As for marrying a member. I can't say I wouldn't. I don't think any of you are weird (a few exceptions).
Anyway, sorry for the novel. lol Quote
1/22/09 @ 1:23am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
blonde_lover wrote MORE than 2 sentences
Greys rarely go private and spam more often than regular members . I think politeness to ALL as long as they are polite . Models do get a $5 bonus for each grey person who becomes a member .
Models marrying members has happenned less than Greys going private
Like some of your posts blonde [ Especially the food ] Quote
1/22/09 @ 6:51am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,960
I know one model who married a member. The model was a guy from Bulgaria and the member was a girl from the USA. They are happily married and living in New York
Hun, from all I read they are unfair to you and models how don't have VOD. I think it shouldn t be such a difference between model who do VOD and models who don't. In the end it must be your choice and you shouldn't be penalised for that.Anyway keep up the good work! Quote
I guess some of them are 10 years old and want to have some fun hehe
i try to answer to their questions but not sure i can all the time,because they are too many.
Anyway kisses to greys too
What suggs said.
I was always polite as a grey. And I can report it was because the model(s) were willing to talk to me as a grey that I gave it a shot and became a member. Quote
Really.. in free chat whomever I give my attention to gets it and if someone else wants one on one... they should go private.
I might not notice something someone said.. but i usually never ignore someone on purpose. Quote
Really.. in free chat whomever I give my attention to gets it and if someone else wants one on one... they should go private.
I might not notice something someone said.. but i usually never ignore someone on purpose.
Can never win....!
That is what I tell people all the time. On really busy days with all my regulars especially, sometimes someone might get a little upset I can not respond to every single thing they are saying in open chat... if you want undivided attention, that is what PVT is for. Even if you have to ask me a question that expects an answer (you know I can't whisper) and would not say it in open room ... go pvt for even 30 seconds, and then we can go back out!
But cant always please everyone
1. I have some visitors who registered in my room , but it happens so rare.
2. I know some greys who will never turn into costumers ( knowing them during 1 year).
3. It's possible to talk to visitors, what I do, BUT I never pay a lot of attention, only when Im free and really want to TALK. U know, it's fair to make some priorities.
4. I know 2 girls from flirt who got married with their clients and they r happy now!
I don't pay much attention to the demanding greys. But some are indeed nice and chatty, those I treat well Quote