Suggs do you visit every room on this site or are you living here to monitor every member and model while
? And for your curious small mind I did not have this thread deleted earlier. Pay closer attention to the subject
Watch me and maybe you can learn a few things that is if you are lucky enough. Seems you do live on this site considering how many post you have made. Have you thought about going out into the real world or maybe (SL) was correct in all her conversations she had with me about you over the telephone ;) Wouldn't you just love to know what (SL) had to say? The forums are free to voice and that is just what i have done. I have 11 post and you have over 6,000. So Shhhhh and let me have my opinion to help others.
I saw the positive reply of a model too - she told yes he whispers - and yes he tips.
Sometimes small sometimes not - but that is more as others did.
And I thought same as Suggs did - reply got removed because of that reply.
And .. am not that small minded to think it was you who removed that thread , Admins can remove too and are fast in that - rumors tell so at least -in that I don't agree with him.
It is a good thing to warn others from imposters , fakers and whatever else - maybe even from rainy days.
But sometimes it is better to ignore the small things.