If you don't mind, I am going to be extremely honest and maybe I can help the marketing people as I have been here now for 7 years.
I don't think the economic situation is part of the problem nor the politics. Also people just like their privacy, so I think there are a lot of people, a majority that whisper. I don't like talking to other members very often myself.
I think two big reasons for me are the choice of models and the other sites.
Either Bel Ami and the other studios that subscribe to F4F have changed their standards or the studios with the fresh, youthful and energetic models are going elsewhere. I've been going to the other sites and I see a big difference in models and the "fun" just isn't here anymore.
Just my opinion, but I am bored with the current Bel Ami lineup of
muscle flexing fraternity men attitude, the gay for pay lineup and the self worship. I always feel now like I am in a locker room that smells bad. They care more about their looks, their contests, their rankings, their buddy models and a lot that is heard and felt in the chatroom is this talk:
"I'm this rank, I'm now that rank",
"help me win",
"did you know I'm number .....?"
I tipped Keith Atkins once and he asked me to tip another model too...Birkin or something like that. I told him...uh....okay.....and I thought I was trying to connect with Keith and maybe go to a show but it was a real turn off, so I just left the chat room and called it a day. Another current one, Pierce Bailey, he just burns through your credits by "getting to know you" in private. Two of those senseless boring sessions and I was done.
Oh, and God forbid, those horrid house shows, each one taking turns on the couch or on a chair staring at their phones until a tip comes along. I'm not tipping for that. They don't even care for each other sexually and you can get the same mooning and cock flashing with a bunch of sauced mates in college.
There is the mandatory membership subscription to see all your past shows or you have to repay for them again. Once you hit the magic Legend level....it's anticlimactic-no pun intended. I mean....no sort of membership retention celebratory "thing" that make you want to see more, do more....You reach 900 something and......nothing
Next is the webpage layout. Coming here from other sites, I feel like I've arrived at some funeral home. It's cold and dark in here.
Maybe they are still profitable, bravo for them. But I just don't feel like spending my money here. I saw an old model friend this evening. I threw him a few credits to help him in a desperate party chat because he had moved from being in shape to a maturing body. He really shouldn't be here anymore. There is a lot of competition out there.
So, the current male model choices, the website appearance, the stagnation into mediocracy and lack of member retention incentives (specially ones like me who have rang the 900 bell more than once or perhaps more than twice now) have driven me away. I come back here to read the forum and I'm off to another site, like now.
That's my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.