I know this tread of mine is sure to be pounced upon by no doubt a few readers of the forum, but what the heck.
Always figure that it is a two way street with both performers and members on the site. Like to think that respect flows both ways.
I find it sad that one notices that a performer seems to be absent from the site for a period of time, and then suddenly disappears. As is often the case if that performer had a twitter account that too vanishes in a puff of smoke.
I understand that each and ever performer has the right to do whatever they chose when leaving the site, but think it might be nice merely to let those members who took the time to visit their chat room, offer whatever encouragement and whatever else to at least get a message of GOOD-BYE.
Not sure if I am the own one who feels this way, and wish to clearly state that such a GOOD-BYE message might have got a response to thank them for the pleasure of their company, and to wish them all the best in life.