12/9/11 @ 10:10am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Words used so far :
abs, accent, ad, affair, aggression, aim, air, alcohol, alyssium, amusement, anal, analgesia, analingus, analysis, anesthesia, angel, anus, ardent, aroma, arousal, arsehole, artist, asexual, ass, assault, asshole, athlete, autoasphyxiation, autoeroticism, awesome, awful, balls, beat, bind, blindfold, blow, blowjob, bondage, boner, boobs, bound, buff, bulging, caboose, caesarian, caged, candlelit, captured, cbt, chained, cinch, clitoris, cock, cocksucker, collar, condom, control, cook, cop, copulation, cucumber, cuffed, cum, cunnilingus, cunning, dack, daddy, daedalist, daintiness, dalliances, dames, damn, damsel, dances, danger, dangerous, dangled, dapperness, darbies, dared, daredevil, darkened, darling, dashing, date, daughter, dazzling, deal, dear, debangle, debased, debaucherous, debilitated, debutante, decadent, deception, deepthroat, defibrilated, defiled, deflowered, degenerate, degraded, dehydrated, delectable, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delight, delightful, delirious, delirium, demanding, demean, demented, demiurge, demonic, denial, denim, depraved, depth, deranged, desires, despoil, dessert, deviant, devilish, devilment, devilwoman, devour, dew, dexterous, diagnosis, diambista, dick, dicked, dickjuice, dickmonger, dickslap, dicksneeze, dicksucker, dicktickler, dickwad, dildo, dimples, dink, dioecious, dipsomania, directions, dirty, dirtyminded, disability, disastrous, disgraceful, disgusting, disneyland, disneyworld, distend, diva, diver, divine, divorced, docking, doctor, dog, doggystyle, doll, dome, dominant, domination, dominatrix, domineering, domino, dong, donkeyshow, doobies, doodleberries, dope, doubledown, double-entendre, doublefuck, doublegasm, doublesuck, douche, dowager, dp, drained, dreadful, dreamed, dreamland, drenched, dribble, drill, drill-instructor, dripping, drool, droop, drop, drugs, drumstick, drunk, duck, dude, duff, dumbo, dungeon, duo, durong, dying, dyke, dysfunction, eager, ear, earn, easy, eat, ebrious, ebullient, eccentric, ecstasy, ecstatic, ectopic, edged, edging, edible, editor, educate, effervescent, eggplant, eggs, ego, ejaculate, ejaculation, eject, elastic, elate, electric-shock, electrostim, elegant, elemayo, element, elephant, elevated, elongation, email, embarrass, emission, emob, emosexual, emote, emoticon, emotion, enchantment, encounter, endo, endoscope, endowed, endowment, enema, energized, enervate, enfeebled, enforce, engage, engagement, engorge, enhanced, enjoyment, enlarge, enlighten, enmeshed, enormous, enrapture, enslave, ensnare, entangled, entertainment, enthrall, enthusiastic, enticement, entrapment, epic, epicurean, epididymis, epidural, erato, erectile, erection, ernest, erogenous, eros, erotic, erotologist, erotology, eruption, escapades, escapism, escort, especially, estrogen, ethereal, euphoria, euphoric, evil, exaltation, examination, ex-boyfriend, excellent, exceptional, excite, excites, excited, excitement, exclamation, excrete, excruciating, exercise, exertion, ex-girlfriend, exhalation, exhaust, exhaustion, exhilaration, ex-husband, exorcism, exotic, expel, experienced, explosion, exposed, exquisite, extend, extra, extract, extragenital, extramarital, extraordinariness, extravaganza, extravaginal, extreme, extremities, extruded, exuberant, exudes, ex-wife, fantastic, fellatio, fetish, fingerfuck, forced, foreplaying, foursome, french, fuck, fun, gagged, games, gametes, gangbang, ganja, gargle, garters, gas, gash, gather, gay, gaydar, gaylord, geisha, gel, gelding, generous, genes, genital, genitalia, genitals, gerbil, gigantic, giggle, ginch, girf, girl, girly-boy, girth, gizzum, glamorous, glands, glans, gleaming, gleeful, glisten, glorious, gloryhole, glow, gnash, gnaw, goading, gogo-dancer, golf, gonads, gonorrhea, gonzo, gooch, good, goodies, goose, gorgeous, grab, graceful, gradual, grand, graphic, grappled, grasp, grass, gratification, greased, great, grinding, grip, grizzled, groan, groin, grope, group, grower, growing, grundle, grunt, g-spot, g-string, guiches, guitarist, guns, gush, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnopaidiai, gynormous, gyration, handcuffs, handjob, handled, happiness, hard, hardcore, hardon, harlot, hash, hat, head, heart, heartless, heat, hedonism, height, helmet, helpful, hermaphrodites, hetero, hitch, ho, hogtied, hole, homosexual, hooker, hooters, hormones, horniest, horseplaying, horsewhip, hot, hottie, hug, huge, hummer, humping, hung, husband, hymen, hysteromania, immoral, indecent, initiated, insatiable, insertion, intercourse, interesting, into, iris, kabob, kahunas, kanoodling, karezza, keep, keeper, kegger, kegs, kept, kewl, key, kick-ass, kicks, k!dnap, kiki, kindled, kink, kinkier, kinky, kinsey, kiss, kissing, kitchen, knack, knackered, knackers, knead, kneel, knickerless, knickers, knob, knobjockey, knockers, knockwurst, knotted, knuckle, knuckle-shuffle, kohl, koochie, kootch, kundi, kurva, kvass, ky, labia, ladies, laid, lambative, languish, lap, lapdancer, lapse, lark, larrup, lascivious, lash, lassoed, lather, laughter, lay, lead, leader, leash, leather, lecherous, leer, length, lesbian, lewd, libidinous, libido, librarian, licentious, lick, licking, licks, liftoff, light, like, limber, limp, limpdick, lingerie, link, lip, lipstick, lithe, lockerroom, locks, loincloth, loins, lollipop, longfellow, longing, longitudinal, looks, lorelei, lorette, lotion, louche, love, lovejuices, lovemaking, lover, lovesick, lubricant, lubrication, lucky, lulled, lunatic, lunges, lured, lurv, luscious, lush, lust, lustful, luxurious, lydian, macho, macropodine, madam, maiden, males, mammaries, manacled, mangina, manhandled, manipulation, manners, married, masculinity, masked, masochism, master, masturbate, meat, mental, mermaid, messy, metrosexual, milking, milkshake, mindless, mischief, mistress, molest, monster, moobs, mood, mooning, muffled, muscles, muzzled, nads, naiad, nail, naked, nancies, narb, narc, narcissism, narcoma, nards, narrow, nastiest, natiform, nattier, natural, naturism, naturist, naughtiest, naughty, navel, near, nebula, neck, necktie, necrophilia, nectar, needed, needledick, nefarious, neglect, nekkid, nerd, nern, nerves, nervous, nesh, nestled, net, netglow, netherparts, new, newlyweds, newsworthy, nibble, niblets, nice, nicknames, nictate, nifkin, niftiest, night, nightclub, nightgown, nightlong, nightrider, nightstick, nimbler, ninja, niplet, nippin', nipples, nirvana, nonsense, nonsexual, nookie, nooner, norks, notorious, nourish, novelties, now, nubile, nuclear, nude, nudie, nudity, nug, numnum, nungas, nuptial, nurse, nurses, nut, nuthuggers, nuts, nutsack, nutterbutter, nuzzle, nymph, nymphette, nymphomaniac, obsession, ogles, oil, onanism, onanist, oops, oozes, oral, order, organ, orgasm, orgies, o-ring, orlando, out, outside, overhead, ovulation, oxygen, paddled, papi, passion, pecker, pecs, penetration, penis, perineum, pervert, pet, phallus, pick, pie, pimps, playmate, policeman, pootang, poppers, porn, precum, prick, procreation, pubes, pumper, pussy, pussyfart, put, rabbi, rabid, racier, radiant, radicle, ragmatical, rags, rain, raincoat, ram, ramrod, randiest, ranger, rapacious, r@pe, rapid, rapture, rascal, ration, raunch, ravaged, ravenous, ravishing, raw, reach-around, real, rear, rearend, rebellious, reckless, record, recreation, recreational, rectum, red, reefer, regurgitated, rehabilitate, rejoices, relationship, relaxation, relinquish, relish, reload, render, rendezvous, reprimand, reprobate, resist, resplendent, restless, restraints, revels, rhythmic, ribald, rictus, ride, rider, rigid, rigorous, rimjob, rimming, rind, ring, riotous, ripped, risque, rocket, rod, roleplay, roll, rollick, romance, romp, roos, root, roped, rough, rousing, rowdy, rub, rubber, rudeness, rugmuncher, rump, sac, sadism, safeword, salacious, salad, saliva, salsa, saponaceous, sass, sated, satisfaction, satyr, savor, scandalous, scatology, scenario, scent, schlong, schooled, scold, score, screw, scrivello, scrotum, scurrilous, secluded, secret, secured, seduction, seductress, see-through, self-abuse, self-flagellation, self-indulgent, self-suck, semen, semi, sensational, sensations, senses, sensitive, sensual, sensuous, sequester, sequins, serviced, sessile, sex, sexaholic, sexpot, sexting, sexual, sexy, shackles, shaft, shag, shameful, shameless, sheath, shenanigans, shoeshow, shooting, shove, shower-show, shrooms, signals, silken, silliness, sinful, sins, siren, sissies, sisters, skeletons, skin, skullfuck, skylark, slap, slave, slick, sling, slinkier, slipperier, slit, slobber, sloppy-seconds, slow, slurp, slut, slutty, smd, smegma, smoke, smoldering, smooch, smut, snake, snapdragon, snatch, snuggle, soaking, soapy, soccer, sodomy, soft, somersault, sons, sordid, sounding, spanking, speculum, sperm, spermatozoa, sphincter, spirited, spit, spitroast, splits, splooge, spooge, spoon, sports, spread, spreadeagle, sprees, spunk, spurt, squeezes, squirm, squirting, stacked, stalker, stallion, stand, star, std, steambath, steamy, steel, stick, stickier, stiffy, stimulation, stimuli, stings, stink, stirring, stops, storm, straddled, strain, strap-on, strapping, streams, stretch, stripped, striptease, stroking, strong, strumpet, strut, stuck, stud, student, stuffed, stunning, stunt, stuper, subjugated, submission, succumb, sucking, suckled, suction, suffer, sultrier, supersized, superstars, suppleness, surf, surprised, surrender, suspend, swagger, swallow, swallower, sweat, sweet, sweetheart, swimming, swimsuit, swing, sword, sybaritic, sybian, sylph, syrup, system, taboo, tacenda, tactile, tagteaming, taint, talented, talker, tall, tallywhacker, taming, tampon, tang, tangled, tanline, tantalizing, tantrum, tape, tart, taste, tasteful, tasteless, tasty, taunt, taut, teabag, teabagging, tearoom, tease, teenager, temperature, tempestuous, temptation, tempting, temptress, tenacious, tender, tension, tent, tentiginous, terrific, testicles, testosteroni, tethered, thick, thong, threaten, threesome, thrill, throat, throb, thrust, tickle, tied, tighten, timeless, times, timing, tingling, tit, titillate, titivation, titter, titties, tittyfuck, toe-sucking, tongue, toilet, tonsils, tool, top, torment, torrid, torture, tossing, touch, touched, towel, toy, toyboyish, toying, traction, tramp, trance, transexual, transgender, transgress, transvestite, trapped, treat, tremble, trendier, trick, tricks, trip, triplets, tripod, trojan, troubles, truffle, trust, tryst, tug, tumble, tumid, tumultuous, tungsten, turbulent, turf, turgid, tush, tussle, twat, tweenie, twink, twinkle, twins, twire, twisted, twitch, twosome, typer, vagina, wang, wank, watersports, wax, weed, wet, whet, whip, whiz, whoopee, whores, width, wiggle, wings, withdraw, withhold, wornout, wrestle, xasck, x-rated, xtube, xxx, yabers, yahtzee, yams, yang, yank, yasmine, yay, yeah, yearning, yeehaw, yelling, yen, yes, yielding, yiff, yikes, ying-yang, yipee, ymca, yobbo, yodel, yoghurt, yoked, y0ung, y0ung-girl, youngster, y0ung'uns, youth, youthful, youtube, yowza, yuck, yummy, yuppie, zipper Quote
12/9/11 @ 12:02pm
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Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
12/9/11 @ 12:18pm
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Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Oh and for using the trademarked pshaw I demand payment of 1 Shrubbery!!
Suggs, someone who posts a word which has already been used is in no position to make demands Quote
12/9/11 @ 1:59pm
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Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 70,112
O-face - Expression
12/9/11 @ 5:27pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
Derek, what's ugly about asking you to say what SYNOPSY means and to cite what dictionary the word is defined in? Neither you nor LickaU have done this. Of course I googled it as soon as I saw it, but I couldn't find it in any dictionary and I couldn't find a meaning for it anywhere. Neither could Asti, neither could Suggs
12/10/11 @ 1:58pm
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Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
12/10/11 @ 2:42pm
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Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
12/10/11 @ 5:54pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,559
I think Scarlett followed on from the last post on Page 1, not realizing that 72 more pages followed. She probably wonders what happened to her post Quote
12/10/11 @ 6:05pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285