8/3/12 @ 9:57pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
8/4/12 @ 7:49am
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Location: Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Posts: 799
8/7/12 @ 4:43pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VS Media Inc.
Posts: 196
Despite the fact that our method of showing emoticons has been tried and true for over four years, the newest version of the flash player in chrome is formatting text fields differently, causing this issue.
If you are using version of the flash player plugin, you will have this issue.
If anyone here is unaware of how to check this, just right click on one of our chat interfaces and at the bottom of the resulting menu, it says "About Adobe Flash Player *VERSION*" with *VERSION* of course being your flash player's version.
Fortunately, for the time being, there is a temporary work around for this problem, which I'll detail below:
1. Open a new tab in Google Chrome
2. Paste: chrome://plugins/ into the address bar and press ENTER.
3. Locate the plugin in the list named "Flash", it's usually the first one.
4. Locate the "Details" button in the upper right corner of the page and click it.
5. Within the "Flash" plugin area, locate the newest flash player version at the top of the list (Should be and click the "Disable" link.
6. Refresh all chat rooms previously affected by this problem.
If you followed all of these steps, all of your refreshed chat rooms should be displaying emoticons correctly now.
I'll be submitting a bug report to Adobe about this so that hopefully they get this sorted out in later versions of the flash player.
-Doug Quote