12/8/11 @ 7:30pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Words used so far :
abs, accent, ad, affair, aggression, aim, air, alcohol, alyssium, amusement, anal, analgesia, analingus, analysis, anesthesia, angel, anus, ardent, aroma, arousal, arsehole, artist, asexual, ass, assault, asshole, athlete, autoasphyxiation, autoeroticism, awesome, awful, balls, beat, bind, blindfold, blow, blowjob, bondage, boner, boobs, bound, buff, bulging, caboose, caesarian, caged, candlelit, captured, cbt, chained, cinch, clitoris, cock, cocksucker, collar, condom, control, cook, cop, copulation, cucumber, cuffed, cum, cunnilingus, cunning, dack, daddy, daedalist, daintiness, dalliances, dames, damn, damsel, dances, danger, dangerous, dangled, dapperness, darbies, dared, daredevil, darkened, darling, dashing, date, daughter, dazzling, deal, dear, debangle, debased, debaucherous, debilitated, debutante, decadent, deception, deepthroat, defibrilated, defiled, deflowered, degenerate, degraded, dehydrated, delectable, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delight, delightful, delirious, delirium, demanding, demean, demented, demiurge, demonic, denial, denim, depraved, depth, deranged, desires, despoil, dessert, deviant, devilish, devilment, devilwoman, devour, dew, dexterous, diagnosis, diambista, dick, dicked, dickjuice, dickmonger, dickslap, dicksneeze, dicksucker, dicktickler, dickwad, dildo, dimples, dink, dioecious, dipsomania, directions, dirty, dirtyminded, disability, disastrous, disgraceful, disgusting, disneyland, disneyworld, distend, diva, diver, divine, divorced, docking, doctor, dog, doggystyle, doll, dome, dominant, domination, dominatrix, domineering, dong, donkeyshow, doobies, doodleberries, dope, doubledown, double-entendre, doublefuck, doublegasm, doublesuck, douche, dowager, dp, drained, dreadful, dreamed, dreamland, drenched, dribble, drill, drill-instructor, dripping, drool, droop, drop, drugs, drumstick, drunk, duck, dude, duff, dumbo, dungeon, duo, durong, dying, dyke, dysfunction, eager, ear, earn, easy, eat, ebrious, ebullient, eccentric, ecstasy, ecstatic, ectopic, edged, edging, edible, editor, educate, effervescent, eggplant, eggs, ego, ejaculate, ejaculation, eject, elastic, elate, electric-shock, electrostim, elegant, elemayo, element, elephant, elevated, elongation, email, embarrass, emission, emob, emosexual, emote, emoticon, emotion, enchantment, encounter, endo, endoscope, endowed, endowment, enema, energized, enervate, enfeebled, enforce, engage, engagement, engorge, enhanced, enjoyment, enlarge, enlighten, enmeshed, enormous, enrapture, enslave, ensnare, entangled, entertainment, enthrall, enthusiastic, enticement, entrapment, epic, epicurean, epididymis, erato, erectile, erection, ernest, erogenous, eros, erotic, erotologist, erotology, eruption, escapades, escapism, escort, especially, estrogen, ethereal, euphoria, euphoric, evil, exaltation, examination, ex-boyfriend, excellent, exceptional, excite, excites, excited, excitement, exclamation, excrete, excruciating, exercise, exertion, ex-girlfriend, exhalation, exhaust, exhaustion, exhilaration, ex-husband, exorcism, exotic, expel, experienced, explosion, exposed, exquisite, extend, extra, extract, extragenital, extramarital, extraordinariness, extravaganza, extravaginal, extreme, extremities, extruded, exuberant, exudes, ex-wife, fantastic, fellatio, fetish, fingerfuck, forced, foreplaying, foursome, french, fuck, fun, gagged, games, gametes, gangbang, ganja, gargle, garters, gas, gash, gather, gay, gaydar, gaylord, geisha, gel, gelding, generous, genes, genital, genitalia, genitals, gerbil, gigantic, giggle, ginch, girf, girl, girly-boy, girth, gizzum, glamorous, glands, glans, gleaming, gleeful, glisten, glorious, gloryhole, glow, gnash, gnaw, goading, gogo-dancer, golf, gonads, gonorrhea, gonzo, gooch, good, goodies, goose, gorgeous, grab, graceful, gradual, grand, graphic, grappled, grasp, grass, gratification, greased, great, grinding, grip, grizzled, groan, groin, grope, group, grower, growing, grundle, grunt, g-spot, g-string, guiches, guitarist, guns, gush, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnopaidiai, gynormous, gyration, handcuffs, handjob, handled, happiness, hard, hardcore, hardon, harlot, hash, hat, head, heart, heartless, heat, hedonism, height, helmet, helpful, hermaphrodites, hetero, hitch, ho, hogtied, hole, homosexual, hooker, hooters, hormones, horniest, horseplaying, horsewhip, hot, hottie, hug, huge, hummer, humping, hung, husband, hymen, hysteromania, immoral, indecent, initiated, insatiable, insertion, intercourse, interesting, into, iris, kabob, kahunas, kanoodling, karezza, keep, keeper, kegger, kegs, kept, kewl, key, kick-ass, kicks, k!dnap, kiki, kindled, kink, kinkier, kinky, kinsey, kiss, kissing, kitchen, knack, knackered, knackers, knead, kneel, knickerless, knickers, knob, knobjockey, knockers, knockwurst, knotted, knuckle, knuckle-shuffle, kohl, koochie, kootch, kundi, kurva, kvass, ky, labia, ladies, laid, lambative, languish, lap, lapdancer, lapse, lark, larrup, lascivious, lash, lassoed, lather, laughter, lay, lead, leash, leather, lecherous, leer, length, lesbian, lewd, libidinous, libido, librarian, licentious, lick, licking, licks, liftoff, light, like, limber, limp, limpdick, lingerie, link, lip, lipstick, lithe, lockerroom, locks, loincloth, loins, lollipop, longfellow, longing, longitudinal, looks, lorelei, lorette, lotion, louche, love, lovejuices, lovemaking, lover, lovesick, lubricant, lucky, lulled, lunatic, lunges, lured, lurv, luscious, lush, lust, lustful, luxurious, lydian, macho, macropodine, madam, maiden, males, mammaries, manacled, mangina, manhandled, manipulation, manners, married, masculinity, masked, masochism, master, masturbate, meat, mental, mermaid, messy, metrosexual, milking, milkshake, mindless, mischief, mistress, molest, monster, moobs, mood, mooning, muffled, muscles, muzzled, nads, naiad, nail, naked, nancies, narb, narc, narcissism, narcoma, nards, narrow, nastiest, natiform, nattier, natural, naturism, naturist, naughtiest, naughty, navel, near, nebula, neck, necktie, necrophilia, needed, needledick, nefarious, neglect, nekkid, nerd, nern, nervous, nesh, nestled, net, netglow, netherparts, new, newlyweds, newsworthy, nibble, niblets, nice, nicknames, nictate, nifkin, niftiest, night, nightclub, nightgown, nightlong, nightrider, nightstick, nimbler, ninja, niplet, nippin', nipples, nirvana, nonsense, nonsexual, nookie, nooner, norks, notorious, nourish, novelties, now, nubile, nuclear, nude, nudie, nudity, nug, numnum, nungas, nuptial, nurse, nurses, nut, nuthuggers, nuts, nutsack, nutterbutter, nuzzle, nymph, nymphette, nymphomaniac, obsession, ogles, oil, onanism, onanist, oops, oozes, oral, order, organ, orgasm, orgies, o-ring, orlando, out, outside, overhead, ovulation, paddled, papi, passion, pecker, pecs, penetration, penis, perineum, pervert, pet, phallus, pick, pie, pimps, playmate, policeman, pootang, poppers, porn, precum, prick, procreation, pubes, pumper, pussy, pussyfart, put, rabbi, rabid, racier, radiant, radicle, ragmatical, rags, rain, raincoat, ram, ramrod, randiest, ranger, rapacious, r@pe, rapid, rapture, rascal, ration, raunch, ravaged, ravenous, ravishing, raw, reach-around, rear, rearend, rebellious, reckless, record, recreation, recreational, rectum, red, reefer, regurgitated, rehabilitate, rejoices, relationship, relaxation, relinquish, relish, reload, render, rendezvous, reprimand, reprobate, resist, resplendent, restless, restraints, revels, rhythmic, ribald, rictus, ride, rider, rigid, rigorous, rimjob, rimming, ring, riotous, ripped, risque, rocket, rod, roleplay, roll, rollick, romance, romp, roos, root, roped, rough, rousing, rowdy, rub, rubber, rudeness, rugmuncher, rump, sac, sadism, safeword, salacious, salad, saliva, salsa, saponaceous, sass, sated, satisfaction, satyr, savor, scandalous, scatology, scenario, scent, schlong, schooled, scold, score, screw, scrivello, scrotum, scurrilous, secluded, secret, secured, seduction, seductress, see-through, self-abuse, self-flagellation, self-indulgent, self-suck, semen, semi, sensational, sensations, senses, sensitive, sensual, sensuous, sequester, sequins, serviced, sessile, sex, sexaholic, sexpot, sexting, sexual, sexy, shackles, shaft, shag, shameful, shameless, sheath, shenanigans, shoeshow, shooting, shove, shower-show, shrooms, signals, silken, silliness, sinful, sins, siren, sissies, sisters, skeletons, skin, skullfuck, skylark, slap, slave, slick, sling, slinkier, slipperier, slit, slobber, sloppy-seconds, slow, slurp, slut, slutty, smd, smegma, smoke, smoldering, smooch, smut, snake, snapdragon, snatch, snuggle, soaking, soapy, soccer, sodomy, soft, somersault, sons, sordid, sounding, spanking, speculum, sperm, spermatozoa, sphincter, spirited, spit, spitroast, splits, splooge, spooge, spoon, sports, spread, spreadeagle, sprees, spunk, spurt, squeezes, squirm, squirting, stacked, stalker, stallion, stand, star, std, steambath, steamy, steel, stick, stickier, stiffy, stimulation, stimuli, stings, stink, stirring, stops, storm, straddled, strain, strap-on, strapping, streams, stretch, stripped, striptease, stroking, strong, strumpet, strut, stuck, stud, student, stuffed, stunning, stunt, stuper, subjugated, submission, succumb, sucking, suckled, suction, suffer, sultrier, supersized, superstars, suppleness, surf, surprised, surrender, suspend, swagger, swallow, swallower, sweat, sweet, sweetheart, swimming, swimsuit, swing, sword, sybaritic, sybian, sylph, syrup, system, taboo, tacenda, tactile, tagteaming, taint, talented, talker, tall, tallywhacker, taming, tampon, tang, tangled, tanline, tantalizing, tantrum, tape, tart, taste, tasteful, tasteless, tasty, taunt, taut, teabag, teabagging, tearoom, tease, teenager, temperature, tempestuous, temptation, tempting, temptress, tenacious, tender, tension, tent, tentiginous, terrific, testicles, testosteroni, tethered, thick, thong, threaten, threesome, thrill, throat, throb, thrust, tickle, tied, tighten, timeless, times, timing, tingling, tit, titillate, titivation, titter, titties, tittyfuck, toe-sucking, tongue, toilet, tonsils, tool, top, torment, torrid, torture, tossing, touch, touched, towel, toy, toyboyish, toying, traction, tramp, trance, transexual, transgender, transgress, transvestite, trapped, treat, tremble, trendier, trick, tricks, trip, triplets, tripod, trojan, troubles, truffle, trust, tryst, tug, tumble, tumid, tumultuous, tungsten, turbulent, turf, turgid, tush, tussle, twat, tweenie, twink, twinkle, twins, twire, twisted, twitch, twosome, typer, vagina, wang, wank, watersports, wax, weed, wet, whet, whip, whiz, whoopee, whores, width, wiggle, wings, withdraw, withhold, wornout, wrestle, xasck, x-rated, xtube, xxx, yabers, yahtzee, yams, yang, yank, yasmine, yay, yeah, yearning, yeehaw, yelling, yen, yes, yielding, yiff, yikes, ying-yang, yipee, ymca, yobbo, yodel, yoghurt, yoked, y0ung, y0ung-girl, youngster, y0ung'uns, youth, youthful, youtube, yowza, yuck, yummy, yuppie, zipper Quote
12/8/11 @ 7:52pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Derek, would you please refrain from making back to back posts in this game. You are the only one who does it, and it makes more work for me because I have to update the list more often than I otherwise would have to
LickaU, if you have not already done so please check Post #1390 and Post #1392. Personally, I think it would be a good idea if you banned yourself from this game Quote
12/8/11 @ 10:58pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: USA
Posts: 3,146
12/9/11 @ 8:57am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
What does SYNOPSY mean Derek? We have a rule that only dictionary words can be used, and I can't find SYNOPSY in any dictionary
No idea what this means - closest i can find is SynopsyS.
It also has that pesky "y" ending we have been trying to be kind and avoid using.
PSHAW @ pesky Y
Synopsy -- Yoghurt Quote
12/9/11 @ 9:06am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Synopsy -- Yoghurt
Suggs, your post is invalid for 2 reasons :
1. Derek99 has not yet cited a dictionary where SYNOPSY is defined;
2. YOGHURT has already been used - it's in the list
So, pshaw right back at you Quote
12/9/11 @ 9:08am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Suggs, your post cannot be accepted for 2 reasons :
1. Derek99 has not yet cited a dictionary where SYNOPSY is defined;
2. YOGHURT has already been used - it's in the list
Didn't realise it had been used sorry.
Oh and for using the trademarked pshaw I demand payment of 1 Shrubbery!! Quote
12/9/11 @ 9:12am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
SYNOPSY Analytics http://www.synopsy.com/
SynoPsy http://www.synopsy.fr/
What does Synopsy stand for?
Synopsys, Inc. - Associated Press (SAG)
Found in Your Dictionary : http://abbreviations.yourdictionary.com/synopsy
Over 20 possible meanings . Most with internet . It was found in the dictionary above .
Search time @ 10 seconds . Much longer to copy and paste . Quote
12/9/11 @ 9:24am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
A lot of useless information and irrelevant links there LickaU
Derek99 posted SYNOPSY, he has been asked to say what the word means and in what dictionary it is defined