Trump isn't even president yet and you're already criticizing him and predicting he will fail in everything. That's a form of PREJUDICE.....PRE-JUDGING him and he hasn't done anything. Don't you think it would be a much more fair analysis if you waited to see what he will do when HE IS IN OFFICE first, before you condemn him to hell? I know where your political allegiance lies. It's obvious to see. Trump has already created jobs and done fantastic things and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. That's a hell of a lot better than anything Obama did.
Now apparently I have to repeat myself because Alb and others don't read anything I say. I will bet you anything that when you take away the ILLEGAL alien voters from this last election, Trump WON BOTH the electoral vote and the popular vote. Illegal aliens are not allowed to vote but they do anyway. And the majority of the night, Trump was ahead in the popular vote. Also, if Trump runs for reelection he will win the popular vote and the electoral vote, which is what Bush won the second time around. Also, Trump won more than 2,600 counties and Hillary won 489. This was the will of the people. The Founders considered COUNTIES true representatives of a state. The electoral college should be based on who wins each COUNTY, as that is the closest indicator of the will of the people. So Trump's win was legitimate.
What Trump has already done is an indicator that he is actually going to keep his word. He WILL cut taxes across the board, he WILL reverse all Obama's executive orders, he WILL reverse the ACA, he WILL do everything else he promised. When he does, you will be eating your words.
What he has done is P1ss off China, a bad move, P1ss off France, a bad move, P1ss off Germany, a bad move, P1ss off NATO, a bad move, in fact P1ss off and get the whole world on edge... A REALLY BAD MOVE!
Eat our words, don't think so, the baboon already has its hand in the jar.
1/20/17 @ 12:14am
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Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
Sorry Forrest.
Sorry Forrest.
Alberich!!! Spurt has genius IQ!!
1/20/17 @ 12:30am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Here's to Tim Kaine
Great job with cross exam of our new Education Secretary. I hope parents were watching.
1/20/17 @ 10:54am
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Here's a thank you to President Obama. In his campaigns he appealed to our virtues, knew how to give inspirational speeches to motivate positive political change. He had big dreams. Actually built something with his policies instead of using his power to tear down productive programs and attack his rivals. He tried his best to work with the other party. He strengthened the power of the president, perhaps too much, in order to do so. His administration by today's standards was remarkably corruption free. He should feel no personal regret for the current polarization of his countrymen because he did everything he could to resolve it honorably. Without compromising fundamental human values. He was and will continue to be a positive force in our country. He is someone to emulate in personal conduct, someone to go to for experience. I don't know exactly where he will stand in history but I do know that in recent times he is one of the best. The country is better off. He has left his successor a nation much better off than when he first inherited it. It will be painful to see a lesser man with a less enlightened political philosophy work to destroy the progress. But, my hope is that it is a start to move in the right direction that will be taken up again. Americans must lose their irrational fear of government. They must all pay a fair, reasonable amount of tax. The federal government needs to be a healthy well functioning arm of American government. The American people must learn to love virtue again instead of solely profit or to serve some bronze age god. A government reflects the character of the people. I don't like what we are showing about our character with this one.
Pinch me, I still can`t believe it`s REAL ......
You did call me a racist and I will defend myself against those claims every time. it is a fact that the Founders looked at counties as though they were states, and that's where the closest indicator of the will of the people resides. The electorals are won state by state, what I was saying was they should change it so that whichever candidate wins each congressional district or county, wins that number of electoral votes. That is the closest to the will of the people and maybe someday it will be changed to reflect that.
I have capitalized certain words to emphasize those words, so what?? I'm not the only one who does that.
You haven't PROVED that I'm a moron, and you know you are looking in the mirror when you say those words. You don't have substance at all, never did, so all you have left is name calling. That's the typical liberal really.
He hasn't p1ssed off any of our allies, Umm. Actually, Obama's the one who has done things like that, and emboldened our enemies. I'm applauding real, substantive change and real results. His inauguration speech was fantastic. Basically he was saying, "This is what I am going to do, because this is what I was ELECTED to do. I will keep my promises."
Your moronic insults are not going to go anywhere, because I know what you say about me is not true. Never was. I can assure you I know a lot more about the Constitution and how it was written than you ever will.
For Dudley, who has been more polite and a lot less personal and not so stupid in his posts:
You are describing President Ronald Reagan. Reagan was inspirational and positive. Obama has been the bumbling Teleprompter in Chief. Obama has divided America in terms of race, creed, and even income levels. In every possible way he has divided us. He has done great harm to America. Now it's time for Trump to repair all the damage that has been done. I was happy to hear Obama say that he was unable to close Club Gitmo. Club Gitmo will remain open and we will start putting the terrorists there again where they belong. While Obama wanted to close Gitmo and wanted another 9-11 to happen here, Gitmo will now be operating the way it should and we will start interrogation again, to make sure another terrorist strike does NOT happen again. No, interrogation is not torture. Torture is slowly sawing off heads and making sure their prisoners die a slow and painful death, and that is what our enemies have always done. Obama is pretty much the opposite of everything you wrote in your post, and history will prove that as well.
1/20/17 @ 11:15pm
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Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,618
1/21/17 @ 2:11am
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Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
You did call me a racist ...
I didn't call you a racist - I called you an idiot - a hillbilly. Cause that is what you are. Naiv and ignoring, real facts unable to use your IQ you wish to have.
Living in your own colored world - and forming facts they way you want to hear them. If it is not according your taste it was either lying democrats or it was mexicans.
And yes - it's hard to read the rubbish you write - most of that is considered to be a bad jok.
Now I bow down to your IQ - but in my age it is hard to come that low
That's exactly what I wrote previously, Derek. Give Trump a chance at least, and you will be surprised he will do some great things for our country. Don't prejudge and assume he will be the worst president we have ever had. That is exactly what I said.
In my previous posts, I was merely explaining my political views and why I hold them, and that is when the name calling started, against ME.
I never said anything about lying Mexicans, either, Alb. There you go, ASS uming again. I have many Mexican friends and I have respect for hispanics. As you were not born in this country, I could probably make the correct assumption that you don't really know what the Constitution says and you don't respect it. And if you continue assuming and name calling, perhaps I should go further. I suspect that you're a woman and not a man. With the internet, you never can tell....
1/21/17 @ 5:45am
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Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
Thinking being a woman is a bad thing shows how far away you are from your wannabe genius state. It more proofs your hillbilly beinge. Dumb thinking - old fashioned in tradition - afraid of mdern world and effective for manipulations.
Low minded and low educated.
To your constitution - I lived long enough there to know it.
To Trump: I have to live with him and I respect him for his commission - but that doesn't mean that I have to believe all that populism he spreads in social media.
Just checking his statements closer shows that they are often twisted to his benefit. Such as his 90 million of unemployed americans or such as raising unemployment in times of Obama - which both isn't true, which you'd easily find out if you'd check official announcements and data. If you don't trust in the actual ones - wait a few month and check them again - they won't have changed .
Or like that statement that half NY is covered with german cars - but in germany you see almost no Chevrolet. Of course you see no Chevrolet in Germany (with exception of the high priced Corvette and Camaros which are mostly imported by Dealers) as GM doesn't sell Chevrolet ther. They sell their cars under the name Opel in Germany and contintal europe. But it sounds better for american ears if conceal that.
Sure - there are regions with low employment and sure - there are regions which missed the times of changes.
Just compare the development of Pittsburg to Detroit. Whereas Pittsburg managed the step to new technologies - Detroit kept on hanging to car and heavy metal industrie.
New jobs need new qualification - and you need to learn it. Therefor you need to have a minimum of savvy and education but you can't make an assemblyman an engineer if he isn't qualified to it and more important: if he wants to stay assemblyman.
When I lived there I met many people who overestimated the qualification they need for the dream they have - and instead of working on themselves to keep track with modern technology they made the government responsible for their situation. Mexicans took away their job - at production lines I installed those days I mostly heard that out of the mouth of those who weren't qualified for that kind of work.
USA as the rest of the world did the step to a modern consumption world - with all pros and cons.
Another fact is (and yes I know - it where the bad aliens - not only the good mexicans who did it) that trump is by popular votes had one of the worst margin any president ever had (worst by total - 3rd worst in percentage).
A job in politics always needs the ability for compromises - and it is not a job for a single group - it is a job for a whole folk. President of the United States you arenh't only for democrats or reps - Trump has to be president for all -also for those who ask unpleasant questions. A boycott of journalists who ask critical questions is just a no go for someone who has to repressent a whole nation.
USA is a nation of mixed nationalities ( they have their origins all over the world) - and for me upcoming populism is a kind of ridiculous for a nation with that background.
To MLK : In an Interview 1958 MLK said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses…And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
And now I am brownnosing Arch (the 3rd one you called a morron) : He didn't say anything different - but that doesn't count in your world of correctness as it is of different opinion.
And - if you want to go further - go on ( or should I say run sex-pert run) - that won't make me female either - but if so - it wouldn't scare me too
1/21/17 @ 7:58am
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Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,618
DUH, I didn't say that being a female is a bad thing at all. Calling you a girl, Alb, is a personal insult to YOU specifically, and you thrive on name calling. It's hard to keep track of the number of misspellings and very bad grammar you have when you write and post in the forums, which would certainly be an indication of your very LOW IQ. I graduated with HONORS, which is not what idiots can do. Gump's IQ was 70, and I'm a lot higher than that. Yours I would guess is probably around 30. By the way, Gump was a FICTIONAL character. I have to point that out since you must be too stupid to realize that.
Just because MLK said what you quoted does not mean he was not registered as GOP. He was, and his family was also. He was saying both parties have their weaknesses and flaws. A lot of African Americans were registered Republicans especially since Reconstruction, as the GOP was doing everything it could to assist them and make sure they had the same rights as the white man did.
You're turning a blind eye to the good things Trump has done already, because you don't want to believe he can do anything right. He has saved and created jobs in Michigan and in Indiana, and he will continue to do that. Also, I wouldn't really characterize what Trump wants to do as populism. He's not an isolationist who hates the US military like Rand Paul, for example. If he were, I'd be very disheartened about Trump being in the White House.
So I will repeat: Sticks and stone can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Especially when I know those names are not and never were true of me.
1/21/17 @ 6:07pm
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Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,267
Those who play with fire by exploiting scapegoats should know that in matters of Justice the standard of proof differs from the laboratory. Juries and judges, indeed the people, deal often in circumstantial evidence and have a creative way of making sure that Justice prevails.
To be clear I do not believe everything celebrities or actors do or say, but Meryl said what needed to be said to bring people to reality and now others are doing the same during this march. I couldn't be more supportive of all these people standing up for human rights. I can only hope that Trump will hear and respect what they have been saying at these protests and not just ASSume they have all synchronized cycles and ignore one of the LARGEST protests in history.
(I capitalized a few words so my post would fit in better on this thread )
The news media made it look like twelve people showed up for Trump's inauguration address, and protesters outnumbered those who attended his speech. BIG surprise there, as we all know where the bias of the media lies. In reality, 710,000 people showed up to listen to Trump and see his swearing in. There were people all around standing in cold weather for a long time just to witness this event.
During the campaign, the Democrats were PAYING specific people to go to Trumps rallies and pretend to be a supporter, and when they filtered into the gathering, they did everything they could to cause trouble and start fights and arguments. The Democrats even paid homeless guys to cause disruptions at Trump's rallies. Many of these same malcontents were at the "protests" we saw yesterday. The majority of America is not them. I'm sure these protest groups will soon dissipate. This certainly isn't a movement or a trend. What do they think they can do anyway, change Trump's administration to a Democrat one? STOP him from cutting taxes, repealing and replacing the ACA, prevent him from signing legislation or appointing judges? He is going to do what he's been elected to do, and that's the way it is.
Blaming Obama and the media for all his problems wont make them go away, it wont change the fact that less people cared to come to his inauguration than they did for Obama (which has been now verified many times since he had his publicity puppet go throw a fit on TV) and it wont change the fact that he doesn't know what he is doing and has picked TERRIBLE people to be in his cabinet. The head of education is a JOKE.
He HAS p1ssed off the leaders of other countries around the world and he HAS out right said that he plans to have Mexico REIMBURSE us for the wall.. meaning WE are paying for the wall (which we don't need)and hoping that they will pay us back for it (which Mexico's leader has made clear won't happen). He is a LIAR. It is a FACT.
Now just like in all your other posts blame democrats and Obama and socialism and low IQ. All of these excuses when in reality it has nothing to do with any of those things. This is just reality, those are the facts of the situation we are ALL in right now no matter your race, age, political party or gender. This is what they are marching all around the world to point out. Get over yourself, welcome to reality. I can only hope that those who pull his strings were listening to the PEOPLE they supposedly stand to represent.