.

Until then, here's hoping on Trump. :drinkup
Addison Johns
Created by: Addison Johns

12/8/16 @ 6:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

In my case, I was a registered Republican ever since I reached voting age. But then the GOP Congress did some things that really disappointed me in the 90s, and then when President Bush signed the education bill, the Democrat's Incumbent Protection Act (so called campaign finance), and other things he should have vetoed, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I switched to Independent and voted for Ralph Nader in 2004. I remained Independent until earlier this year, since I could only be a registered Republican to vote in the primary. By the time it came around to my state, I could not vote for Rubio and Trump had already been chosen. I will keep my registration as Republican if Trump does everything he said he would do, and he stands his ground. We'll see, but so far it's looking good. This current administration has certainly proved they have the wrong policies both on domestic issues and foreign policies. We need those policies reversed ASAP.

Do tell more... it is sooo interesting (yawn!)

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