I've seen many models tell specific members that the members are welcome with or without credits. That doesn't stop my conscience from telling me that this is the model's job and source of income, and that I shouldn't interfere with the model's livelihood. I tip and pledge when I have credits. That's the best I can do. The models will tell me (one way or another) when I am unwelcome in their rooms.
two: remember this is how a most model's make there living so when you do have money buy credits and support him as best you can
I've seen many models tell specific members that the members are welcome with or without credits. That doesn't stop my conscience from telling me that this is the model's job and source of income, and that I shouldn't interfere with the model's livelihood. I tip and pledge when I have credits. That's the best I can do. The models will tell me (one way or another) when I am unwelcome in their rooms.
Trust me saur, we really do appreciate your support. On personal level I also enjoy the company. I've had the pleasure of having you in my chat room several times. Stop by any time. Mi casa es su casa!
Flamecat you need to cum back to my chat room soon. Miss flirting with you... But please remember that I maintain a clothing optional environment ;-) Quote
4/24/12 @ 8:13pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381
I thought all models could see members' wallets.
I usually keep 200 or so in my wallet all the time for tips, but when members are out of credits their wallets will be empty. If models happily talk to members with empty wallets I think that is great. No further discussion/apologies between the member and the model about credits/no credits seems necessary. Quote
4/24/12 @ 8:19pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Driving Down Thunder Road
Posts: 4,747
4/24/12 @ 8:52pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381
...Only when you are in private.
I always thought models could see your wallets as soon as you entered their room. That seemed to make a lot of sense. Allowed models to give more attention to potential "customers". I also wondered whether models could see members' Flirt Game points as well.
Thanks for the correction, Phil. Quote
4/25/12 @ 12:40am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: East Central Wisconsin
Posts: 110
I've seen many models tell specific members that the members are welcome with or without credits. That doesn't stop my conscience from telling me that this is the model's job and source of income, and that I shouldn't interfere with the model's livelihood. I tip and pledge when I have credits. That's the best I can do. The models will tell me (one way or another) when I am unwelcome in their rooms.
Very considerate of you to explain your feelings on your experiences with this interesting topic! Regardless of the bizzare replies by performers who butcher cliche Forrest Gump quotes, tell viewers to "cough up the money" and ban the credit-less, I'd like to add my voice to Jake, Paul, Jonathan and Izzi (and anyone else I missed) in saying PLEASE don't feel guilty. We want you enjoying yourself here and not worrying about credits you do or don't have.
I'll highlight something you said: "I tip and pledge when I have credits. That's the best I can do". I would definitely NOT call this freeloading, as others have pointed out, and contributing to a room you spend a lot of time in, when able, is all I or any other model could or should ever hope to expect from any member on this site.
This isn't an exclusive club where only those with money always available in their pockets to spend can play (this site wouldn't work and wouldn't be NEARLY as fun!). The performers who care or ask you to cough up the creds, ignore or are rude to people who don't have credits, or only want you there if you're actively spending, do not understand this site and how fun it can be if they allow it. They also may not be the best performers to hang out with because their sole motivation is quite evident.
Just to reassure you, in case you didn't have a chance to read all of the awesome responses (and those who only read the first and last post) here are some highlights from this thread I think are fitting and great:
Trenton the Great:
"This is a place that should be fun for everyone, even broke-ass fools (like me! ).
I think the one thing most models would ask of someone with no credits is that they not request or beg for something for which others would normally pay."
"My opinion would be that if you have no funds/credits of course its still fine to pop online to say hi to the models and have a little chat , I don't think you should abuse it though and stay for hours on end, and certainly should not hog the chat."
The Amazing Izzi:
"I have always told everyone in my room countless time you may stay at the bar regardless if you have credits or not. Its about fun here. PJ I have always told you that. A free loader is a guy that tries to get something off other peoples credits. For example....you tip me 500 credits just for the sake of giving..then some guy goes..'' You should blow your load now cause he gave you 500 credits.'' Coming from the guy that never gives anything. Thats a freee loader."
Kheldar the Wise:
As others have said, people who cannot tip shouldn't request things others are paying for. Having said that, hanging around in open chat is a different thing. There are many ways to contribute to open chat, and one of them is by just being you and being there. Helping make a room a place others want to visit and hang out in provides a huge benefit since some will tip or go private, and the only reason they may be there is because they enjoyed the conversation that you were a part of.
Jonathan Phoenix:
I think that for all of us (models, members, and guests) the constant draw to the site is the fact that you get to establish friendships and get to know people as individuals. Trust me, models are grateful for your support but we also appreciate good company.
Tao Te Paul:
"Freeloading is a state of mind. You can come to this site willing to give whatever you think this service we provide is worth, or you come here trying to get models to lower their prices as much as possible, to the point of it being unsustainable for the amount of work full time models put in on this website.
Freeloaders sometimes have credits, too. It's not a matter of how much you give, but your thought process in giving it."
Regardless of the bizzare replies by performers who butcher cliche Forrest Gump quotes, tell viewers to "cough up the money" and ban the credit-less,
1) Someone has no humor sense.
2) I told "cough up the money" not to a "viewer" but to an old Friend ( if u don't get it, it was again a JOKE)
3) I ban nasty people only, that in my experience have been mostly richer members.
I finish this quoting SAXIE
"Why so serious " Quote
4/26/12 @ 9:02am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: 19,627
Posts: 20,575
This is indeed a fine topic, with some thoughtful comments. Myself, I tend to stay away from a room when credits are an issue. Fear of rejection, I suppose. Sometimes the intent of a model is obvious, blatant money grab, or more real...sometimes it is more subtle. After awhile you learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. Just try to be honest. A tall order in cyberspace, but gratifying when you find it. Quote
As others have said, people who cannot tip shouldn't request things others are paying for. Having said that, hanging around in open chat is a different thing. There are many ways to contribute to open chat, and one of them is by just being you and being there. Helping make a room a place others want to visit and hang out in provides a huge benefit since some will tip or go private, and the only reason they may be there is because they enjoyed the conversation that you were a part of. I know some of the models you visit and I equally know they are sincere when they say they want you in there.
i agree if you have no credits you should be able to stay but some members just go in rooom to collect power points to give to there favorite model . this should be stop an the power points at least shpould go to the performer whos room he in if he spent the req amount of time in room. Quote
some members just go in rooom to collect power points to give to there favorite model . this should be stop an the power points at least should go to the performer whose room he's in if he spent the req amount of time in room.
Unless I misunderstood an admin post in the Tech Forum, the model ranking algorithm used by Flirt already takes into account the length of time members spend in a model's room. If so, even quietly lurking is of some small help to the model. Quote
Only thing I would add to the discussion is to be respectful of the business side of the rooms. When I'm not able to tip, I try not to interrupt conversations between the model and a paying visitor. When I'm not sure whether I might be interrupting (some folks type slowly), I try to err on the side of silence.
Come to think of it, that's not a bad rule of thumb to follow even when you are tipping. Quote
members just go in rooom to collect power points to give to there favorite model . this should be stop an the power points at least shpould go to the performer whos room he in if he spent the req amount of time in room.
Do you sit there and keep track of how much time you spend in models rooms and distribute your points accordingly? and members can do what they wish with there points. It's there business. Quote
4/28/12 @ 10:01am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: in your bedroom where you can abuse my hot ass
Posts: 161
he performer who room you are in you would not have to keep tabs Quote