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Female Performer Chat: TRUMP
Created by: sex_spert

1/15/17 @ 6:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Figured I was walking into the lion's den on this. All these replies from full fledged Democrats who wanted Hillary to win. Well, she didn't so get over it. Graham was right, and that polling data was wrong. Sessions is not a racist and he's not against minorities. He WILL be confirmed by the Senate. And by the way, Martin Luther King was a lifelong REPUBLICAN and his entire family were lifelong REPUBLICANS. He would have supported Sessions as AG. The liberals make up lies about all these Republican candidates and the most gullible actually believe the lies. No one can prove Sessions or any of these other nominees are bigoted race hating assholes.
the biased media is absolutely nothing of what you described, Dudley. A lot of them really are, to quote President Bush, "major assholes." And if you don't agree with the media on any issue, that automatically makes you a bigot or racist or a moron. It is truly asinine. You know that it took the media two HOURS to announce that Trump won the election by winning Pennsylvania after he had officially won it? Even FOX news didn't want to announce it because they were disappointed that Hillary lost. It took them two hours to announce it. They only announced very reluctantly.
Trump is a businessman who knows how to run a business and do it RIGHT. He can use his same knowledge and skills to run the nation in the right way. What he did in Michigan and in Indiana was the right thing to do, it was not wrong or immoral. You will see that it was the right thing to do, it will be proven in time. In your mind Umm, Trump can do NOTHING right because you never supported him. He's automatically wrong no matter what he does. In time you will see you were wrong.
Created by: uumm

1/15/17 @ 7:20pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

Figured I was walking into the lion's den on this. All these replies from full fledged Democrats who wanted Hillary to win. Well, she didn't so get over it. Graham was right, and that polling data was wrong. Sessions is not a racist and he's not against minorities. He WILL be confirmed by the Senate. And by the way, Martin Luther King was a lifelong REPUBLICAN and his entire family were lifelong REPUBLICANS. He would have supported Sessions as AG. The liberals make up lies about all these Republican candidates and the most gullible actually believe the lies. No one can prove Sessions or any of these other nominees are bigoted race hating assholes.
the biased media is absolutely nothing of what you described, Dudley. A lot of them really are, to quote President Bush, "major assholes." And if you don't agree with the media on any issue, that automatically makes you a bigot or racist or a moron. It is truly asinine. You know that it took the media two HOURS to announce that Trump won the election by winning Pennsylvania after he had officially won it? Even FOX news didn't want to announce it because they were disappointed that Hillary lost. It took them two hours to announce it. They only announced very reluctantly.
Trump is a businessman who knows how to run a business and do it RIGHT. He can use his same knowledge and skills to run the nation in the right way. What he did in Michigan and in Indiana was the right thing to do, it was not wrong or immoral. You will see that it was the right thing to do, it will be proven in time. In your mind Umm, Trump can do NOTHING right because you never supported him. He's automatically wrong no matter what he does. In time you will see you were wrong.

Trump declared his companies bankrupt 6 times (what a GREAT businessman, and he'd tell you those were successful ventures as well), he will declare America bankrupt only once, there are no second chances and definitely not 6 chances ... in your mind the man shits gold bars ... and of course I have not supported him, because what he offers is FAKE NEWS, he is also an unintelligent and repugnant human .. however as much as I detest the man I would hope to be the first to applaud any LONG TERM benefits to NORMAL hard working citizens. Short term fixes are shallow graves eventually the stench will raise to the surface ... nothing to date indicates that he has a long term strategy for the future, he simply strings a whole lot over simplified remedies and feeds them to those that like yourself because thats what you want to hear. When they are tested in the real world they will fail. Quite simply running a business is not the same as running a country, there are very different rules of engagement and Mr Trump will find he is a schoolboy amongst a bunch of PHd's they will chew him up and spit him out, he has nowhere close to the intellect needed to operate effectively on a world stage. He and his lot are an embarrassment! Oh and btw Hillary ...naah didn't want her to win, just so you know.
Created by: alberich

1/16/17 @ 12:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

Trump declared his companies bankrupt 6 times (what a GREAT businessman, and he'd tell you those were successful ventures as well), ...

That were only lies of newspapers and Obama and Hillary .. you know Forrest knows it better
Created by: uumm

1/16/17 @ 3:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

That were only lies of newspapers and Obama and Hillary .. you know Forrest knows it better

yes ... those terrible lying criminals, they should all be in jail ... lies, lies, lies ... poor old Donald a victim to the end! btw Spurt how do you go from this "I don't doubt this information about Trump. He probably did screw companies over. But don't worry about it, dude. Trump is not going to be the nominee. The nominee will be Cruz or Rubio." to this man is OK and can do no wrong, I bet the creditors he left in his wake would like to see him behind bars.
Created by: sex_spert

1/16/17 @ 5:23pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

Because, Umm, I really was supporting Rubio at the time and I really thought that Rubio would be the one who would win the nomination. But they chose Trump in the primaries, and it was down to Trump or Hillary. Trump is far better than Hillary, so I supported him in the end. As I have posted before in this thread, Trump has really impressed me with what he has already done and the qualified people he has chosen for each member of his cabinet. If he had chosen someone like Rand Paul or a very liberal Democrat for his cabinet posts, I would probably not support Trump at all. But he has not done that. He has pleasantly surprised and impressed me.
As far as him going bankrupt sometimes, entrepreneurs are the ones who take risks and risk failure. It happens to a lot of businesses. It can happen. Trump has been successful many more times than he has been unsuccessful and bankrupt. His track record is mostly huge successes. Disney was bankrupted a few times before his business really took off too. This asian guy Trump knows will establish successful businesses in Michigan and create jobs.
For the Forrests out there like you and Alb, I shouldn't forget to mention our bankruptcy and debt as a nation. Really, you want to go there??? Let's go there. For the first time in our history our nation is TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, and it's because of the policies of the last eight years, OBAMA. Obama has his head up his ass and he has demonstrated that. He destroys everything he touches. He has our money printed constantly, way too much money every single day, and over a long period of time that will cause STAGFLATION. Our money would be worthless. And that's what he wants. He has destroyed our military, now he is doing everything he can to destroy our economy. I am confident Trump will do everything he knows to do to turn this economy around. He's a businessman, he can do it. A good start would be to stop our over-printing of the dollar ASAP.
Created by: uumm

1/16/17 @ 7:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

Because, Umm, I really was supporting Rubio at the time and I really thought that Rubio would be the one who would win the nomination. But they chose Trump in the primaries, and it was down to Trump or Hillary. Trump is far better than Hillary, so I supported him in the end. As I have posted before in this thread, Trump has really impressed me with what he has already done and the qualified people he has chosen for each member of his cabinet. If he had chosen someone like Rand Paul or a very liberal Democrat for his cabinet posts, I would probably not support Trump at all. But he has not done that. He has pleasantly surprised and impressed me.
As far as him going bankrupt sometimes, entrepreneurs are the ones who take risks and risk failure. It happens to a lot of businesses. It can happen. Trump has been successful many more times than he has been unsuccessful and bankrupt. His track record is mostly huge successes. Disney was bankrupted a few times before his business really took off too. This asian guy Trump knows will establish successful businesses in Michigan and create jobs.
For the Forrests out there like you and Alb, I shouldn't forget to mention our bankruptcy and debt as a nation. Really, you want to go there??? Let's go there. For the first time in our history our nation is TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, and it's because of the policies of the last eight years, OBAMA. Obama has his head up his ass and he has demonstrated that. He destroys everything he touches. He has our money printed constantly, way too much money every single day, and over a long period of time that will cause STAGFLATION. Our money would be worthless. And that's what he wants. He has destroyed our military, now he is doing everything he can to destroy our economy. I am confident Trump will do everything he knows to do to turn this economy around. He's a businessman, he can do it. A good start would be to stop our over-printing of the dollar ASAP.

well you certainly have risked it all with your morally bankrupt entrepreneur. Your problem is that you just cannot grasp the concept that business and politics are two different animals, its like sending a dentist in to do brain surgery ... the stakes are similarly disproportionate, get one wrong and you end up with a painful jaw, get the other wrong and you will wind up dead. With the way big thumbs Donald is insulting leaders all over the world he will isolate America and all those "beautiful" things you lot so badly want to believe in will turn into nothing. He is a bull in a china shop, he has no filter, as soon as world leaders work out just how stupid he is he will be exposed for the fraud he is and you will wish you had never heard his name. I am afraid to say you and those like you are so one eyed you will probably sing your leaders praises as your ship disappears below the waves.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

1/16/17 @ 11:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

To keep beating the civil rights drum but also bringing in the strange worship of business... I think it is worthwhile to dwell some more upon the interaction I described earlier in the Sessions confirmation hearing. I work for a living. As most of you, I have had a deep respect of customer driven into me by my various bosses. In my business they interact with us a lot, they want input into the products we make, they want to manage and direct the manner in which we develop and manufacture them. When they visit us or visa versa, when we are in meeting before them, you can bet we tread very carefully, showing lots of respect. We make very sure that we understand their concerns. If they are angry with us, we are extra careful, extra respectful, listen more, take action items to resolve point by point the issues.

One of the great benefits of watching testimony of hearings on video is that you can see body language, hear tone, and get first hand experience of the interaction. What I saw, with my own eyes, unfiltered by some member of the media, was the arrogant, flippant manner in which these Republican senators behaved in front of their customers. Their body language. Their tone. Their evasive strategies. Their lack of respect was crystal clear. I expect them to treat members of the ACLU, the black caucus, the NAACP very respectfully and to act as I have to act with my customers when they trot out serious, to them, grievances. It angers me very much that the Republican response to the changing demographics of the nation is to play this game instead of to change who they think of as their customers.

I have taken the time to see how this is playing out with my own eyes and ears. Nobody is going to foist some lies on me about how this played out. I am furious at the Republicans for their behavior. I want there to be a consequence for it.
Created by: sex_spert

1/17/17 @ 7:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

You guys are really not listening to anything I say or reading anything I wrote. You want to see fraud? We have seen fraud and arrogance displaying itself for the last eight years. Obama himself IS A FRAUD. If you ask your average American "Would you rather have a career politician as a powerful leader, or someone who has successfully worked in business and has worked in the real world all his life, which would you choose?" I can assure you the vast majority of the people would choose the latter over the former. And they chose the latter in this last election, for good reason. Hillary is a career politician who would have been four MORE years of Obama, and she was resoundingly rejected. Obama himself declared that his agenda and policies were on the ballot this last election, and he was right. That's why it was repudiated and rejected completely. The American people want the opposite of that.
For you to compare a dentist trying to do a surgeon's work to Trump and what he is going to do is just unbelievable and laughable to say the least. Trump doesn't have his head up his ass like Obama does. When the Trump administration is successful in reversing everything Obama has done, when Trump is able to clean up the mess Obama made and set things right, you will see what I'm saying is true.
You should be furious at the Democrats for their behavior. They are the ones who are arrogant, acting like spoiled brats who throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. Making up lies about each and every nominee Trump puts forward. If the Dems keep this up, I may be convinced to stay a registered Republican instead of going back to Independent again.
I would never listen to the ACLU, as they are not always right on everything. I wouldn't listen to the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People either. They are not always right on everything.
Created by: uumm

1/17/17 @ 7:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

You guys are really not listening to anything I say or reading anything I wrote. You want to see fraud? We have seen fraud and arrogance displaying itself for the last eight years. Obama himself IS A FRAUD. If you ask your average American "Would you rather have a career politician as a powerful leader, or someone who has successfully worked in business and has worked in the real world all his life, which would you choose?" I can assure you the vast majority of the people would choose the latter over the former. And they chose the latter in this last election, for good reason. Hillary is a career politician who would have been four MORE years of Obama, and she was resoundingly rejected. Obama himself declared that his agenda and policies were on the ballot this last election, and he was right. That's why it was repudiated and rejected completely. The American people want the opposite of that.
For you to compare a dentist trying to do a surgeon's work to Trump and what he is going to do is just unbelievable and laughable to say the least. Trump doesn't have his head up his ass like Obama does. When the Trump administration is successful in reversing everything Obama has done, when Trump is able to clean up the mess Obama made and set things right, you will see what I'm saying is true.
You should be furious at the Democrats for their behavior. They are the ones who are arrogant, acting like spoiled brats who throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. Making up lies about each and every nominee Trump puts forward. If the Dems keep this up, I may be convinced to stay a registered Republican instead of going back to Independent again.
I would never listen to the ACLU, as they are not always right on everything. I wouldn't listen to the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People either. They are not always right on everything.

There is no substance to your argument, you simply regurgitate the same rubbish over and over. I don't see too many average Americans backing you up here, or perhaps you are the only 'average' American on this site. The Nation wanted, and needed a change, unfortunately the change that they now have is an embarrassment. And laughable, no its not laughable, because you are about to find out what damage a bumbling idiot can do in the next 4 years ... tell me do you read the fool's tweets, if you do, can you justify the sanity of a man in his position tweeting in the first place, and then I ask how do you defend the shit he taps out of his thumbs, the man is an absolute disgrace to himself and the office he holds. Want to see a spoilt brat in play, wait until lil Donald doesn't get his way, then we will see who lies and slithers across the floor, as he has done on so many occasions already. I truly hope someone can dig up some shit heavy enough to suffocate the prick. And personally I'd rather have some one who has an inkling of what they are doing ... Donald has not an iota. Obama would have wiped the floor with Trump.

Created by: kertzum

1/18/17 @ 6:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Oz
Posts: 151

It's like watching a car crash!
Created by: sex_spert

1/18/17 @ 6:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 183

LOL Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump. NO, Trump mopped the floor with what would have been four more years of Obama. Or are you blind? Frankly Umm, you regurgitate the same shit over and over and over. Obama would easily have LOST to Romney if Romney had not been a Mormon. Romney's religion was the ONLY reason he lost. Obama has proven to be an incompetent fool who chooses the wrong side of an issue every single time. Obama said HIS policies and agenda was on the ballot last year even though his name was not on the ballot. And he lost by a landslide. I'm sure Hillary's lies did not help her in her campaign, but Obama's philosophy was also rejected. If you want to look at an embarrassment, look at the last eight years. When Trump has been successful in straightening out and cleaning up the huge messes Obama has left in his wake, he will be reelected. We probably need eight years of the opposite of Obama in order to cancel out everything this administration has done. The majority of the American people do not think the way you do, Umm.
Created by: uumm

1/18/17 @ 9:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

LOL Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump. NO, Trump mopped the floor with what would have been four more years of Obama. Or are you blind? Frankly Umm, you regurgitate the same shit over and over and over. Obama would easily have LOST to Romney if Romney had not been a Mormon. Romney's religion was the ONLY reason he lost. Obama has proven to be an incompetent fool who chooses the wrong side of an issue every single time. Obama said HIS policies and agenda was on the ballot last year even though his name was not on the ballot. And he lost by a landslide. I'm sure Hillary's lies did not help her in her campaign, but Obama's philosophy was also rejected. If you want to look at an embarrassment, look at the last eight years. When Trump has been successful in straightening out and cleaning up the huge messes Obama has left in his wake, he will be reelected. We probably need eight years of the opposite of Obama in order to cancel out everything this administration has done. The majority of the American people do not think the way you do, Umm.

from your vigorous defence of the indefensible I can only conclude that your last name is probably Putin.

Syren Sky
Created by: Syren Sky

1/18/17 @ 11:34pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

from your vigorous defence of the indefensible I can only conclude that your last name is probably Putin.

One (bigly) problem :there's no denying that something is *deeply*wrong with the tweeting orange one.
Created by: alberich

1/19/17 @ 12:19am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

... The majority of the American people do not think the way you do, Umm.

Haven't read that it was the majority that voted Trump. Haven't it been 3 million more that voted for Clinton ?.
So don't tell about majority
Created by: dudley_do_ride

1/19/17 @ 12:55am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267

Now now now. Look on the bright side. I mean it.

Now every time you march on Washington you get a free stack of chips!
Addison Johns
Created by: Addison Johns

1/19/17 @ 1:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

tell me do you read the fool's tweets,

At least he`s taking care of something step at a time, folks, today a tweet, tomorrow half a law, maybe an answer to Putin ...
Created by: arch313

1/19/17 @ 2:39am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: US Pacific
Posts: 341

Seriously sex-spert you need to lay off the Kool-aid. No I do not read most of what you say because frankly it takes seconds to look up and see you are wrong on the parts I do read. MLK was a lifelong REPUBLICAN, Friends who knew him said he did not like partisan politics and felt there were problems with both parties (really learn how to use google and not just the sites that say what you want to hear). Sessions not a racist, well Sessions agreed a white lawyer was a trader to his race for defending a black person. (Hard not to define that as racist). We can rest assured you would never believe anything NAACP said because I am thinking you are a raciest also. Also Trump may have won the electrical college but he did not win the popular vote. He has already broken most of his campaign promises (mexico will pay for the wall, he will investigate Clinton...) I wonder if he is on such good terms with Russia that he will give Alaska back to Russia, in exchange for a golf course in Moscow. He has already sold out the Ukraine and started paying pack his Russian puppet master by removing any wording against Russia for the invasion of the Ukraine in the republican platform, and now he want to reward his masters with the removal of all sanctions.
Created by: uumm

1/19/17 @ 2:51pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

let's see the ratio of protestors to attendees at the inauguration, should tell a story huh? When was there ever such negative feeling about the incoming Spurt, when?
Created by: uumm

1/19/17 @ 3:32pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

Haven't read that it was the majority that voted Trump. Haven't it been 3 million more that voted for Clinton ?.
So don't tell about majority

rigged Alberich ... rigged ... those nasty, awful, not so beautiful people rigged it all!
Created by: davidzzzzzz

1/19/17 @ 3:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 13,827

Trump is now giving away tickets to his inauguration. Not sure why it hasn't sold out - it's an impressive line up. Trump will be there, of course. Toby Keith will be performing. And Jon Voight will be delivering a monolog on being batshit. Don't delay, order your free tickets today!!!

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