rickatolla - if you want more help it would be better to list things like this when asking for technical help. (We can't mind read what you own and use

1- PC/Laptop brand and model number
2- operating system used (eg. windows 7 or 8 etc, if it's 32 bit or 64bit version)
3- web browser you are using to access the site and it's version (eg. firefox, internet explorer, chrome, safari,netscape,opera, etc.)
4- Adobe flash player version you have installed ( http://www.adobe.com/uk/software/flash/about/ ) link will tell you version you have installed.
5- security programs you have installed (eg. Norton security suites or virus checkers or firewall programs).
6- what your internet speed is ( www.speedtest.net ) will tell you the speed of your connection.
7- type of internet connection you use Wifi, cable, or mobile internet.
8- have you been to Asus's website for your laptop and installed or the latest updates and driver updates ?
9- have you made sure to update your operating system to latest patches ?
10- are you using www.flirt4free.com to access the site or some other site ? Try www.flirt4free.com if you are I know some people have problems on other sites for some reasons.
11- Anything else that maybe unique to your setup. Let us know.
Also I know for a fact Norton/symantec's security suites will block the cam2cam features on flirt4free, I keep helping people on chat with that and always seem to find they have Norton/symantec's security suites installed and once they remove them the cam2cam operates fine in private. So if you have Norton/symantec's security suites on your PC remove it (they seem to come with Norton/symantec's security suites these days all laptops or ready built desktops), it's basically junk ware now Norton/symantec's security software and very bloated with rubbish that seems to cause more problems than it's meant to fix or prevent.
Use "Microsoft security essentials" you can get it from windows updates once you remove Norton or here http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security-essentials-download . It's basically a virus checker and will enable the windows firewall too. It works and is 100% free.
http://www.flirt4free.com/help-popups/cam2cam.php test page will always say it works fine and you see yourself but in rooms will fail to connect to models cam2cam feature on the performer application and will show a black screen and no audio if you have a microphone too,