Hey there. I have to agree on all that you guys said. But i have a few things to add or to explain.
There are flawed models and flawed member, we are people afterall.
If some people look for chat i guess is important for you to just hover over a model's room and see how active she is, if she is talking, if she actually understands the chat, if she is engaged in a conversation.
I apreciate and ecourage anyone that sais hi in my room or that is interested in having a plesant conversation, but i avoid being the one who sais hi to every new member in my room even if he is a VIP. I only say special hi's to people that have been active in my room before. Look how a chat would sound if i would have to do that:
-hi virgil
-hi sam
-hi carl
-hi mimi
-hi momo
It gets repetitive and boring since as a model you have the usual 3 questions to asnwer at -age, location, and hru.
I liek to make my room interesting and havign actual conversations, so if anyone talks is encouraged to develop the conversation past the lvl of hru.
From my point of view i don;t think that a model should have a meltdown if the people in the room are not talking, is her job to make them interested, if they don;t talk it means that is her fault and that she is the one that seemed not interested in doing so, or maybe she just looked bored or looked like she is busy.
There are certain things a model can do to make her room chatty. If any of the models that read this have problems in getting the room going, i welcome you to ask your questions, i will gladly answer.
This this this this this! And on top of that, I really dislike to type if I don't have to anyway so I might be saying my "Hi's" out loud, and it could still be super awkward and uninteresting when I don't get ANY answers for a really long time. Or worse, you guys can't even hear my hello and never even know I said it

if you sent me a message, it would be a really quick process for me to figure out from there that you can hear me, and then I could start typing to you. And it's bumming me out because I don't want visitors to feel like they can't be engaged in conversation with me when I'm nothing but excited to make new friends (or talk to that guy who keeps visiting me and has never talked! lol).
There IS one thing I slightly disagree with in this post though, and that's the part about it being a model's fault if no one is talking. Sometimes there are just those days where it's slow no matter what. A lot of times when it's quiet in my room for an extended period, I'll start talking anyway (about my day, about something random I'm interested in, movies, asking questions etc.) to attempt to get someone (ANYONE!!) interested in talking too. Plenty of times it works, but just as often, it doesn't. The same thing happens when I'm just smiling and lookin' cheery. It's honestly so exhausting because it's frustrating and doesn't encourage us to even KEEP UP the good attitude, let alone try to make it better. THIS is the point when it's squarely on the shoulders of the members.
But it does make sense that this happens sometimes. Other reasons for not being chatty could be a shy guy, broken computer, or that his hands are busy ;) Pure statistics says that once in awhile, models will have too many of these guys. So ladies, instead of getting worked up and/or having a meltdown, just keep up the cheer and try different ways of grabbing attention. Yes, it's def a pain in the butt after you've gotten all dressed up and are giving so much energy to F4F. But it's temporary! Pure statistics also say that when you're being boring and rude, you'll still have some visitors who try to talk to you.
SO MEMBERS, if you don't have any real reason you haven't said something in a model's room, just say ANYTHING! Especially if it's quiet in the room, she will definitely appreciate it.