6/20/20 @ 3:05am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: universities of the world
Posts: 342
6/20/20 @ 6:06pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: universities of the world
Posts: 342
Let's try “How has the ranking system changed, and what effect has this had on the models status and the effect of our boosts” Quote
Let's try “How has the ranking system changed, and what effect has this had on the models status and the effect of our boosts”
No worries, sorry for the confusion. Your boosts haven't changed for how much they impact the score, but the score is now a 1,000,000 point system - with boosts a score can go over if the model's score is maxed out. But for your purposes with boosting, you can think about your points as a percentage that can contribute to that point system. Models who are scored are evenly distributed into buckets per percentile - the scoring change didn't impact most model's scores - it does make it easier for a model to move up if they have a good day, and the scores are more evenly distributed than before so less feast or famine ranking. Hope that helps!
6/21/20 @ 3:48pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 569
If I am following this correctly, the main result of the new system is that the scoring range is now TEN times higher.
Yet, if the impact of a boost is the same NUMBER of points as it was before, doesn't that also follow that our boosts no longer have the same impact on their ability to raise a model's power score as it did before? Quote
If I am following this correctly, the main result of the new system is that the scoring range is now TEN times higher.
Yet, if the impact of a boost is the same NUMBER of points as it was before, doesn't that also follow that our boosts no longer have the same impact on their ability to raise a model's power score as it did before?
No, the previous score system wasn't a 100,000 point system - it just had more factors in it and then alot of conditions and lifetime data. Some models had as high of scores before as they do now. It is possible depending on where a model ranked before vs where they rank now that a boost might have changed in its impact based on their personal score, but in general boosts don't hold less or more weight than before.
6/23/20 @ 12:00am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: universities of the world
Posts: 342