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Tim J

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take this oportunnity for u
Oct 21st @ 9:02pm EDT
LGBT stands designating collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 1. In use since the 90s, the term "LGBT" is an extension of the acronym "LGB", which itself had replaced the phrase "gay community" that many gay, bisexual and transgender people who do not feel represented adecuadamente.2 Its modern use is intended to emphasize the diversity of cultures based on sexuality and gender identity, and can be applied to refer to someone who is not straight, instead of applying only to people who define themselves as homosexual, bisexual or transgender. March 2 to account for this inclusion, a popular variant includes the letter Q for queer (eg, "LGBTQ") for those not specifically represented by LGBT, such as pansexual, intersex, etc..The letters have been established as a form of self-identification and have been adopted by most communities and LGBT media in many countries speaking inglesa.4 5 However, they are not liked by everyone he literally covers. 6 On the one hand, some intersex want to be included in the LGBT group and prefer the term "LGBTI" 7 Furthermore, certain individuals in a group may feel they have no relationship with other individuals and groups find offensive encompassed the Persistent comparaciones.8 Some argue that transgender and transsexual causes are not the same as homosexuals and bisexuales.9 This finds expression in the current "gay and lesbian separatism" which holds that lesbians and gay men should form a community distinct and separate from other groups normally incluyen.8 10 other people also frown the term because they believe that the letters are too politically correct, an attempt to categorize different groups of people in a gray area, which implies that the concerns and priorities of the major groups represented are given equal consideration
Oct 19th @ 7:56pm EDT
the stars
Discover the message of the stars for you.nAries: Today you will feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings or people you know well. Express your wishes without taking the rest.nTaurus: You need time for yourself and enjoy the pleasures of solitude. Try to take a bath sauna, purge your body and your mind.nGemini: You will feel much pleasure if you attend cultural events in good company. If you must travel, be careful on the road.nCancer: Do not take yourself so seriously small disagreements with older people. It is not advisable to form a partnership for the moment.nLeo: It's not time to make the changes you thought. It is important that you achieve you organize to meet your obligations.nVirgo: You must bring order if you want your family group progress to the benefit of all. No doubt the love you profess, is sincere.nLibra: Focus on the goals that you meet at work asked. Your originality facilitate the resolution of obstacles that arise.nScorpio: It is time to make decisions that radically change your current condition. Ask for help from those who know you well.nSagittarius: Disagreements with fellow workers will be clarified and calm reign. Tempt to run a crazy adventure. Think about it.nCapricorn: Do not overdo it on the command and let others take more responsibility. The message is that you learn to delegate.nAquarius: Do not be overcome by pessimism to facts not yet occur. Leave a few days and hopes that all will be well.nPisces: If you do not get what you had planned, easily tend to escapism. Focus and try to do it differently. Result.
Oct 18th @ 6:12pm EDT
love u guys
hi guys i just wanna tell i have been here just to give u plenty of fun! i donno if u wanna see me everyday i need ur helpo to do this because if i dont have enought maybe i will be kicked ! solo les queria decir so, por que lo quiero mucho y me gustaria verlos mucho mucho! que rico que todos llegaran y hablaran con migo un rato! y me quisieran tal y como soy, sometimes i feel so great when u come to tell me about ur days! i am happybecause u make me happy, i hope to see u at my room my sincery.y no se que le pasa a esto y no puedo hay veces entender bien lo que dicen ustede because my englkis is no the best, but i make my big efforrt whenu come talking extrao y asi no puedo, i know is something inusual that someone talk english and spanish at the time like a rel man who habla ingles los quiero mucho quiero verlos probto por que los deseo los quiero quiero quieri hope to see uuuu i am super hot ready to play give u a big big cum! :D just for make u happy as me, as u make me happy!! :D :D
Oct 13th @ 8:05pm EDT
No one knows exactly where it comes from the word "vallenato", despite the many hypotheses that have been exposed. However, in the early twentieth century, had a derogatory connotation and the inhabitants of Valledupar disliked. Therefore, in 1915 Don Miguel Vence, primary educator, founded a Language Academy of Valledupar, which once held a meeting and decided that the gentile was born in Valledupar "valduparense" 2Vallenato is usually defined as a genre of the Caribbean Coast, more precisely the area of ​​influence of Valledupar, Cesar department capital. It maintains that the name comes from the popular adjective born in the city where this genre is most established. According to some, it is a neologism born with native mules travelers, who when asked in other lands where they were from, where peasant responded saying "I am born of the Valley", which is like saying "I am born of Valley "3Although the term "vallenato" can refer to those born or things that originate in Valledupar (Valle de Upar, Eupari Valley, legendary Indian chief in the region), there are four other versions of the name: According to Barrameda Moran , the word "whale" came to refer to all the people who were suffering blood contamination produced by Midge, whether native or not Valledupar and says: "The popular tendency to confuse V with B in it, ended up generating the new word: Vallenato "3Similarly, another version says that in rural areas of the Cesar river banks, many extremely poor people suffered from a disease caused by a mosquito that I leave the skin dry and scaly, discolored patches. People associated the disease with newborn whales (whales), also called "pintaos" which are color-stained white and pink, like skin disease called carate or Jovero, so those who are identified as suffering caratejos or calves. So that "vallenato" became a name for poor people disparage the river
Oct 12th @ 7:30pm EDT
fashion! history
The pace of change picked up in the 1780s with the increased publication of French engravings that showed the latest Paris styles; though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France as patterns since the 16th century, and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion from the 1620s. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were): local variation became first a sign of provincial culture, and then a badge of the conservative peasant.[14]Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations before, and the textile industry certainly led many trends, the history of fashion design is normally taken to date from 1858, when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first true haute couture house in Paris. The Haute house was the name established by government for the fashion houses that met the standards of industry. They have to adhere to standards such as: keeping at least 20 employees engaged in making the clothes, showing two collections per year at fashion shows, and presenting a certain number of patterns to costumers.[15] Since then the professional designer has become a progressively more dominant figure, despite the origins of many fashions in street fashion. For women the flapper styles of the 1920s marked the most major alteration in styles for several centuries, with a drastic shortening of skirt lengths, and much looser-fitting clothes; with occasional revivals of long skirts, variations of the shorter length have remained dominant ever since. Flappers also wore cloches, which were snug fitting and covered the forehead. Her shoes had a heel and some sort of buckle. The most important part was the jewelry, such as: earrings and necklaces that had diamonds or gems. The flapper gave a particular image as being seductive due to her short length dress, which was form fitting, and the large amounts of rich jewelery around her neck.The four major current fashion capitals are acknowledged to be Paris, Milan, New York City, and London, which are all headquarters to the greatest fashion companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion. Fashion weeks are held in these cities, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. A succession of major designers such as Coco Chanel and Yves Saint-Laurent have kept Paris as the centre most watched by the rest of the world, although haute couture is now subsidised by the sale of ready to wear collections and perfume using the same branding.Modern Westerners have a wide number of choices available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person's personality or interests. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes, a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.
Oct 5th @ 10:15pm EDT
Este sbado, famosas y sobrevivientes pondrn a rodar el baln para generar conciencia.Dayana Molina tiene 27 aos. Es mercadloga y publicista. Estaba planeando su especializacin y se esforzaba en su trabajo para poder conseguir un ascenso. Pero la vida le cambi hace unos meses cuando le diagnosticaron, luego de una serie de exmenes, cncer de seno.La prxima semana se someter a una mastectomia radical, pero antes tiene una cita este sbado para jugar en el VI Partido por la Vida, un encuentro deportivo organizado por la Liga Colombiana contra el Cncer, en el que mujeres famosas y sobrevivientes, se renen para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de prevenir esta enfermedad.No es para menos. En Colombia este tipo de cncer ha aumentado su incidencia en un 34 por ciento desde el 2007. De acuerdo con estadsticas de la Liga, cada ao se detectan 6.655 nuevos casos y mueren por esta causa 2.120 mujeres. La clave est en detectarlos tempranamente, pues si se descubre a tiempo es curable en buena parte de los casos, gracias a los avances de la medicina. Infortunadamente, en el pas el 75 por ciento se detecta en estados avanzados.En Amrica Latina el panorama tambin es desalentador. El 60 por ciento de las mujeres diagnosticadas fallecen, lo que convierte al cncer de mama en la primera causa de muerte en la regin."Las mujeres llegan en etapas muy avanzadas de la enfermedad, lo que dificulta el tratamiento y disminuye la expectativa de vida. Los casos van a seguir presentndose, pero la idea es detectarlos a tiempo para que la mortalidad no aumente a la par con la incidencia", sostiene Jaime Duarte, asesor mdico de la Liga Colombiana contra el Cncer.En el Partido por la Vida, que se jugar en el Colegio San Bartolom de la Merced a las 9 a.m., participarn personajes de la farndula colombiana como Cristina Hurtado, la Negra Candela, Kimberly Reyes y Alejandra Borrero. Este ao, adems, hay una novedad: los hombres tambin jugarn. Ricardo Orrego y Luis Fernando Salas patearn el baln."Este va a ser mi primer partido. Voy a seguir jugando todos los aos y acompaando a las mujeres. Espero que se concienticen sobre la importancia de hacerse el autoexamen y la mamografa, tanto las jvenes como las seoras, porque uno a mi edad piensa que nada le va a pasar, que es inmortal, pero el cncer de seno es una realidad", dice Dayana
Sep 22nd @ 12:23pm EDT
an amazing morning
today have bee a great day with my freind! he is awesome, he comes to give me great massage and great emtoion!! i think i acieve all his dreams, but more than so, he acive all my fantasies! is amazing come here and find people like u guys, so amazing with so many stories to tell and share with me! i hope u can enjoy more often with me! :D i am great now u have come to my life! when i start my day i see all my message to answer it! it is great come and enjoy with u! is great start my day with a new message from u! and u can remember u can whenever and i will be ere! i know i am so busy but the few day i am here, i come to enjoy and have real fun!! u know all the things i do is for u!...hjey come for my new hot show..could be possible! just come and enjoy with my great ass, my front part! jaajaj u know what i mean! :D a big and lovely kiss for u guys! i hope to see u here!
Sep 18th @ 7:05pm EDT
i really enjoy!
muchachos, hace mucho time i dont write to u long long time because i havent had enought time to come here and give u all of me, but in those days i wil bbe here to send u wat i have, giuve u plenty of cum and if u want something else come to my room adn ask it! pliz dont let me alone, because i will u give u all that i have! i have been so busy but now i have some free time! so i think i will be online thiw week at leat one or two hour! pliz dont dispaoint me! i will trust u!muchachos, HACE Mucho tiempo i no escribir , mucho tiempo porque no he tenido suficiente tiempo para venir aqu y dar u todo de m, pero en aquellos das que duraran bbe aqu para enviar u wat tengo, giuve un montn de esperma u y si quieres algo ms llegar a mi habitacin adn lo pido! pliz no me deje solo, porque yo u will give u todo lo que tengo! He estado tan ocupado, pero ahora tengo algo de tiempo libre! as que creo que ser la semana thiw lnea en leat una o dos horas! pliz dont dispaoint m! Voy a confiar en u!
Sep 9th @ 3:44pm EDT
about harvard
Trabajando rápidamente con un cuchillo, Harvey tonsuró el cuero cabelludo, cortando de un oído al otro por la parte de atrás de la cabeza, y después hacia la coronilla del cráneo. La piel se desprendió del hueso con un sonido similar al de la cinta de enmascarar al ser arrancada de una superficie. El patólogo movió luego la piel de la cara hasta revelar por completo el cráneo blanco vainilla, y con una sierra cortó la cabeza de Einstein. Partió el cráneo como un coco, removió un poco de hueso, peló las meninges viscosas y cortó las venas conectivas, los nervios y la médula espinal. Y entonces, finalmente, tuvo delante la enorme perla desigual. Harvey metió los dedos temblorosos dentro del cáliz del cráneo y sacó el cerebro reluciente".nAsí describe el periodista Michael Paterniti, en su libro Driving Mr. Albert, el comienzo del extraño viaje que tomó el cerebro más famoso del planeta, durante el cual anduvo días flotando en trozos dentro de un recipiente plástico en el maletero de un automóvil. Tras haber cruzado los Estados Unidos de costa a costa, la materia gris que cambió al mundo llegó hasta la Universidad de Princeton, y luego al Museo Mutter, en Filadelfia, donde reposa hoy.nFiladelfia posee a Einstein, pero el banco de cerebros de Harvard, o Harvard Brain and Tissue Resource Center, tiene a su disposición más de 3.000 sesos de gente común y corriente que están resultando cruciales en el estudio del órgano más misterioso del cuerpo humano.
Sep 2nd @ 3:16am EDT
anywhere you can have sex only matters is the company that you have with the person you want to be thousands .... million citiso not where I would like to be doing this there are places that you never imagine for example the typical in the bathroom of an airplane did not draw much attention is a very narrow but could be fun for adrenaline and shock that can ocacionbar who can see the other people ncan be very exciting whether it would be something else incredible mm .. let me think it would be a good zotea a building height of the highest in the world will not end I love sex sex in the highest taking all risks mm hm lolnincredible else something serious in a forest outside the city where only fresh air and do not hear the noise of the city could be a magical place in the forest floor in a mackerel or would be amazing please do it in the house built in a tree uff where you only hear the natural soundnnature combined with the cries and moans that a large horgasmo dond that resounds throughout the forestnhopefully I can fulfill that dream would be a whole weekendnnnnnnnnnnnn
Sep 1st @ 8:32pm EDT
i am so sorry
I've been out a long time and it really has me worried, I have lost great promotions and much more important and the life of a model flirt, the truth is that driving a estdio's not easy to deal with many, do many things to see and always present in what you do, I will ocnectarme from home more often, little time for the truth I have little free time ... I hope you understand me ... I want to see with me very soon and I love you very much hope to come and talk about what we like and everything that makes us feel super good! I send a big kiss!he estado por fuera mucho tiempo y realmente eso me tiene muy preocupado, me he perdidos grandes promociones y muchas cosas mas importantes e la vida de un modelo de flirt, la verdad es que manejar un estdio no es fcil hay que lidiar con muchas, hacer muchas cosas a la ves y estar siempre presente en lo que se hace, voy a ocnectarme mas seguido desde mi casa, poco tiempo por que la verdad no tengo mucho tiempo libre...espero que me comprendan...los quiero ver con migo muy pronto y los amo mucho espero que vengan y hablemos de todo lo que nos gusta y de todo lo que nos hace sentir sper bien! les mando un beso gigante!!
Aug 13th @ 9:37am EDT
With u
Today have been an amazing day, i have enjoyed in all the thigs i have done. No worry if u dont see me frequently, it is brcause i have to handle a big studio, i know u will be with me soon and everything gonna be al rigght...come on guys to enjoy with a hotty guys, i am so youn full of energy to be with u, i wont regreat about me becase everything that i give u is tre, i dont like to make fale show, or fake icum like a lot of people here, li just wanna give u the real of me? So just come and give me all of u, i cant wait to see u here with me enjoying all ur time till aill sleep, i know u would love my body with u, i know u will love kiis r screen and imagine i am with u? i will try to be obline at 8 or9 at nugt so we can play ad have brouch of fun, lno many people tell u the thigs for here, it is because u should rea all my blogs to know what i will do when i will be online...see u guys and i hope u take care of this guys...kisses ad big biggreat hugs
Aug 9th @ 9:38am EDT
Olimpic gamea
I cant wir to be online, all the days od my life y try ro book a room in my studio to statt my show, i can understand i am not the beat but i will try and i dont wanna be the beat, i just want to pleasy my guys ans tive hem what they want. Is not easy for anyone come here and wait hours and houra to some one talk to u is that the reaso which i love my guys. Because they took lit part of their time to come here and help me wih this, they can give me so much love and i can fie then things tha anyone can do for it. Boys yeaterday i was thinking in what to do for u guys, i am Participating in the flirt games and i wanna earn this prize, i wanna be the beat in somethin and stay with a gold medal or maybe a silver, this will be amazzin i can see many people partipati g in this gamea i hope evey body have great luck, if u want i wanna be the beat in ass or fetish or whatever, i just will be hee for u guys have fun and enjoy with u so much, a big kiss guys . Hey Another thing i will be here for short time no very continues but i will do my beat job i will play ao fucking bad for u guys , ao come And rate my blogs help me with the vods show me what u wanna do with me
Aug 7th @ 6:03pm EDT
here with u
I connect a while but today is my day, I came with everything ready to give it all to you, and I just want to come with me much encouragement and give away a fantastic cum right in my face, I want to play with all that is called body.... I've been busy taking care of both boy 's time to keep this up and make them happy all of you, I hope you understand me and understand that I do not get much but sometimes I go is for a lot of fun with you without fear, without pity we do what we likehace rato no me conecto pero hoy es mi dia, vine con todo listo para darselo todo a ustedes, solo quiero y espero que vengan con mucho animo y me regalen un cum bien fantastico en toda mi cara, quiero jugar con todo lo que se llama cuerpo....he estado muy ocupado cuidando tanto chico es hora de seguir con esto y hacerlos felices a todos ustedes, espero que me entiendan y comprendan que no entro mucho pero las veces que entro es para divertirme mucho con ustedes sin miedo, sin pena vamos a hacer lo que nos gusta
Jul 30th @ 7:35pm EDT
The eyes are the door that goes to the soul, when I do cam to cam c2c, I look especially to the eyes that often show most hidden truths of people. I know his nature, his personality with the color of your eyes. Many things appear different than they really are, but if you see my eyes you'll notice that I am an honest person and not lie, tell lies, nor am I wrong in what I do, what I say I'm sorry, really sorry . I send a big hug and a kiss. Hope to see you soon in my room and so we see each other in the eye. Los ojos son la puerta que va hacia el alma, cuando yo hago cam to cam, c2c, me fijo especialmente en los ojos que muestran muchas veces las verdades mas ocultas de las personas. Yo conozco su forma de ser, su personalidad con el color de sus ojos. Muchos aparentan cosas diferentes a lo que realmente son, pero si ves a mis ojos te daras cuenta que soy una persona sincera y no miento, no digo mentiras, ni tampoco soy falso en lo que hago, lo que digo que siento, realmente lo siento. Les mando un beso y un abrazo gigante. Espero verlos pronto en mi cuarto y asi podamos vernos a los ojos.
Jul 26th @ 1:13pm EDT
in case of fire use ur ass
in case of fire u can come to my room and please all ur fantacies, i will be here for long long time just for u!! look so many people come to enjoy with sex i am here to enjoy making friends, making great time and special fellas...i donno if u can come and enjoy how i love, i am no looking just for pvt i can be here for more than it!!thanks for understand what i am doing here.... i love sado adn domination i also like be so good person and enjoy wih my new fellasen caso de incendio u puede venir a mi habitacin y por favor todos los fantacies ur, voy a estar aqu por mucho, mucho tiempo just for u ! mira que tantas personas vienen a disfrutar con el sexo estoy aqu para disfrutar de hacer amigos, lo que hace muy bien y chicos especiales...i donno si puedes venir y disfrutar de cmo me gusta, no estoy buscando slo para pvt puedo estar aqu ms de lo que !gracias por entender lo que estoy haciendo aqu.... me gusta el sado dominacin ADN tambin me gusta ser una persona tan buena y disfrutar de mis muchachos nuevos
Jul 25th @ 12:03pm EDT
my drama's life
I open the door, what I can say? It was a sweet evening with myself. Do not bring underwear under my nightgown. But I do not care.Let's see what happens! - Neither said anything, yet. Louis comes through my door, sit on my couch. Where was I had been sitting a while to plan, was flying in my mind, thinking of him. I feel a little nervous, my hands start to sweat, I hate when this happens, those sweet moments when someone like him come to invade my mind, my space and ... posibliemente my body. But I like, I like to feel this sweet adrenaline running through my body. How many things in life for him? What is going through your mind? Now I immerse myself in his eyes, and here comes the first sentence: "I just wanted to see you" I feel a sudden urge to launch into his mouth and throw me a passionate kiss. Without another word, I begin to run my fingers through his head, a blow rarranco his shirt, then my mouth starts to descend gently down his chest, des-adjust his boots, and kiss his feet, while the dips his finger in my vagina and discovers that it is wet. expand your taste, and adrenaline through my body. Then he speaks again, and interrupts my thoughts ... Saying a simple common question: "How was your day?". Then I discover that, for a moment, my mind was ahead of the facts.
Jul 21st @ 1:15am EDT
some one with health
Timothy Ray Brown, was considered free of HIV and leukemia after undergoing a transplant of stem cells involved here at the XIX International AIDS Conference WASHINGTON, USA (20/JUL/2012.) - Timothy Ray Brown, the only person in the world cured of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), will participate here at the XIX International AIDS Conference to be held from 22 to 27 July . Known as the "Berlin patient", Brown was considered free of HIV and leukemia after undergoing a transplant of bone marrow stem cells from a donor naturally resistant to the virus in 2007. Brown, an active supporter of research in HIV, July 24 will participate in an event sponsored by the Global AIDS Institute for announcing a new effort to combat the disease. "Do not make this statement as an empty boast, to be honest, I really believed it until I saw the case about me published in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2009, almost two years after I was cured," wrote Brown on its website. Born in Seattle, Washington, Brown was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1995 while studying in Berlin, Germany, to develop leukemia. The Dr. Gero Huetter underwent a transplant from a donor naturally resistant to HIV to attack both diseases at once. According to Brown himself a second transplant for the treatment of relapsed leukemia, not HIV, left him "neurological problems" that require medical attention.
Jul 18th @ 1:25pm EDT
if I win the lottery the first thing I would do is help all around my people, my mother bought a house and car he likes so much, would go on to travel around the world, the first country you would travel would be to France, my dream would be to know the ifel tower, then would travel to Italy to know Rome and the Vatican see the park of San Pedro where you live the holy father, buy a yacht that can take my family on vacation and would make a foundation for people living with HIV and gather as many people as possible, have a roof where a meal and a different treatment they can find on the street. donate U.S. $ 10,000 for GUYS who were abandoned by their families so they can have a family that loves them, and care and can spend Christmas with joy. would go to every game of my favorite soccer team, and bring all my friends to share an evening of great excitement and sport, would travel to the U.S. to Disney World to ride all the attractions, would create a company that engage in extreme games and fun such as cars, climbing wall, paragliding.
Jul 17th @ 9:08pm EDT
my moment
hello guys, i haacven come so continuely bur i really enjoy come here and talk a lit bit with u...i hope u can co0n i wish u can enjoy with my body and my show! i have been for just two week and my schedule is no te ready!! i am the boss and will be ur secretary love role plays, i love good games! i love u can come and come in my face! i know u can get it! jajajani am trying tn improve when i am here and i know everything will be so amazing with u in my room playing with my balls and my cocks! ni willl cook ur cock in my mouth i will suck and lick uyr ass, i will enjoy in the shower, with heel or big shoes! i know u wanna come, i know u wanna enjoy and have fun with ur maters or ur slave!!nthank u guys for read this lecturte! i love u big kisses, big hugs... y cum is waiting for u guys, my cum is inside me and wanna go and run! i will rin naked i will play with my balls! kisses and kisses and big hugs! just come and get fun! with me! and my balls
Jul 10th @ 7:58am EDT
so close
I was so close to you that I held back, then shout. heyy I love you, your eye and you realize that I had already gone to the house in a taxi. You just call and your phone does not get answered, I was desperate and was about to sleep when the doorbell rang my house. I got up and went to open, then I saw it was you, I opened the door, I had your underwear and all I said was, "undress" I accept, and since that night I can not remember your big sleep penis in my ass, that was the most exciting thing I ever have felt. I love them and I send a kiss.Yo estaba tan cerca de ti que no me contuve, entonces grite. heyy te amo, tu volteaste y no te diste cuenta que yo ya me habia ido para la casa en un taxi. Te llame apenas llegue y tu celular no respondio, estaba desesperado y estaba a punto de dormir, cuando sono el timbre de mi casa. Me levante y fui a abrir, en ese momento vi que eras tu, abri la puerta, yo tenia ropa interior y tu lo unico que me dijiste fue, "desvistete" yo acepte, y desde esa noche no puedo dejar de dormir recordando tu gran pene dentro de mi culo, eso fue lo mas emocionante que haya sentido yo alguna vez. los quiero mucho y les mando un beso.
Jul 8th @ 10:34am EDT
sex in anywhere
anywhere you can have sex only matters is the company that you have with the person you want to be thousands .... million citiso not where I would like to be doing this there are places that you never imagine for example the typical in the bathroom of an airplane did not draw much attention is a very narrow but could be fun for adrenaline and shock that can ocacionbar who can see the other people ncan be very exciting whether it would be something else incredible mm .. let me think it would be a good zotea a building height of the highest in the world will not end I love sex sex in the highest taking all risks mm hm lolnincredible else something serious in a forest outside the city where only fresh air and do not hear the noise of the city could be a magical place in the forest floor in a mackerel or would be amazing please do it in the house built in a tree uff where you only hear the natural soundnnature combined with the cries and moans that a large horgasmo dond that resounds throughout the forestnhopefully I can fulfill that dream would be a whole weekendnnnnnnnnnnnn
Jul 6th @ 11:16pm EDT
my teacher and me!
hello friends I had a dream night I dreamed I was hot with my math teacher having sex in the classroom all started when all my companions left the class I just take my teacher he started talking to me until I felt very close to kissed my neck felt a little scared but my cock began to put after that i told him that stop that craxy think but he said me, if i stoop you will reprove math so a told him, ok come and start to touch me now, he told me ok and never stop...he started to kiss my cheest and go down i was scared, tha some one hit the door so he stoop , it was the director of the uni, he said what are u doing...finally he said i want to do what u r i couldnt stop i was so horny and after minutes we did a train and a lot of possition and i relly wont forget that day!! now my teacher is my good friend and always when i want something i call him and repeat it! oki guys, please dream with me and njoy this amazing day! kisses a lot and good day! a BIG HUG AND SUCK DICK FOR U 1
Jul 6th @ 11:02am EDT
second day
My sec on day has been good, i have learned a lot like is not easy start from the scratch, i have worked in this business for more than one year because i have my own studio and i though it would be easy but it isn't! why, i donna maybe i feel nervous or sometimes i don't feel what i should feel but i like it! sometime u feel the press ion above ur head it can make u progress, but i am trying to improve my skill and do the best for today, i can stop to think what happened yesterday but is ok today, i can do it today.ok sorry for the guys whose wanted to see me yesterday i can do it today! come on guys and enjoy of my shows! :D Mi segundo da ha sido bueno, he aprendido mucho al igual que no es fcil empezar desde cero, he trabajado en este negocio por ms de un ao, porque tengo mi propio estudio y pens que iba a ser fcil, pero es ISN t! Por eso, i Donna Tal vez se siente nervioso o, a veces no me siento lo que debera sentir, pero me gusta!en algn momento que tu sientes el ion de prensa sobre la cabeza de UR se pueda hacer progresos u, pero estoy tratando de mejorar mi habilidad y hacer lo mejor para hoy, puedo dejar de pensar lo que pas ayer, pero hoy en da est bien, puedo hacerlo hoy.ok lo siento por los chicos cuyos quera verme ayer que puedo hacer hoy! vamos chicos y disfrutar de mis programas! : D
Jul 5th @ 11:49pm EDT
new here (:D) i will be the best
Hello guys, i wanna tell u today that i am new and at this time i will do the best job beeing my first time, i hope u can come to my room and enjoy a crazy personality, u would love my movements and how i dance with my stomach, jaja i am so fun and i enjoy being plesurable. i am the big boss and ur secretary, i can be ur slave and ur boss because i love role play and u will love how i dream with u! blees guys and big kiss for u ! :d+Hola chicos, quiero decir u hoy que soy nuevo y en este momento voy a hacer el mejor trabajo en muy buen estado mi primera vez, espero q les puede venir a mi habitacin y disfrutar de una personalidad loca, u gustara que mis movimientos y cmo bailo con mi estmago, jaja soy muy divertido y me gusta estar plesurable. Yo soy el gran jefe y el secretario ur, i puede ser la esclava de ur ur y el jefe, porque me encanta el juego de roles y u amar como yo soar con u! Blees chicos y un beso grande para u! : d
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