My favorite model is quarantined in his studio's building in Medellin (Colombia), along with 13 other models. (It was originally more, but 5 others decided they could not deal with it, and are no longer online. Those who were authorized for home broadcasts are simply staying at home.) The initial quarantine ended on Tuesday, but now has been extended for another 19 days.
Each model staying at the studio has their own designated room, which is not shared by anyone else. They perform online and sleep in that room. The studio does not let anyone leave the premises for any reason ... food is delivered and the models share cooking and serving chores. Support staff is minimal, also lives on site, and is screened carefully. Very strict hand-washing and shower rules. A covered courtyard has been converted into a makeshift exercise room, and equipment is sanitized after each use.
It is not a perfect situation, but likely as safe as it would be if they stayed home alone. But less lonely, obviously.