First please no blast comments if anyone feels I am repeating myself as this is merely my opinion and nothing else. In short take it or leave it.
Have met a few performers on the site who for some reason have some negative stuff going on in their lives which makes one really want to cheer them up. Seems if one really take the time to get to know the performer you will be surprised by what you might find.
One performer on the site seems to be going through a pretty tough spell at the moment (will not mention his name) though he seems to have a way to make his room rock when he comes online. Tends to really let lose, but alas due to situations in his life he is considering calling it a day on the site. I think many of us members seem to forget that the person you are watching on the screen is one filled with emotions, and at first sight one only sees the visual side. Taking the time to know either him or her and you are sure to see the layers of personality folding out.
The point of my message if merely to say while the site comes across in a certain way please don't be a DICK and think that these performer are merely sexual play toys.
Sorry if I am coming through a bit harsh ...just always sad when one sees a performer having issues and wish you could cheer them up in some sort of way.