all men are pigs, want sex, food, and's in the genes.
not true, I only want sex and food.......
It must be great to always know what everyone is thinking. This is the models job, like any job some people enjoy what they are doing and some don't. Part of this job is acting, acting is always more believable when mixed with who you are.
(This is a fantasy site, it is the job of the model to provide this fantasy, it is the responsibility of the consumer to separate reality from fantasy.)
I'd Love to copy n paste this to my to my BIO! Quote
7/29/14 @ 6:15pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
7/30/14 @ 11:49am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in a collection jar
8/1/14 @ 9:23pm
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Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122
8/7/14 @ 12:36pm
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Location: louisianna
Posts: 46
That sort of cuts to the root of why I asked. I'm just bummed because he was so much fun to talk to and he never really gave off the vibe that he was feeling any of those types of feelings. Or i'm completely blind. And then one day he just got offended that i'd never noticed it and left stating he was never returning. And I was like "da fuck just happened?"
I just recently went through this. I am not a lier but I was cryptic.He would ask for personal information of mine and I would tell him I could not. He was nice to talk to and I enjoyed him in my chats and privates then one day, I came home and he took himself off my Twitter and he has not said a word to me. I couldnt lie to him, he wanted that I am assuming. I just wish he could have been alright with the reality of it all, but he wanted a fantasy that I could not give him.
8/11/14 @ 11:26am
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Location: louisianna
Posts: 46
sk? Quote
8/14/14 @ 4:45pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
yeah Skypiss ... the guy has managed to spam an offsite messaging system by eliminating any censor parse of it; as well as dropping a dime on his avowed 'beloved' for rule violations *sigh* ... see my post today regarding the f'ing various censors on this "ADULT CHAT" site ... (growl) ...
. get some .
8/16/14 @ 12:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
8/19/14 @ 8:02pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: louisianna
Posts: 46
yeah Skypiss ... the guy has managed to spam an offsite messaging system by eliminating any censor parse of it; as well as dropping a dime on his avowed 'beloved' for rule violations *sigh* ... see my post today regarding the f'ing various censors on this "ADULT CHAT" site ... (growl) ...Oh! sorry I didnt know it was a violation to have a separate add on my phone that has nothing to do with Flirt what so ever. to talk to my beloved when she is not on Flirt working. I am soooo sorry. So these rules apply 24/7 365dy. every where she goes and everything she does even in her apartment? Just asking.
. get some .
8/21/14 @ 2:14pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: anata no nodo ni ha o hoji
to cut my rapidly growin desire to deconstruct every implication of sexism and mysogony short let me just observe ...
your post ... reviewing the sequence of exchanges in this thread ... is simply a self-serving ego maniacal pat by yourself on your own back ... another form of "hey bb big penis 4 u" followed by the usual bullshit chat flame war in rooms over who it is that possesses more of a threatening spermstick.
suck my rather huge and beautifully Merlot flavor3d imaginary penis ...
. confrontation .
*blue ermin loop of penial exposition *
I really got a kick out of this love the way you put words together :p
8/24/14 @ 5:51pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: louisianna
Posts: 46
8/27/14 @ 4:23pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
OH by the way WE did not share any personal information that would ban, so if thats what you were thinking you were wrong. there is lots of personal informationm allowed by Flirt. JUST letting you know!JUST in case you were thinging of reporting Pam. Not saying that you would or have already. You still woud be wrong.
lol ... additionaly your knowledge of this identity which comprises what i am is paltry and disabling ... anyone with any exposure to me, either in that over-active mode of Room Chat-A-Rama or here embedded in my deeply beloved threads KNOWS without a doubt that it is the Moodles welfare that I am about. So suck on your shaven eggs dearie when you even hint that I would narc (as certain models DO dee DO dee DO) on any fellow 'performer'. You seem to be more than head-set on doing just that for your beloved.
As for YOU, sweet self-promoter with such vast experience, let me just set some fires in your toupee for ya ... the RULES to which you refer are rather loose in formula in many aspects, for a purpose my dear. They exist for solely a single actual purpose ... to wit (since you seem to lack it) the RULES are there so that at any time it is desired by those who DO, in the real existence of Corporate life, hold th' POWAH, WISH TO, ANY model will have violated at minimum some aspects of them and is subject to dismissal.
Yeah yeah yeah ... bunny boi ... you can call on the phone for hours on hold, have a studio whine and attempt to wrest some control, contact a VS rep or three, even email my darling Brad; show up on the doorstep with a long list of multi-signatured demands for reinstatement ... blah blah blah et cetera et cetera
In the end though it makes absolutely no difference to them ... as i've said so many times before ... there's 1000s of hamburgers waiting at the door. The RULES are CLEAR, and devastatingly so, when they require "No personal contact outside the confines of approved VS channels (again to wit ... HERE or VS approved and monitored Twitcher accounts) sooooo ... drop yer eggy weggs from your mouth ... and reconsider all the crap you've suggested others might do and expect. All you've succeeded in creating are yet another set of unreal expectations.
Think of me while yer credits are vacuumed into the nether regions of someone's purse ... (hugs.faux)
. just for the irony .
*blue ermin loop "Irony Irons" when those wrinkles seem inescapable * Quote
9/1/14 @ 8:40am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in a collection jar
i think it is normal here, happened to me few times, but there are some ppl who see u at the first time ans say during the whole day I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U SHOW BOOBS, but there are some people who really fallen in love.they come to u every day, addict to is normal, but sometimes i feel bad i cant give to that person more that just chatting. guys here are good, sweet, kind and if they have feelings it is normal Quote