On several occasions with the same performer, I was offered a deal after being asked to help with contests and the goals set by the studio boss who placed unrealistic goals and severe credit quotas on his top young performer to make more for his studio.
I was asked to tip the amount of the show and I was given a deal with a deal code. You have to pay the top premium price of 150 cpm for 10 minutes before the deal kicked in.(so not really a deal-1500 credits already used).
Over 75% of the time, I had to keep pressing private start button because the "deal code" entry would not show up. So I would end up wasting 1, 2, 3 minutes of my 150 credits a minute for several attempts trying to get the "deal entry box" to show up.
One time, we were both frustrated and I just did a deal offer. I have a time constraint. I really felt sorry for this performer, no matter how much he makes for this studio, staying in the top 5 or top 10, his job is always in jeopardy or threatened with fines.
Three deals were not honored. One hour in April was completely forgotten after the first hour was done because of the Cinco de Mayo contest where he was pressured to work overtime into his scheduled vacation. He was so overworked and I felt sorry that he couldn't leave for vacation on the planned day that I just let it go for time being.
Two hours that were supposed to be deals this month were done with a low credit offer because we tried several times to start and the system kept either shutting down having lag problems or the "deal code entry" button would not show up on the screen several times.
I was asked for a credit gift in the sum of three hours of show for the model when the model was again being asked to work overtime to reach yet another unrealistic goal. The studio boss wanted him to reach 50,000 more credits than the month before. He asked me to forward yet another "deal", and I have to say I lost it there and decided to drop the model and the studio.
I have never found these deals to be deals. I am still lacking one hour and I still paid for the other two hours. I felt scammed by the studio because I was generous and helpful to the model.