11/14/13 @ 3:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 524
You can now earn badges as a reward for your online achievements. Display your badges on your user profile and show off your accomplishments to your favorite performers and friends.
Badges are screen name specific so you'll need to choose carefully which screen name to use when completing various achievements. Have fun collecting them and good luck.
More information about the badges is available here:
If you havent yet set up your user profile, go to your screen names to get started.
Want to know which badges youve already earned and which are still yours for the taking?
http://www.flirt4free.com/my-account/secure/screen-names.php Quote
Looking at my badges, seems I'm missing the following:-
1 Fan Clubs Joined
Initial Show Length 10,20
Num Gifts Received :- 48 pages of gifts on my end and lists 10 a page.
Num Models Tipped :- wow over the years here many, not even sure how many.
Tip Amount :- At least 3 or 4 of them should be lit up too.
Misc :- Site Debugging , Created User Profile and Following on Twitter seem to be missing in that section too.
Be Blessed
11/15/13 @ 6:18am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Earned when you follow @Flirt4Free on Twitter. Please DM us and let us know your screen name to earn the badge.
1 small issue is unless Flirt are following user as well then we CANT send a DM as only person being followed can send a DM
Like others have said badges are missing from my list but that may just be down to amount of data to trawl through
11/15/13 @ 8:19am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
Looking at my badges, seems I'm missing the following:-
1 Fan Clubs Joined
Initial Show Length 10,20
Num Gifts Received :- 48 pages of gifts on my end and lists 10 a page.
Num Models Tipped :- wow over the years here many, not even sure how many.
Tip Amount :- At least 3 or 4 of them should be lit up too.
Misc :- Site Debugging , Created User Profile and Following on Twitter seem to be missing in that section too.
Data is only data for registered nick - many of us have registered 10 and more nicks per account. How cares for that figures the badges show . PVT's over 60 min often get shown with a length reduced by 60.
Tip amount is total amount which got tipped.
What are those badges good for ? To brag in new model rooms ?
Am not sure so far if I like that feature or not - at the moment I would more say not
11/15/13 @ 3:26pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 524
- All badges are screen name specific. The activity for which the badge is earned will be tied to the screen name under which the activity was performed.
- The Bug Report badge and the Twitter Follower badge have to be assigned manually by customer service at this point. Going forward, these will be assigned as bug reports come in or Twitter follower requests are received. You are obviously free to contact customer service if there are past bug reports for which you would like to be given the badge.
- For all other badges, it is too intensive to go back in time and retroactively assign badges. However, if you perform any action today for which there is an associated badge, our system will trigger a historical lookup and assign you all related badges. So the next time you add a Fan Club Membership, you will be assigned the appropriate badges based on your history of Fan Club Memberships.
I hope this helps clear some things up.
Craig Quote
11/16/13 @ 3:14pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Sunny South Florida - with a REALLY cool car :-)
Posts: 1,501
"We don't need no steeenkin badges!..." Quote
i know i have tipped a model on november 16th, but according to my badges i have not tipped at all. Quote
11/20/13 @ 1:57pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Germany
Posts: 455
Just another not properly working gimmick Quote
11/21/13 @ 4:17pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381
The badges seem to be working pretty well for me, but the process of activating them was a little bit complicated.
Not sure why there is no badge for gifts received, which others have mentioned. It wasn't triggered by recent gifts in the last few days.
In the parallel topic (User Profiles) the previous poster asks VS to explain how to remove the badges from his profile. If he doesn't know how to switch them off then it suggests he doesn't know how to switch them on. That may be the basis of his complaint
Perhaps a short step by step guide or a simple set up "wizard" might be welcomed Quote
I have my profile set off for the Privacy Settings to no one can see my bio and as far as the badges are concern they are all on because flirt sets the Badges on when they credit your profile not us turning them on or off.
In past comments flirt already said the ones that are not on is that they want you to earn them again so I have been on Flirt several years gave tons of 1000 credits to several models. I should not have to do this all over again when some of the badges from past years was credited to my badges on Bio page just like others.
The money ones like tips, Gifts, Multiuser Shows, Vods Reviewed and privates they wont give credit for the past but Show Lengths they will. I'm saying I want them off my bio because I'm not going to spend all that money again just to have what I already have done put on my BIO for Badges. You cant turn badges on because Flirt is the one turning them on. All we have control of is who can see the BIO page in Privacy Settings we dont turn the Badges on Flirt4Free does when they credit accomplishment Badges not us. So I say again I want them off my BIO Page they are worthless to me until then I leave BIO OFF.
Flirt4free is getting to be not fun anymore
11/21/13 @ 6:57pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2,381
flirt already said the ones that are not on is that they want you to earn them again
Jay - I think you must have misunderstood. Some badges are triggered by just 1 new event
The money ones like tips, Multiuser Shows, Vods Reviewed and privates they wont give credit for the past but Show Lengths they will
With respect, that seems quite wrong. I wouldn't have said that the badges on my profile seem OK if that was the case. I have not done 500+ multi-user shows in the last week
NOTE: I was about to delete this post on the basis that it is entirely for VS to deal with any questions or criticisms in their News and Announcements topics. However, it might be helpful, so I will leave it Quote
11/22/13 @ 11:20am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: near the edge of reality
Posts: 1,281