Have to say in general the site is pretty much free of harassing viewers, but had first hand experience of one very nice performer on the site who had to deal with one.
It seems that the performer may in fact know this person in real life, and was doing his best to tell the guy in the most calm way to merely leave the room. This is not a gay issue per say as the performer states he is not gay but I believe BI. The performer has an awesome group in the room enjoying their time with him, but it just takes this one guy to disrupt things. The banning option does not work as the guy manages to return if only as a grey viewer. Blocking the grey viewers is an option, but I have a feeling that while we cannot see what greys say the performer might, plus the fact that the performer knows he is still in the room can cause a distraction.
I really feel for this guy, and was of the opinion that if someone in admin could actually come into the chat room as a viewer and try to address this problem they would see what is going on.
If anyone has any ideas I hope you post something. No performer on this site should have to deal with this type of situation. No sure if this is the place to posted this, but heck at least it is worth a try.
Sorry for all the babble, but think the site is more about having a good time rather than a lot of dang drama.
Thanks for taking the time to read what I have posted.
I think the problem lies is in management that gives the model its tools, I personally feel secure in my room and f4f gives us tools to calm such cases of abuse of a member to a model.
we know that models have several options to treat each customer abuse, and if you do not remember is the'll describe below one by one.
1-silence or dumb: the model can be stopped with your mouse in the nickname of the customer and give this option to serving, so that the client can not copy him the model while trying badly, thus have no more abuse by aggressive member so to call it somehow.
2- blocked: also called expulsion of the customer for a specified time of 24 hours, but all models know that that option is not very convenient for us because if we block or expel any member of our room, the page we automatically will reduce the points Pulse model has been obtained online at that time.
3 is the option of getting the member of our room: it is also ltil, since most clients to be put out of our rooms do not return, as well as are the members who return to follow mistreating vervalmente for having expelled from our room chat.
4.alerta: this is a button exclusive use only when a customer is exceeding its limit of rudeness towards a model, sometimes happens immediately there comes a product manager and talk to the customer and we solved the problem.
5-There is also the option to permanently block nikname customer or also block site inhabited this client, although the latter option is not recommended because obviously in the area where you can hubicarse the client also open more members you quizax enter your room and to block that area you will never see.