Hello all F4F, WellHello, KiNk and other white label site models,
I was curious if we have a way to communicate w/another outside of going to their room and whispering, W/ a basic non-active account. Can we message our co-workers in any other way? If not, why? If yes, where would it state how to do such or be a part of a mailing list? If it doesnt already exist...
Perhaps, we could have an option to receive msgs from co-workers on our site or not. Those who wish not to be contacted by another model can click on the option to disable that feature. There is a way of being friends on here, right. Or have other models in a list or network of work friends? Id like to help another model/friend but cant find a way to msg her within performer chat, as its more a performer blogs/blogging link. No live chat or messaging correct? Thank you to any and all who respond, respectfully...Renee_D Xox Quote