If you have been online collectively more than 20 hours, you are no longer tagged as "new" and are filtered back into the general pool of models on the site. While you had the "new" identified attached to your thumbnail on the main page, you benefited from the curiosity and interest of members looking for new talent to visit. Now, unfortunately, you must fight to establish yourself as a (theoretically) experienced model and draw members back to your room.
Although many members' focus does tend to narrow to the area between the waist and the thighs, the majority do prefer being able to see a model's face in his profile pics, and especially in the thumbnail used as the default profile pic for the main page. I would suggest adding a couple of photos to your profile that include your face (which, from what I can see in your VOD thumbnails, is both handsome and appealing) and selecting one of those to be your default.